Jika anda hidup untuk makan, mungkin anda setuju bahawa makanan adalah salah satu perkara yang terbaik dalam kehidupan. Tapi, berapa ramai yang sanggup berbelanja ribuan ringgit hanya untuk satu jenis makanan?
Apa yang terjadi kepada pengunjung sebuah restoran ini apabila menerima bil sangat mengejutkan dirinya. Lelaki ini berkunjung ke sebuah restoran makanan laut yang terletak di Straits Quay, Pulau Pinang. Beliau memesan Alaskan King Crab bernilai RM9636!
Lelaki tersebut berjaya merakam gambar bil yang salah dan terus memuat naik gambar tersebut di Facebooknya dengan dakwaan yang tidak tepat. Lelaki itu memuat naik gambar tersebut dengan niat untuk menghentam restoran tersebut kerana mengenakan caj yang tidak masuk akal itu.
Netizen juga terkejut melihat resit makanan tersebut dan gambar tersebut mula menjadi viral di sosial media. Malangnya buat lelaki tersebut, restoran makanan laut tersebut menjelaskan keadaan sebenar bahawa bil tersebut sebenarnya adalah satu kesilapan.
Bil tersebut dihantar kepada lelaki tersebut namun berjaya disedari oleh kakitangan tersebut dan dengan segera membetulkan kesilapannya. Seperti yang dapat dilihat dalam gambar waktu yang tertera dalam resit yang baru berjumlah RM1,465.70.
Restoran makanan itu menjelaskan yang ianya hanyalah kesilapan kecil. Malah resit itu juga tertulis sudah dibatalkan. Salah seorang jurucakap restoran itu memberitahu:
'Jika dilihat melalui waktu yang tertera di resit berkenaan, kesalahan tersebut telah dibetulkan. Kami berharap orang ramai tidak menyebarkan maklumat yang tidak tepat'.
Untuk makluman, sesuatu perniagaan difitnah seperti mana apa yang berlaku kepada restoran makanan laut tersebut, perniagaan tersebut boleh menyaman mereka yang membuat cerita palsu atau fitnah. Oleh itu, berhati-hatilah apabila memuat naik sesuatu perkara walaupun ianya hanyalah sekeping gambar ataupun status kerana ianya boleh menjejaskan reputasi seseorang. - kakishare.my
'Jika dilihat melalui waktu yang tertera di resit berkenaan, kesalahan tersebut telah dibetulkan. Kami berharap orang ramai tidak menyebarkan maklumat yang tidak tepat'.
Untuk makluman, sesuatu perniagaan difitnah seperti mana apa yang berlaku kepada restoran makanan laut tersebut, perniagaan tersebut boleh menyaman mereka yang membuat cerita palsu atau fitnah. Oleh itu, berhati-hatilah apabila memuat naik sesuatu perkara walaupun ianya hanyalah sekeping gambar ataupun status kerana ianya boleh menjejaskan reputasi seseorang. - kakishare.my
IGP admits alleged main suspect
in protection racket 'known' to him...
Inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar has admitted that the suspect alleged to be the main intermediary in a police protection racket in Malacca is "known" to him.
Khalid was responding to claims made by whistleblower site Sarawak Report that the suspect, Gopinathan Krishnan, was in direct telephone contact with him.
"Yes, he is known to me and he is also known to my family," he said at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur today.
Asked whether Gopinathan was a family friend, Khalid pointed out that he had already admitted that the man was known to his family.
"Why do you want to ask to that extent? Now you want to ask how close we are, whether we hold hands, whether we kiss? Be reasonable," the top cop said.
As many as 12 suspects, most of them police officers, were arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in a swoop last month, codenamed Ops Gopi.
Sarawak Report claimed that Gopinathan played a pivotal role in managing the police protection racket across gambling dens and prostitution houses in Malacca.
Khalid said at the press conference today that he was incapable of knowing everything that was being done behind his back by those who know him and his family.
'Those acquaintances have to answer'
However, he stressed that those acquaintances would have to "answer for it" if they were found to have been involved in illegal activities.
"My officers will not be in cahoots with those who are involved in activities that are against the law," he said.
"In this case, this Gopi, if he has done something illegal... My officers and I will fully co-operate with the MACC in this investigation," he added.
Sarawak Report cited information from Khalid's phone bill in claiming that Gopinathan had purportedly called Khalid in February. Gopinathan had also purportedly made calls to Khalid's son from January to April this year.
However, the inspector-general of police pointed out that his phone number was available to the public.
"Everybody calls me, sends messages to me. (Sometimes) I don't even know who is calling me," he said.
Hitting out at Sarawak Report, Khalid expressed his belief that the site has "bad intentions" when it comes to him and the police in particular.
Claiming that the site had made various allegations against him and the police, Khalid cited its claim that he had gone for a junket in Rome, Italy, using taxpayers' money.
"I was actually accompanying the Pahang crown prince to take our two choppers there, but they (Sarawak Report) said I was enjoying myself and (that I) was on holiday.
"And then they accused me of giving a government contract to my family, which is untrue.
"I won't be disappointed and weakened by these allegations because I know they are all untrue. They can continue doing that," he said.
Last year, Sarawak Report claimed that Khalid had led at least 10 police officers and their wives on an “official trip” to Italy.
The site also revealed that Khalid’s daughter, Juwiza Khalid, as well as his brother-in-law Mohd Isa Hussin, are owners of Nilai Arms & Ammunition (NAA), a company that sells guns.
However, Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi denied that the company had obtained any firearms contracts from the government. - mk
Tan Sri IGP, the question that you must be wondering about is of course "How much more information has been leaked to The Thingy?"
This news is now stale. The whole world has seen it. I received it via email and WhatsApp a few days ago. I was busy to comment earlier.
Some big time muscle people must be leaking this information.
Quite obviously The Thingy has copies of ALL the papers. They are doing a strip tease now - a little at a time.
What should you do?
Should you deny?
Maintain elegant silence?
Elegant silence does not even work for the PMO.
You are not the PMO.
Look how they are sacrificing Isa Samad when the pressure over Felda became unbearable.
Look how they dumped Lim Kang Hoo in Johor when the pressure over Bandar Malaysia became unbearable.
You think they give two hoots about Khalid Abu Bakar? Its too late. - ostb
Khalid: Saya kenal Gopi suspek jenayah.
Murdered UPNM naval cadet:5 students charged with murder