Update Pak Arab mana pula beli loket,rantai bagi isteri MO1... >> Berita Malay 18

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Story kat SINI dan SINI

A painting called 'Nature Morte au Crane de Taureau' by Spanish Pablo Picasso is shown during an Impressionist and Modern Art showcase press viewing at Christie's auction house in London, 19 March 2007.
Leonardo DiCaprio returns a Picasso and Oscar
Story kat SINI dan SINI  

Image result for apandi ali
Apandi patut baca sampai habis 
saman sivil DOJ sebelum beri komen...

Teka-teki terbesar melibatkan ‘kehilangan’ berbilion ringgit dana awam yang dicuri dari 1MDB sekali lagi menggegarkan Putrajaya.

Ia berlaku apabila Jabatan Kehakiman (DOJ) Amerika Syarikat dalam saman sivil terbarunya mahu bertindak untuk merampas aset bernilai AS$540 juta yang dikaitkan dengan kecurian wang syarikat tersebut yang telah dibelanja secara mewah.

Tindakan DOJ itu telah mengundang pelbagai reaksi pemimpin dan pegawai tinggi kerajaan.

Peguam Negara, Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali ketika mengulas perkara itu bagaimanapun mengulangi jawapan sebelumnya, “Kami mendapati bahawa tidak ada jenayah dilakukan” dan tidak ada yang baru ditemui.

“Adakah Apandi telah meneliti ‘perenggan-perenggan panas’ dalam saman sivil terbaru DOJ untuk menyita aset 1MDB yang mempunyai kaitan dengan skandal derma RM2.6 bilion kepada 1MDB, dan jika sudah diteliti, mengapa dia berkata tiada yang baru?

“Saya merujuk kepada perenggan 339 hinga 348 dalam bahagian “AS$681 juta telah dipindahkan dari akaun Tanore kepada akaun yang dimiliki Malaysian Official 1,” kata ketua parlimen DAP Lim Kit Siang dalam kenyataannya.

Dalam saman sivil terbaru itu, DOJ mendedahkan pihaknya mahu menyita aset dan hartanah mewah untuk mendapatkan semula AS$540 juta wang yang diselewengkan.

Ia termasuk lukisan dan hasil hak cipta dua filem Hollywood, “Dumb and Dumber Two” dan “Daddy’s Home” yang diterbitkan syarikat diketuai anak tiri perdana menteri, Riza Aziz. –Roketkini.com 

Photo published for What else does the AG need to act, asks National Human Rights Society

US looks to seize $540m in 'stolen' assets from Malaysia fund 1MDB

Top urgent message for AG Apandi 
from former senior judge...

The following is the media statement by the US Department of Justice dated yesterday Thursday 15th June 2017...

The Justice Department announced today the filing of civil forfeiture complaints seeking the forfeiture and recovery of approximately $540 million in assets associated with an international conspiracy to launder funds misappropriated from a Malaysian sovereign wealth fund. Combined with civil forfeiture complaints filed in July 2016, seeking more than $1 billion, and civil forfeiture complaints filed last week seeking approximately $100 million in assets, this case represents the largest action brought under the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative. Assets now subject to forfeiture in this case total almost $1.7 billion.

Acting Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Blanco, Acting U.S. Attorney Sandra R. Brown of the Central District of California, Assistant Director Stephen E. Richardson of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division, and Deputy Chief Don Fort of the IRS-Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI) made the announcement. 

According to the complaints, from 2009 through 2015, more than $4.5 billion in funds belonging to 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) was allegedly misappropriated by high-level officials of 1MDB and their associates. 1MDB was created by the government of Malaysia to promote economic development in Malaysia through global partnerships and foreign direct investment, and its funds were intended to be used for improving the well-being of the Malaysian people. Continue reading...

Photo published for The Balloon Goes Up On 1MDB - Leo's Paintings, Rosie's Diamonds, Jho Low's Yacht and Miranda Kerr's...

Here is an urgent message to the AG Appandi Ali from a retired senior judge.

-  "If all of the DOJ's allegations are not true, then why arent we applying to intervene in the US proceedings to clear 1MDB's and MO1's names

-  Arent these money laundering and kleptocrat allegations putting Malaysia to shame? 

-  How long can Appandi go? 

-  He is no Attorney General at all."  

Maybe that line sould read 'How low can Appandi go?'

But this is a great suggestion.  Thank you Yang Ariff.

Appandi as the AG should formally apply to the USA to intervene in the Court proceedings in the US. 

Appandi should bring along at least one shoe-box full of evidence to refute ALL THESE allegations by the United State's Department of Justice about 1MDB, about MO1, MO1's wife etc.

This is very shameful and damaging to the country. Of course Appandi must bear with the fact that Melayu UMNO memang tak ada rasa malu sikit pun.  

The US DOJ is actually saying that MO1 is tidak bermaruah. So Appandi as the AG must tebus the maruah of MO1.  

Malaysian Media please ask the AG's Chambers to explain why they are NOT officially applying to be intervenors at the US Court (that is hearing this 1MDB case).

Since the AG's Media Statement has refuted and denied the US DOJ's  Court filing,  the next logical step is for the AG's Chambers  to send someone to the US, go to their Court, take your one shoe-box full of evidence and shove it in the faces of the Americans.

Tell them they are wrong. What a fantastic idea.- ostb

Anwar terhidu bau busuk bangkai 1MDB sejak tahun 2011.

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