Alasan PAS menolak pelawaan Pakatan Harapan untuk bekerjasama dalam menangani skandal mega 1MDB menjadi isyarat bahawa PAS sudah tenggelam dalam skrip UMNO.
Ahli Parlimen Kuala Nerus, Khairuddin Aman Razali dilaporkan berkata PAS tidak sama sekali akan “terikut-ikut” dan “terpengaruh” dengan pihak luar, merujuk Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika Syarikat (DOJ).
“Pakatan Harapan hari ini musuh kepada PAS dan mereka juga menuduh PAS kononnya mendapat duit daripada Umno dan sebagainya,” ujarnya dilaporkan media.
Sebagai reaksi kepada kenyataan terbabit, Setiausaha Eksekutif Sosialis Muda DAP (DAPSY) Muhammad Shakir Ameer mempersoalkan sama ada PAS tidak langsung peduli tentang penyelewengan yang berlaku.
“Sebagai seorang Ahli Parlimen, Khairuddin harus sedar betapa serius isu ini atau saja buat tidak tahu?
“Saya pelik dan geli dengan gelagat PAS baru baru ini. Dan tertanya-tanya saya adakah PAS ingin kembali dengan Barisan Nasional seperti dibawah Ust Asri Muda sesuatu masa dahulu,” ujarnya dalam satu kenyataan.
Menurut Shakir lagi, sikap PAS yang seolah-olah dilihat sebagai kuda tunggangan UMNO menimbulkan tanda tanya bahawa adakah parti tersebut lebih rela menjadi ‘macai’ kepada ‘Malaysian Official 1’ daripada melawan salah guna dana awam.
DOJ baru-baru ini mendedahkan butiran lanjut mengenai skandal pengubahan wang haram melibatkan dana terkait 1MDB yang digunakan untuk membeli hak cipta filem, serta barang kemas untuk seorang model, dan juga isteri kepada karakter ‘Malaysian Official 1’ yang disahkan oleh Pengarah Komunikasi Strategik Barisan Nasional, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan sebagai Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
PAS mengambil pendirian aneh dengan menyifatkan tindakan undang-undang DOJ terbabit sebagai campur tangan asing, meski kesalahan melibatkan dana 1MDB itu dilakukan di luar negara.
“Sebagai parti politik yang sudah lama dalam kancah politik, PAS hendaklah membuat keputusan untuk bersama mereka yang korup atau mereka yang melawan korupsi,” tegas Shakir. –
Ahli Parlimen Kuala Nerus, Khairuddin Aman Razali dilaporkan berkata PAS tidak sama sekali akan “terikut-ikut” dan “terpengaruh” dengan pihak luar, merujuk Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika Syarikat (DOJ).
“Pakatan Harapan hari ini musuh kepada PAS dan mereka juga menuduh PAS kononnya mendapat duit daripada Umno dan sebagainya,” ujarnya dilaporkan media.
Sebagai reaksi kepada kenyataan terbabit, Setiausaha Eksekutif Sosialis Muda DAP (DAPSY) Muhammad Shakir Ameer mempersoalkan sama ada PAS tidak langsung peduli tentang penyelewengan yang berlaku.
“Sebagai seorang Ahli Parlimen, Khairuddin harus sedar betapa serius isu ini atau saja buat tidak tahu?
“Saya pelik dan geli dengan gelagat PAS baru baru ini. Dan tertanya-tanya saya adakah PAS ingin kembali dengan Barisan Nasional seperti dibawah Ust Asri Muda sesuatu masa dahulu,” ujarnya dalam satu kenyataan.
Menurut Shakir lagi, sikap PAS yang seolah-olah dilihat sebagai kuda tunggangan UMNO menimbulkan tanda tanya bahawa adakah parti tersebut lebih rela menjadi ‘macai’ kepada ‘Malaysian Official 1’ daripada melawan salah guna dana awam.
DOJ baru-baru ini mendedahkan butiran lanjut mengenai skandal pengubahan wang haram melibatkan dana terkait 1MDB yang digunakan untuk membeli hak cipta filem, serta barang kemas untuk seorang model, dan juga isteri kepada karakter ‘Malaysian Official 1’ yang disahkan oleh Pengarah Komunikasi Strategik Barisan Nasional, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan sebagai Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
PAS mengambil pendirian aneh dengan menyifatkan tindakan undang-undang DOJ terbabit sebagai campur tangan asing, meski kesalahan melibatkan dana 1MDB itu dilakukan di luar negara.
