Update U-Turn Tun Dr Mahathir Sudah Berpusing-Pusing, Apa Kata DS @NajibRazak ? >> Berita Malay 18

Tidak sampai 24 jam Mantan Perdana Menteri 22 tahun membuat kenyataan menyokong Ketua Umum (KETUM) PKR, Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Perdana Menteri, baca di sini, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed membuat 'u-turn' menafikan kenyataan tersebut seperti yang dilaporkan oleh Antarapos.

Belum sempat Nurul Izzah Anwar dan pengikutnya gembira dengan pengumuman Tun Dr Mahathir menyokong bapanya sebagai Perdana Menteri, setelah bersusah payah beliau berjumpa Tun Dr Mahathir suami isteri di London baru-baru ini, Tun sudah berubah fikiran semula. Berapa kali Tun mahu 'u-turn' dan 'u-turn'?

Dalam usia Tun mencecah 92 tahun, tidak mustahil Tun sudah nyanyuk. Buktinya dalam temubual oleh Malaysiakini semalam Tun menafikan beliau ada berkata peliwat tidak boleh menjadi Perdana Menteri. Disebabkan Tun sudah nafi, CTS berikan bukti video seperti di bawah:

Video 1: Tun Dr. Mahathir tidak mengaku beliau mengatakan peliwat tidak boleh jadi Perdana Menteri. 

Video 2: Ini pula bukti video apa yang beliau kata semasa beliau memecat Anwar Ibrahim.

Zaman 22 tahun pemerintahan Tun dulu senanglah hendak kelentong. Sosial media dan internet tidak seperti sekarang. Sekarang ini habis semua video lama boleh dikorek kembali.

DS Najib Tun Razak ketika mengulas kenyataan Tun menyokong Anwar Ibrahim menjadi Perdana Menteri berkata, Dr Mahathir obses untuk menyelamatkan legasi keluarganya dan menjadikan anaknya Mukhriz sebagai Perdana Menteri.

Berikut adalah Kenyataan Media penuh Perdana Menteri berikutan drama terbaru Tun Dr Mahathir yang mahukan Anwar Ibrahim menjadi Perdana Menteri. 

Kenyataan ini pastinya dikeluarkan sebelum Tun Dt Mahathir membuat u-turn sekali lagi menafikan beliau mahu Anwar Ibrahim menjadi Perdana Menteri.

Statement by Prime Minister Najib Razak

7th July 2017

1.      Dr Mahathir Mohamad's latest U-turn and backing for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to be Prime Minister is not what it seems. It comes after 20 years of Mahathir vilifying him and using every possible means at his disposal to eliminate Anwar from the political process, including arresting him under the now-repealed Internal Security Act, prosecuting and jailing him and a sustained campaign to attack his moral character.

2.      However, as Mahathir knows well, Anwar cannot legally contest, so this U-turn is not about the coming general election. In reality, Mahathir's new appeasement of Anwar is driven by his deep concern about the Cabinet's decision to form a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate the truth behind the Bank Negara rm30 billion forex losses during his Premiership, as detailed in the Special Task Force report.

3.      Mahathir knows that the RCI findings could lead to criminal prosecution, so he cannot afford to have individuals highly relevant to the case such as Anwar testifying against him. It is ironic that Mahathir now needs Anwar, the man he sacked and jailed.  Just as he now needs Lim Kit Siang, another man he jailed, because in reality Kit Siang controls the opposition as DAP have the vast majority of Parliamentary seats – whereas Mahathir’s party has just one.

4.      Mahathir's crusade is motivated not by the national interest, but by selfish personal interest. He is obsessed by saving his family legacy and making his son Mukhriz Mahathir Prime Minister.

5.      He has no principles and will do anything – including allying with those he jailed, calling for foreign intervention in our sovereign democratic nation, sabotaging our economy, and making 100 U-turns if so required to manipulate people's minds – just as a means to achieve his desired ends. Anwar may fall for this, but I believe the nation will not. Because with only one Parliamentary seat, the Chairman of Pribumi cannot decide who becomes Prime Minister. It would be grossly undemocratic.

6.      Mahathir demanded Tun Abdullah Badawi resign as Prime Minister, now demands my resignation, and will demand my successor resigns until his son becomes Prime Minister – whatever the cost to Malaysia. This time we will not let him succeed, because democratic process must prevail, and the interests of the country must come before Mahathir’s family.

7.      Nothing is more important than the needs of the people. So the government under my leadership will continue to focus unwaveringly on the economic welfare, social wellbeing and security of all Malaysians. Their interests must always come first, and we will deliver on our promises.


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