Menurut sumber, penahanan Isa ada kaitan dengan siasatan agensi antirasuah itu terhadap pembelian dua hotel oleh syarikat Felda Investment Corporation (FIC).
Menurut sumber, Isa ditahan ketika hadir untuk memberi keterangan kepada SPRM di ibu pejabat agensi terbabit di Putrajaya kira-kira jam 2.40 petang tadi.
Timbalan Ketua Pesuruhjaya (Operasi) SPRM, Datuk Azam Baki, mengesahkan penahanan Isa.
Katanya tindakan menahan bekas naib presiden Umno itu adalah tindakan susulan penyiasat SPRM yang memperoleh keterangan-keterangan daripada pelbagai pihak sebelum ini.
"Justeru, SPRM yakin mempunyai asas kukuh untuk membuat penahanan tersebut supaya beliau dapat membantu melengkapkan siasatan kes berkenaan," tambah beliau.
Isu pembelian hotel oleh FIC bukan sesuatu yang baru. Kira-kira empat tahun lalu Isa - yang kini dilantik menjadi pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat (SPAD) - mempertahankan tindakan tersebut.
Kata Isa pembelian hotel di London itu tidak bertentangan dengan perniagaan teras syarikat perladangan terbabit.
FIC yang juga anak syarikat Felda membeli Grand Plaza Service Apartments bernilai £115 juta (RM586.5juta) itu selepas pernah melabur dalam lapan hotel sebelum itu.
"Hotel ini bukan satu perkara luar biasa, pembangkang tak berapa faham, sebelum ini kita dah beli lapan hotel," katanya pada Oktober 2013.
Harga lebih tinggi
Pada 27 Mei 2015, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Paul Low memberitahu siasatan awal SPRM tidak menemui apa-apa asas kesalahan berhubung dakwaan penyelewengan pembayaran RM538 juta oleh FIC untuk membeli sebuah hotel mewah di London.
Low ketika itu menjawab soalan Anggota Parlimen Seremban Anthony Loke, di Dewan Rakyat, yang bertanya mengenai status siasatan pembelian hotel mewah Grand Plaza Kensington di London.
Bagaimanapun pada 14 Julai lalu Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM Datuk Dzulkifli Ahmad mengarahkan kertas siasatan pembelian hotel itu dibuka semula ekoran ada maklumat baru mengenainya.
Kata Dzulkifli pasukan penyiasat juga mengambil dokumen berkaitan pembelian hotel tersebut dan menilai serta meneliti kesemua maklumat diperolehi.
“Menerusi maklumat siasatan awal, FIC dipercayai membeli hotel itu dengan harga jauh lebih tinggi berbanding harga asal sehingga mengakibatkan FIC mengalami kerugian jutaan ringgit," katanya.
Perkembangan itu menyaksikan SPRM menyerbu pejabat FIC, mengambil pelbagai dokumen dan melakukan penangkapan.
Antara yang ditahan ialah pegawai khas Isa yang juga pemimpin Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (BERSATU) Mohd Zahid Md Arip, peguam dan wanita pembantu di sebuah firma perundangan.
Untuk rekod Isa, 67, adalah veteran dalam Umno yang pernah berkhidmat sebagai menteri besar Negeri Sembilan antara April 1982 hingga Mac 2004.
Beliau juga pernah digantung keahliannya dalam parti kerana disabitkan kesalahan "politik wang".- mk
Isa Samad arrested over FIC hotel deals
Pasai apa gari Phee
tapi tak gari Latif Bandi?...
Rakan sejawatnya yang juga Exco Pulau Pinang itu, katanya, dikenakan tindakan hanya kerana mengeluarkan dua surat bagi meminta tindakan penguatkuasaan terhadap sebuah kilang haram ditangguhkan sehingga jalan penyelesaian terbaik dicapai.
Kebimbangan itu timbul berikutan, Lip Eng sebelum ini turut pernah menulis surat kepada Jabatan Penguatkuasaan Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) dan Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur supaya menangguhkan tindakan meroboh dan menghalau penghuni premis haram.
Beliau justeru itu, secara sinis meminta supaya SPRM memberi notis terlebih dahulu supaya beliau boleh menyerah diri ke lokap badan berkenaan jika apa yang dilakukannya itu melanggar undang-undang.
“Jika benar saya seorang suspek di mata SPRM dan perlu ditahan reman sehingga lima hari, saya perlu meminta para penghuni premis haram khususnya penduduk setinggan supaya meminjam wang secukupnya untuk membayar peguam, kerana mereka juga pastinya akan ditahan bersama-sama saya.
“Begitu juga dengan pegawai DBKL dan Datuk Bandar yang mungkin akan disoal siasat oleh pihak SPRM, berikutan surat saya itu,” katanya dalam kenyataan, hari ini.
Setiausaha DAP Wilayah Persekutuan itu menegaskan bahawa beliau dan Boon Poh tidak pernah mendapat keuntungan atau saham daripada mana-mana kilang haram.
“Lebih penting lagi, seperti Phee, saya tidak menerima apa-apa balasan apabila berjabat tangan dengan mereka yang datang berjumpa, baik yang mendiami bangunan haram, penjaja haram, tokong haram, kuil haram, gereja haram, setinggan atau kilang haram; untuk meminta bantuan saya,” ujarnya.
Beliau turut mempersoalkan sikap pilih kasih SPRM dalam menjalankan tugasnya.
“Selain misteri kenapa Saudara Phee perlu digari tidak seperti Exco UMNO Johor yang tidak digari ketika dibawa ke mahkamah, SPRM perlu memberi penjelasan kepada rakyat tentang kenapa mereka tidak mempunyai sikap yang sama terhadap ahli politik Barisan Nasional (BN) yang menulis surat untuk membantu pemilik premis haram.