“Sebagai parti politik yang sudah lama dalam kancah politik, PAS hendaklah membuat keputusan untuk bersama mereka yang korup atau mereka yang melawan korupsi,” tegas Shakir. –
Proton vs 1MDB...
Idea siapa berniaga dengan berhutang dan akhirnya menjual negara ?
1.Ogos 1983 mula pembinaan kilang kereta Proton di Shah Alam pinjam wang Kerajaan sebanyak Rm 480 juta.
2.Julai 1985 kereta pertama Proton Saga keluar dari kilang.
3. Disember 1996 Proton berjaya mengeluarkan sejumlah 1 juta kereta.
1993 : Rm 2,286,500,000
1994 : Rm 3,087,000,000
1995 : Rm 3,708,400,000
1996. : Rm 5,166,700,000
5.Untung sebelum cukai
1993 : Rm 311,200,000
1994 : Rm 282,000,000
1995 : Rm 307,900,000
1996 : Rm 454,600,000
1997 : Proton umum untung sebelum cukai telah melepasi RM 1 Bilion pada tahun kewangan berakhir 31.3.1997.
6. Cukai yang telah dikutip oleh Kerajaan dari Proton dalam tempoh 10 tahun ialah sebanyak Rm 18 Bilion.
7. Model kereta Proton yang telah dipasarkan ialah Proton Saga, Waja, Iswara, Satria, Gen 2, Arena, Juara, Perdana, Exora, Inspira, Preve, Suprima dan Iriz.
8. Memberi perkerjaan kepada 30 ribu orang dan majoritinya ialah anak Melayu Islam.
1. 2009 bermula dengan nama Trengganu Investment Authority@TIA dan seterusnya ditukar nama ke 1Malaysian Development Berhad @1MDB
2. Modal Rm 1 juta
3. Pinjam melalui terbitan bon sebanyak Rm 42 Bilion
4. Beli asset stesen janakuasa letrik@IPP dari Syarikat Genting dan Tanjong berjumlah Rm 18 Bilion
5. Beli tanah TRX,Kem Tudm Sg Besi dan Air Hitam, Penang Rm 1.7 Bilion.
6. Pelaburan diluar negara, UAE, ARAB SAUDI, CAYMAN ISLAND DAN BRITISH VIRGIN Rm 15.4 Bilion
7. Perbelanjaan Kewangan @Finance Charges Rm 5.5 Bilion
8. Kerugian pertukaran mata wang asing ( forex losses ) Rm 1 Bilion.
9. Jumlah rugi besar yang dilapor pada tahun kewangan berakhir 2013/2014 ialah Rm 665 juta.
10. Laporan kewangan tahun 2015 dan 2016 belum boleh dikeluarkan lagi.
11.Terkini hutang telah meningkat ke Rm 50 bilion.
12. Janakuasa Letrik @IPP telah dijual kepada syarikat negara Cina dengan harga Rm 9.5 Bilion.
13. Tanah Kem TUDM Sg Besi pun telah dijual kepada syarikat negara Cina Laknatullah.
Siapa sebenarnya penipu, penyangak dan penyamun ? - Anonymous
Miranda Kerr's earnings repossessed.
Malulah Malaysia...
The leading story in the Times Newspaper today has offered the Malaysian Prime Minister, 1MDB and their admittedly limited group of enthusiastic supporters the perfect opportunity to prove their various denials by putting them to the test in court.
The paper leads with the headline “Supermodel surrenders £6million jewels’ and then introduces the UK public across a full page story to the essentials of the 1MDB theft.
“Gifts are suspected to have been bought with stolen Malaysian funds”, the paper begins detailing the gifts also to Leo DiCaprio, the Picassos and Jho Low’s super yacht. This is all, of course, old news to Malaysian readers of online news, however Malaysians are also aware that the Prime Minister, the fund and his government are all denying any of this is true.
They have accused the United States Department of Justice of being in a ‘political conspiracy’ against Najib and have accused journalists like Sarawak Report of being agitators, spies, collaborators and all the rest.
