Klip berdurasi 57 saat itu disiarkan di YouTube menerusi akaun Jejak Dua Belas dan menunjukkan gambar bilik hotel daripada rakaman kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) dengan katil berkecah, mengancam untuk mendedahkan keseluruhan klip jika siasatan menyeluruh tidak dilakukan berhubung skandal seks membabitkan ketua pesuruhjaya Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) itu dengan isteri orang.
Ini video ketiga terhadap Dzulkifli walaupun klip video terdahulu yang dimuat naik ke YouTube diturunkan selepas dua minggu. Klip video terbaru itu bermula dengan persoalan apakah ia bukan korupsi bila Dzulkifli ke Hong Kong atas urusan rasmi dengan menggunakan tiket kapal terbang yang dibayar oleh kerajaan tetapi tidak hadir ke program yang sepatutnya.
Hong Kong menganjurkan Forum Anti Rasuah Asia (ALB) 2017 pada 23 Mac lalu – satu acara tahunan yang dihadiri pegawai kerajaan dan peguam di rantau ini. Tidak diketahui serta-merta sama ada Dzulkifli hadir program itu walaupun klip video itu menyatakan kerajaan menghantarnya ke sana.
Ia kemudian menunjukkan sebuah bilik hotel dengan katil tidak berkemas, dengan kapsyen “Perlukah video ini didedahkan baru siasatan telus mahu diambil?”.
Video itu berakhir dengan amaran kepada Ali, supaya jangan melindungi Dzulkifli hanya untuk menyelamatkan dirinya sendiri, isu yang turut disebut pada klip video sebelum ini yang dimuat naik pada 18 Oktober.
Video sebelum ini menunjukkan seorang lelaki kelihatan seperti Dzulkifli dan seorang wanita sudah berkahwin berpegangan tangan dan masuk ke sebuah restoran di Bali pada Julai lalu. Video sepanjang seminit 40 saat itu dimuat naik di YouTube dengan link kepada blog mengandungi tuduhan terhadap pemimpin Umno melindungi hubungan sulit ketua pesuruhjaya SPRM itu.
Dalam video itu, seorang lelaki kelihatan seperti Dzulkifli berpegang tangan dengan seorang wanita ketika keluar dari sebuah hotel di Bali. Video itu kemudian diulang secara perlahan. Satu lagi klip video menunjukkan pasangan itu berada dalam sebuah restoran.
Selebihnya video itu menunjukkan bilik di mana Dzulkifli didakwa bermalam ketika berada di Bali pada Julai lalu dan sebuah klip memaparkan pembantunya membawa keluar beg pakaian.
Klip video sebelum ini juga ada menunjukkan tiket pesawat, dokumen pendaftaran hotel dan gambar lain pasangan itu di Bali dengan bagasi dibawa keluar dari hotel.
Dzulkifli akhirnya menjawab khabar angin mengenai hubungan sulitnya itu bulan lalu, mendakwa ia “taktik kotor” oleh pihak yang tidak dinamakan. Pengkritik pro kerajaan dan akhbar menuduh pembangkang dan sindiket perjudian menjadi dalang video itu dalam usaha menyingkirkan Dzulkifli dari SPRM.
Tetapi Dzulkifli tidak secara langsung mengesah atau menafikan tuduhan hubungan sulit dengan wanita itu yang dikatakan seorang pengurus undang-undang di sebuah syarikat berkaitan kerajaan. Wanita itu bercerai dengan suaminya bulan lalu dan menafikan hubungan sulit berkenaan.
Salah satu daripada klip video itu menuduh seorang pemimpin Umno menutup skandal itu dalam usaha melindungi kes rasuahnya sendiri. Satu kiriman video itu turut mengandungi tuduhan bahawa pemimpin Umno bersama ketua SPRM bergabung dalam kes menentang Presiden Parti Warisan Sabah Shafie Apdal, mendakwa beberapa individu yang ditangkap baru-baru ini ditahan di bilik hotel dipaksa mengaku melakukan rasuah.
Satu lagi video mendakwa seorang lagi pemimpin Umno memberi rasuah RM10 juta untuk menjatuhkan Shafie. Blog yang dikaitkan dengan video itu sudah pun diturunkan dari laman web blog milik Google, blogspot.com. Polis memulakan siasatan terhadap video itu bulan lalu selepas satu laporan polis mengenai klip pertama dibuat oleh seorang eksekutif jualan pada awal Oktober.
