Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) mengarahkan tangkapan segera beberapa individu yang terlibat dalam pembelian hotel 4 bintang di London oleh Felda Investment Corporation (FIC), dipercayai lebih tinggi dari harga asal.
Ketua Pesuruhjaya Datuk Dzulkifli Ahmad enggan memberitahu bilangan dan jawatan individu yang akan ditangkap itu, namun tidak menolak kemungkinan ia akan membawa kepada tangkapan lanjut.
“Selepas tangkapan kita akan ada siasatan lanjut sekiranya ada keperluan dan kalau ada keperluan untuk tangkap lagi kita akan buat,” katanya selepas menghadiri majlis pelancaran drama bersiri yang dijayakan dengan kolaborasi SPRM di Cyberjaya hari ini.
SPRM membuka kertas siasatan ke atas pembelian sebuah hotel di Kensington, London antara tahun 2013 dan 2015 oleh FIC, yang dipercayai pada harga jauh lebih tinggi berbanding harga asal hingga menyebabkaan anak syarikat Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Persekutuan (Felda) mengalami kerugian jutaan ringgit.
Siasatan ini susulan maklumat yang diperoleh dalam siasatan SPRM terhadap Felda.
Ditubuhkan pada 2013, FIC adalah cabang pelaburan Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Persekutuan (Felda) dengan tumpuan kepada sektor hartanah, keraian dan minyak dan gas.
FIC dilaporkan membeli sebuah hotel 4 bintang di Kensington, London pada £60 juta (RM330 juta) pada 16 Disember 2014.
Pengerusi Felda ketika itu, Tan Sri Mohd Isa Samad dilaporkan berkata pembelian pembelian Grand Plaza Kensington itu sebahagian daripada “langkah strategik” FIC untuk mempelbagaikan aset dan memastikan ia dapat “memaksimumkan pulangan pelaburan” syarikat.
Pembelian itu menjadi pelaburan ke-12 FIC dalam portfolio keraian, selepas Felda membayar £98 juta (RM538 juta) untuk sebuah pangsapuri perkhidmatan 198 unit di Bayswater, London pada 2013. - fmt
Why is ROS so afraid to meet DAP,
asks Guan Eng...
Why is the Registrar of Societies (ROS) so afraid of meeting DAP leaders to discuss the order for the party to conduct fresh internal polls, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng asked today.
Lim, who is Penang Chief Minister, said the party's request for meeting with ROS has so far hit a brick wall, with no response from the federal agency.
DAP has 11 days left to respond to ROS, which issued the party an official letter on Jul 17, ordering it to conduct a fresh election for its 2013 central executive committee (CEC).
“Why are they so afraid of meeting us? What is ROS afraid of?” Lim responded when asked about the DAP’s options to the time frame of 14 days given by ROS.
“You are not meeting any ordinary leader, you are meeting an MP and even the chief minister. Why are you afraid of meeting the CM?” Lim asked during a press conference at Komtar.
He said former DAP organising secretary cum Kota Seputih MP Teresa Kok had been tasked to get a meeting with ROS, as the official letter ordering a fresh CEC election was sent to her.
“She has been trying to get an appointment with ROS but has not got one. We thought men don’t have that power so we sent a lady, perhaps they will be more responsive to a lady,” Lim said, tongue in cheek.
Last night, the DAP held off a decision on re-election for its CEC, saying it wanted to wait until it has a meeting with ROS to discuss the order for the re-election.
At a midnight press conference to announce its decision, Lim said the party wanted ROS to clarify its directive for the re-election, which the party claimed was based on “fake news”.
Fake news based on a booklet
The “fake news”, according to Lim, was based on a booklet by a non-existent "Father Augustus Chen", which the party said defamed its leaders.
Lim noted that DAP senior advisor Lim Kit Siang won a defamation suit against Utusan Malaysia on its report involving the booklet.
However, the ROS had stood by its decision and order, saying that it was based on complaints received from DAP members.
ROS, in its order to DAP to hold a fresh election for its CEC, said that its 2013 re-election was not in accordance with the law.
DAP has 14 days to respond to ROS on the re-election, and if it fails to do so, the federal body can take action against DAP under the Societies Act 1966.
Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has warned that DAP may not be able to participate in the coming general election if it does not comply with the ROS instruction.
As for now, Lim declined to discuss the possibilities and options DAP would take until it is allowed a meeting with ROS, which has yet to materialise.
DAP could either call for a re-election or challenge the ROS decision in court.
Condemning the ROS action as "ridiculous and a set-up", Lim maintained that ROS was out to "fix and sabotage" the DAP.
“Even if ROS wants to fix the DAP, do it in a cleverer way. It is so obvious what ROS is trying to do, that even an eight-year-old knows what is happening.
“It is now a test for ROS to show whether it is neutral, professional or another political tool of the BN,” Lim added. - mk
DAP mesti buat pemilihan semula
Ahli Parlimen British lancar usul 1MBD
Kenapa hanya India Muslim saja.
Kenapa tidak Cina Muslim dan yang lain2...