They even dismiss the detailed 251 page court document showing the exact money trails by which the 1MDB money was stolen by Jho Low, then went into gifts and bank accounts belonging to Najib, his wife and their celebrity contacts, as ‘showing no proof’.
So far it has been Najib and his supporters who have been remarkably unable to produce any evidence to back their far-fetched excuses, compared to the overwhelming and devastating documentation by US and other foreign investigators.
In fact, the replacement AG’s refusal to cooperate, his refusal to investigate and now his pretense that no one has asked him to do either has been a stunning tacit admission of guilt on the part of his de facto boss, Najib.
Today the PM propaganda unit Jasa even blathered that Miranda Kerr should have handed the jewels back to Jho Low on the basis they had not been bought with stolen money…. without providing a shred of evidence, once more, for such a wild claim.
At the end of next month Najib has to find over $600 million to pay IPIC as a first installment of what Malaysia has been forced by court action to admit 1MDB owes.
Laughably he pretends he is going to get this from money he pretends still exists in 1MDB’s own bank accounts, even though the combined investigations and court actions of the US and Singapore have demonstrated there isn’t a penny there.
Bankers are serving jail sentences in Singapore having admitted that fact and their own complicity in the thefts.
Malaysians will be treated to a ridiculous farce as Najib will have to raise the money from the Treasury, or taxes or borrowing (or stealing behind the scenes from other public companies and sell offs) and then lie that it is coming from 1MDB.
Unless, of course, he bites the bullet and takes The Times to court for joining the conspiracy of lies. In fact, there are numerous papers he could sue, since they have all covered the case – he can take his pick.
He didn’t do very well in the arbitration process, however, which he plainly lost completely. He would lose in the London Court as well, given he plainly has no evidence to back up nonsense.
So Najib will keep his head down and hope Malaysians will continue to put up with their Thieving Clown Prime Minister. -anonymous,ostb
Few Malays visit non-Malay open houses
for non-Muslim festivals?...
for non-Muslim festivals?...
To this day, I still continue what I did as a child, which is to visit friends’ open houses for non-Muslim festivals. Christmas lunches. New Year parties. Deepavali. Reunion dinners on Chinese New Year’s eve and tossing the yee sang two weeks later.
Some time ago, close Chinese friends quietly expressed sadness, that very few Malays, if any, were willing to share the CNY celebrations, and my Indian friends, their Deepavali open houses.
Despite their claims that they would ensure the food was halal, and provide new paper plates and plastic cups, Malays stayed away.
Why are fewer Malays visiting non-Malay open houses for the various festivals?
It appears that the issue is not just with food. Some object to visiting places where there is a shrine. A few refuse to eat off crockery and cutlery that has ‘touched’ pork. Others worry about the content of the soap with which to wash their hands.
Many Malays are oblivious to how their non-Malay colleagues go out of their way to accommodate Malay sensitivities. Sometimes, even the best efforts are in vain.
One friend said, “What is the point of ordering food from a Malay restaurant, and serve it for CNY? The idea is to partake in our celebratory dishes and cakes. We would have ensured that the ingredients were halal. Apparently, that is not good enough.”
When it comes to pot-luck or giving food as presents, non-Malays express frustration that their contributions are refused, even if the non-Malay took great pains to ensure the use of halal ingredients. Rejection of their unappreciated and wasted efforts, is hard to accept.
Malay Intolerance
Official functions are also dominated by Malay intolerance. A friend said that the Malay organisers of a parent-teacher association dinner at a school in Malacca arranged for a restaurant which had the ‘Halal’ accreditation, to cater the function. It would have been a halal Chinese dinner. Unfortunately, the arrangement was cancelled as a few of the Malay parents and teachers objected, because the restaurant owner and his staff were Chinese.
Would these parents kick up a fuss if they were overseas? Are they as demanding when they go on holiday in overseas locations?
Malay intolerance is disrupting national harmony. Malaysia was once a place which practised a moderate, inclusive brand of Islam, but the radicals and hardliners have corrupted the minds of many Malays.
So, what happened to the tolerance of the Malays, and how did they forget they are living in multi-cultural Malaysia?
The Perak mufti, Harussani Zakaria, once forbade Malays from visiting their friends’ homes, during the festivals.
One hopes that the intolerant Malays can regain their ability to rationalise and recover their Malaysian multicultural identity. - Mariam Mokhtar