“Atau adakah SPRM boleh mengesahkan bahawa ahli politik BN langsung tidak mengeluarkan surat seperti itu?” soalnya.
Exco Johor, Datuk Abd Latif Bandi pada April lepas menghadapi 33 pertuduhan membabitkan rasuah berkaitan hartanah berjumlah lebih RM30.3 juta.
Berdasarkan carian atas talian, tiada sebarang imej yang menunjukkan Abd Latif digari oleh pegawai SPRM ketika dibawa ke mahkamah bagi menghadapi pertuduhan berkenaan. –
Who will bail out Petronas?...
Our oil money comes from our oil wealth. Oil wealth means Petronas. Plus all other oil companies that operate in Malaysia.
At one time the dividends and taxes paid by Petronas to the government totalled RM65 BILLION!!! Plus taxes and oil royalties paid by other oil companies operating in Malaysia, the gomen's financial survival is dependent on oil money.
1. Do you all recall one time when MAS went bust, Petronas bailed out MAS? Yup, our oil money was used to buy planes for MAS. It was a bail out.
2. Then Petronas bailed out Bank Bumiputra TWICE (in 1984, 1989) - a few billion Ringgits were involved
3. Petronas bailed out Proton.
4. I believe Petronas also bailed out KTM once. (Can anyone recall? I could not find it on the web. Kalau tak ada oops!)
5. Petronas funded our FI Racing Circuit.
6. Petronas money built Putrajaya (Putrajaya Development Bhd)
7. Petronas money built the twin towers,the KLCC.
The point I am making is, we have been burning our oil money.
So here is a question: Who will bail out Petronas?
What if Petronas goes bust or Petronas runs out of cash, then which other cash cow industry do we have that can bail out Petronas and give the gomen money to burn?
The quick answer is : None. This is the end of the line.
It is a real 'lembu'. That is you and me folks. We are now the lembu tunai (cash cow).
Through the GST, we have stepped in to close the huge hole caused by the depleting oil revenues for the gomen. That RM40+ BILLION or so GST they are collecting every year directly from us is to plug the lost oil revenues.
The oil money was a 40 year honeymoon. It is now history.
Now it is the dawn of the age of the lembu. Can the lembu provide? Can they milk the population for RM40 - 50 BILLION each year?
To answer this question, look at that list of Petronas bailouts again, items 1 - 7 above...
Bank Bumi, MAS, Proton, F1, Putrajaya, KLCC, etc etc. All that money did not go into building capacity. All that money was used to REMOVE COMPETITION IN THE ECONOMY.
In particular, all that money was spent TO REMOVE AND SHIELD THE MALAYS / BUMIS FROM COMPETITION.
That is why that cartoon below is exactly to the point.
Mrs Burung is telling Mr Burung, 'tak payah berlagak sangat. Kita duduk tinggi ini pun sebab ada kabel.'
For 40 years our oil money was used as wallpaper. To cover all the cracks and all the fungus growing on the walls.
We did not use the oil money to teach Mr and Mrs Burung to build a solid, free standing house. (Berdikari went out the window).
Now the party is over. The cracks are getting bigger. The fungus is growing through the wall paper. There is no more "oil money" to wallpaper all the problems away. Kabel akan putus.
So a large section of our population (ie the Malays / bumiputras) will face problems trying to provide for themselves as well as pay that GST. They will become poorer.
Now we go to education.
Education always has, it still can and it always will provide the capacity for any community to advance itself - socially, politically, economically even "religiously" (they should grow out of it).
Education is not just passing exams, learning chemical formulas or solving maths problems. Education is much wider than that. Education must mould people to become useful and competitive human beings who inhabit this planet earth. Useful not just to themselves or competitive not just among themselves but useful to all human beings and other creatures and competitive with the whole world at large.
Now, why isnt our gomen school system doing that in sufficient enough quantity for the Malays / bumiputras?
- increasing Islamisation seeping in
- poor teaching and delivery by teachers
- admin of national schools dominated by one race
- schools too Islamic
- disciplinary issues major problem
- schools not maintained well, outdated computers.
Why are the Chinese schools (and now the super charged Tamil schools) doing so much better than the gomen schools? May I make a suggestion? Why not walkover to the Chinese and Tamil schools and ask them "Yo, what is your secret?"
It was not always like this. Until the 1970s and early 80s our government schools were just about as good as any in Singapore or in other advanced countries.
The Malay proverb says, 'bila sesat dihujung jalan, balik ke pangkal jalan'.
So why not just go back to the fantastic system that we had until the early 1980s? Just undo all the damage that has crept into the system since then. Apa susah sangat?
Just swallow the pride, the ego and the stupidity. After all, '..tak payah berlagak sangat. Kita duduk tinggi ini pun sebab ada kabel.' The wall paper experiment has failed. The 40 year honeymoon under the luxury of burning oil money is over.
Malay readers, figure this out. Whether you like it or not, the Chinese people perform very well in their studies. Malaysian Chinese have become world class academics, professors and researchers. I know Malaysian Chinese who hold two professorships simultaneously - one here in Malaysia and another overseas (in Australia and one more in the US). They are internationally well regarded.
And yet not one of our public universities in Malaysia (IPTA) have a Chinese as a Vice Chancellor. Seorang pun tak ada. Instead we have kangkung professors in so many IPTAs. And one Persatuan Professor Kangkung recently came out in support of the kleptocracy over the 1MDB scandal. That tells you how kangkung they are.
So Malay readers figure this out. You send your kids to the local IPTAs to be taught by these professors. Do you think your kids have a good chance of graduating as first class performers?
You think your kids can compete in the real world? I dont think so. They are doomed. - ostb