Ketua Polis Negara Mohamad Fuzi Harun berkata kes itu disiasat di bawah Seksyen 498 Kanun Keseksaan yang merujuk kepada kesalahan menggoda wanita yang sudah berkahwin dengan niat untuk mengadakan hubungan haram.
Jika didapati bersalah, seseorang boleh dipenjara sehingga dua tahun atau denda, atau kedua-duanya sekali.
Pejabat Peguam Negara juga menubuhkan pasukan petugas khas berhubung perkara itu kerana Dzulkifli dipinjamkan dari pejabat itu untuk mengetuai SPRM pada Ogos 2016. – malaysiainsight
Kalu susah buat pilihan tanyalah Puan Sri dulu?
New Youtube clip on MACC chief hints at funds abuse, cover-up
Clare vs Hadi...
The current legal tussle in the UK is between Clare Rewcastle-Brown and PAS President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang. If you don’t already know this, you would think its Clare and Ambiga versus Rahman Dahlan and UMNO bloggers , judging by the news on internet.
It is a strange legal suit to begin with. Its Hadi who is suing Clare although the sting of her statement about Ringgit 90 million “gift” from Najib was directed generally at top party leaders. The others did nothing to sue Clare. Another strange aspect to this case is that while Hadi is the claimant, it’s UMNO and Malaysian Embassy in London who have shown great interest in the case.
Clare’s disclosure about the wealth and ostentatious lifestyles of PAS leaders isn’t anything that Malaysians don’t already know about. Bringing the claim against Clare in London will only result in those stories circulating at a much more frantic pace and deeper into the rural parts of Malaysia.
People from all corners of Kelantan and Terengganu already know about of the “transformation” of PAS leaders. Once upon a time, these leaders had little wealth and lived simple lives under the late Tok Guru Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat. Those days differ markedly from now, when PAS leaders have expensive houses, fancy cars with fancy number plates and multiple wives.
The question everyone is asking is where did these people get the money for such quick transformations of their lives? The answers come from many sources because people from all walks of life have started talking.
Datuk Ambiga Sreenavaseen is not the only person who has been told about the wealth of PAS leaders by friendly sources. I too have friends who have shown me photographs of Nasharuddin Mat Isa’s house and cars, and how he now travels first class, unlike the days when he was in PAS under Nik Aziz.
Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan is the PAS Secretary-General and he lives in Kota Bharu. I don’t remember him having a huge legal practice or any successful businesses to warrant his current lifestyle. But he is wealthy now — how else can he afford the number plate “TAKII” as disclosed by Clare in her court documents?
Another strange aspect about this case is the vigour in which Minister Rahman Dahlan is attacking Ambiga for her alleged communication with Clare. What’s UMNO interest in this case? What is clear is this: Most people know where the money comes from.
It is irresistible to conclude that Datuk Seri Najib Razak and UMNO must have been the benefactor in view of the close working relationship PAS and UMNO leaders currently enjoy. The attacks on Ambiga and Clare are diversionary tactics; because PAS is losing support rapidly, and this is not what UMNO bargained for in their plans to work together in the coming election.
If there is one good thing Najib has done for the country, it is to allow his money to taint and tarnish PAS for good. A political party based on religion should never have associated itself with Najib—PAS, however, is not only close to the Prime Minister, it has embraced his methods and approved of his ways.
It’s the death knell for any political party to sell its principles for cash. - Zaid Ibrahim
Claire - DPP gave her alleged
draft charge sheet on Najib...
Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown has claimed that murdered MACC-linked deputy public prosecutor Kevin Morais sent her a draft of an alleged charge sheet, which the authorities later claimed was fake, against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak on the 1MDB scandal.
She made the claim in her defence statement in relation to a defamation suit filed against her in the UK by PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang. She also claimed that she received the document a day after former attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail was removed from his position on July 27, 2015.
"The defendant (Rewcastle-Brown) had received the draft indictments and information relating to the planned prosecution of Najib and the consequent dismissal of (Gani), the day after that dismissal, from a public prosecutor, Kevin Morais," read the defence statement sighted by Malaysiakini.
