The spat between Penang DAP Regime Chief Minister, Joseph Lim Guan Eng and Deputy Minister Of Education, Senator Datuk Chong Sin Woon in the parliament corridor make a headline in few of Chinese newspapers.
During the meeting, Joseph Lim Guan Eng questioned and argued with Chong regarding the approval of Chinese schools. Lim Guan Eng complained why there is no new approval to build Chinese school in Penang or existing Chinese school with insufficient students to move to Penang, even though Penang has the highest percentage of Chinese and the only state with Chinese Chief Minister.
Hello Tokong! While MCA and Barisan Nasional had built Tunku Abdul Rahman College and Tunku Abdul Rahman University and thousand of Chinese schools in Malaysia, where was DAP? DAP has not even built one kindergarten. Secondly, you should not threat parliament as a kopitiam and you should write officially to the Ministry of Education if you has any qualm.