Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) merampas wang tunai dianggarkan sebanyak RM100,000 selepas menyerbu rumah bekas pengerusi Felda Global Ventures Holdings Berhad (FGV) Tan Sri Isa Samad malam tadi.
Menurut sumber, serbuan di Senawang, Negeri Sembilan dibuat bagi meneruskan siasatan berhubung isu pembelian hotel oleh anak syarikat FGV, Felda Investment Corporation (FIC) di London dan Kuching.
“Wang berkenaan ditemukan dalam sebuah peti besi milik beliau yang kemudiannya dirampas bagi tujuan siasatan lanjut,” sumber itu dipetik sebagai berkata kepada Utusan Malaysia di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.
Setakat ini, tiga rumah Isa, termasuk di Nilai dan Liggi, Negeri Sembilan dilapor telah diserbu.
SPRM juga menyerbu pejabat barunya di Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) pagi ini.
Sebelum ini, FIC dilapor membelanjakan jutaan ringgit pada 2013 hingga 2015 bagi membeli dua buah hotel empat bintang namun pembayaran dipercayai dibuat melebihi harga pasaran.
Isa sedang menjalani perintah reman lima hari setelah ditangkap semalam. - mk
The due process of law takes time and it requires an AG to decide whether there is enough evidence to prosecute.
Najib had RM2.6b deposited into his bank account yet the AG had the compulsion to tell the world that there is no case against him. He has been absolved of any wrong-doings pertaining to 1MDB.
The purchase of hotels and what-nots in UK was done by Isa's and Najib's son. Prosecuting Isa means prosecuting Najib too.
No one should be shocked to hear later that AG would announce that the case against Isa be dropped due to insufficient evidence.
In Malaysia someone who is in power can even get away with murder. Corruption is only a mild case, you can easily go scot-free.
Malaysia BOLEH is in its elements again! - A lawyer in a WhatsApp group
Isn't PM aware of
Felda's splurge on hotels?..
Felda's splurge on hotels?..
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and other cabinet members would likely have given the greenlight for Felda Investment Corporation's (FIC) acquisition of a luxury hotel in London, which is currently under a corruption investigation, PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli says.
Rafizi said the FIC's acquisition of the hotel would have required the permission of the Economic Planning Unit's (EPU) Economic Council, chaired by Najib, because all big government investments abroad require the council's approval.
This was evident, said Rafizi, when former Mara chairperson Annuar Musa explained how the agency acquired properties in Australia that were also subjected to investigaion by the MACC.
At the time, Najib explained that the Economic Council's decision to approve Mara's acquisition was not his decision alone and was made with the consensus of all council members.
"In view of this, the purchase of the hotel in London by FIC would have gone through the same approval process: It was brought to the attention of and approved by the Economic Council, chaired by the prime minister and other senior ministers," Rafizi said in a statement today.
The Economic Council was established on July 30, 2008, to deal with economic issues when Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was prime minister.
More roles for council with Najib as PM
After Najib became prime minister, the Economic Council took over the roles of other government councils and cabinet committees, including the cabinet committee on investments.
The MACC is investigating allegations that FIC overpaid for a hotel in Kensington, London, and for another hotel in Kuching between 2013 and 2015.
Several former Felda executives, including its chairperson Mohd Isa Samad, have been arrested to assist in the investigations. Isa's two houses have also been searched for evidence.
Rafizi said that if Isa was being probed for misappropriating Felda's money and receiving inducements, then members of the Economic Council must also be subjected to the same treatment.
"If there is evidence that they were aware that the acquisition of the hotel involved foul play, because it was more expensive than it should be, and yet they approved it, then (the Economic Council) should be probed for suspicion of receiving inducement.
"If there is proof that they received inducement, then they should be arrested, just like Isa.
"If they were unaware of foul play but failed to identify the risk of the investment and failed to identify if Felda had overpaid, then it means that (the Economic Council) makan gaji buta (failed in its duties) for breach of trust as members of the Economic Council.
"They ought to be sacked. If they have any dignity, they should resign," Rafizi said.
He also urged the people and his Pakatan Harapan allies not to rejoice over Isa's arrest because it was likely that the latter was just a scapegoat.
"It is uncertain if we can uncover the truth behind this issue, unless there is a thorough investigation," Rafizi added.- mk
Cikgu didakwa cabul murid dalam tandas sekolah
Another PAS leader attending Umno’s organized event its political event. And as always they claimed that their attendance were on non-party basis, not as PAS officials. Who are they trying to fool Malaysians? Have any of the PAS leaders attended any Harapan’s events? No. The irritating point is that Pas acts like a ‘bashful’ wife’ trying hard to disclaim real connection with Umno.If Pas wants to make love with Umno, say it.It is their right. However,we hate the deception.It is like they are afraid of being caught for khalwat (close proximity).Let us help you say it for you; PAS and Umno are in close relationship. Period. Easy coming out, isn’t it? - Ferdtan
Free makan, no need to cook at home .... who does not want ? Nowadays people are smart, you provide free makan, all will come irrespective of races just like you hari raya open house. After all the money spent belongs to the people. and not from the gov't.- MariKitaUbah