Gani was removed on the grounds of health reasons. At the time he was heading a joint-taskforce probing the 1MDB issue. Days after his removal, on July 30, Sarawak Report published a report claiming that there was a charge sheet against Najib regarding the alleged misappropriation of RM42 million from SRC International into his personal accounts.
Rewcastle-Brown further claimed that Morais had given her information regarding the MACC probe into former-1MDB subsidiary SRC International and that the lawyer had planned to meet her in London.
Former MACC chief Abu Kassim Mohamed denied that the lawyer was involved in the 1MDB probe - which looked at both the alleged RM42 million SRC International transfer, as well as the RM2.6 billion donation from a Saudi Royal into Najib's accounts.
"Morais was transferred out of the MACC in July 2014, one year before the investigations into 1MDB ever began, and never attended any of the special task force meetings chaired by the former attorney-general.
"We would like to put the record straight that MACC has never sought advice from Morais on both cases. Therefore, Morais could not be, and was not, involved in writing any charge sheet relating to 1MDB or the prime minister.
"Any statement to the contrary is completely false," Abu Kassim had said.
Gani's successor Mohamed Apandi Ali had also said that Morais was not involved the 1MDB probe. Apandi had dismissed the purported draft charge sheet against Najib as fake. Apandi later cleared Najib of any wrongdoing in both the RM2.6 billion and SRC International cases.
Sarawak Report has been accused of being part of a conspiracy to topple the Najib administration, which Rewcastle-Brown has denied.
Morais was murdered in September 2015. He was reported missing on Sept 4, and his remains were found stuffed into a concrete-filled drum two weeks later on Sept 16.
Six men have been charged with the murder while a pathologist has been accused of abetment. The trial is still ongoing. Morais had acted as prosecutor in a corruption case against the pathologist.
Hadi filed the defamation suit against Rewcastle-Brown over an article which suggested that PAS received some RM90 million from Najib. PAS leaders have denied this allegation. - mk
"White woman" Tears
Village Lebai's Suit To Shreds...
How many of you have read Claire Rewcastle Brown's 55 page defense submitted to the High Court in London? She practically rips up the Village Lebai's entire case.
Claire Brown is taking a comprehensive route to her defence. First she goes into specifics like detailing the names of people and things that she did NOT mention in her report and therefore should not be cast as libellous by those same people not mentioned by name.
One interesting point she has pointed out is the number of Google searches for the Village Lebai AFTER her article was published. The Google searches actually declined, which is not surprising to me at all. Only another village idiot would search Google for that moron. Meaning her article did not tarnish the village lebai's name to any greater degree.
(However technically the damage to one's reputation does not depend on the number of subscribers or daily readership of say The Sun or the New Straits Times. Once you print it, then it is in the public domain.)
Then Claire Brown expands her defense by (correctly) connecting her story to the larger issue of politics, money, corruption and murder.
Here is a sample of her defense where she mentions the murder of Kevin Morais:
This is quite explosive. Although no direct link is made between Kevin Morais being the author of the draft indictments against MO1 and Morais' murder, this is Claire Brown's sworn statement to the High Court in London.
Meaning she must stand by it and she must have evidence to present in Court to back up this paragraph (and all the other paragraphs).
This is where I agree that the Village Lebai's decision to sue Claire Brown in London is a HUGE HUGE MISTAKE. (It reminds me of another HUGE HUGE MISTAKE made by someone else circa 1997.)
This Court case in London is going to open up a huge can of worms.
I have a question : Claire Brown will subpoena all those people (from Malaysia). Will they have the guts to attend Court in London? Because if they do, it will cause them even more embarrassment?
Akhir kalam :
Hello kekawan UMNO, dengar baik-baik. You are going into a general election soon. Imagine this Court case in London discussing 1MDB, Altantuya, Kevin Morais murder, Nasharuddin Mat Isa's bungalow house etc etc all over again and openly in public.
For the Pakatan harapan, the timing of this court case cannot be more timely. Perfect timing. More and more dirt will be washed up.
So for you the timing of this court case will be disaster. Nasharuddin Mat Isa's bungalow house, his luxury cars and new wives is a shocker already. Cannot wait for this Claire Brown case to start. - ostb
Bajet 2018 P.Pinang...