Dulu petik duku, orang Pontian
kini bawa Mercedes...
Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar menafikan Projek Forest City menggadaikan tanah Johor, tetapi berkata ia sebaliknya adalah pemangkin pembangunan pesat negeri itu.
Menurut baginda, projek itu juga bukan sahaja memberi banyak pendapatan kepada kerajaan negeri Johor, tetapi menyebabkan harga tanah di kawasan tersebut dan sekitar meningkat berbanding sebelum ini.
Sebagai contoh, Sultan Ibrahim menyebut daerah Pontian.
“Harga tanah berhampiran Forest City semua meningkat. Dulu orang Pontian petik duku saja.
“Sekarang orang Pontian sudah ada bawa Mercedes Benz. Maknanya, Pontian adalah satu daerah yang akan maju, pesat.
“Bila masa Johor gadai tanah? Gadai apa maknanya?” kata baginda yang dipetik akhbar Berita Harian, hariu ini.
Menurut Sultan Ibrahim, projek berkenaan mempunyai lokasi zon antarabangsa bagi pembeli dari luar negara serta mengekalkan hak milik serta rizab tanah Melayu.
MP Pontian
“Dengan adanya Forest City, maka Johor bertambah besar. Bukan ambil tanah pergi gadai.
“Tanah di negeri Johor ini ada zon, iaitu zon antarabangsa yang bermakna orang luar boleh beli. Status dia antarabangsa.
“Di Forest City, kita tak jual tanah, kita jual strata dan strata itu hak milik kekal tanah negeri Johor,” kata baginda.
Pelbagai pihak, khususnya pembangkang membidas projek Forest City dengan mendakwa kerajaan menjual kedaulatan kepada luar apabila menerima pelaburan daripada China.
Sebelum ini, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad adalah antara tokoh yang mengkritik projek Forest City.
Kata perdana menteri keempat projek berkenaan berbahaya kepada kedaulatan negara dan reaksi diterimanya menunjukkan majoriti rakyat bersetuju dengan pandangan itu.
Dr Mahathir berkata banyak tanah dan kediaman di sekitar Johor Bahru akan dijual kepada warga asing sehingga boleh menimbulkan pelbagai masalah, termasuk keselamatan. - mk
Tak semua org Melayu dan rakyat tempatan kaya dn pakai kereta Mercedes..negeri Johor bukan mcm rakyat negara Brunei atau negara Arab Qatar.Hnya org2 elit tertentu je kt Johor blh makan isi,tulang dn kuah nye..rakyat Johor marhaen hnya dapat jilat bekasnye je..- Rozaimi Ibramsa
Tergadainya Temasik ke tangan inggeris zaman dahulu kala adalah angkara org atasan , jgn sampai berulang kembali sejarah kesalahan org atasan hingga tergadai lagi sebahagian negara msia kpd china merah pula - Haili Birin
Bertitahlah atas dasar realiti , bukan syiok sendiri . Dlm hidup perlu ada anjakan paradigma bercakap atas dasar kebenaran . Yg penting sebagai ketua negeri jangan telunjuk lurus kelingking berkait. Jangan harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi !- Redzawan Mohammad
Apakah penanda aras kekayaan orang melayu adalah dengan memiliki Mercedez? Kalau gitu tanah rizab melayu eloklah kerajaan jual supaya duit tersebut kita dapat membeli Mercedes sebagai tanda kita kaya.- Fariz Mikhail
Depan pagar istana ada banyak apartmen mewah ada ke orang melayu mampu beli? - Kamal Sh Hassan
Hello...This is the reason BN lost S'gor...
Former Selangor menteri besar Muhammad Muhammad Taib has been saddled with a puzzling question regarding Umno and BN losing the state in the 2008 general election.
Muhammad said while BN had won in backward states, which do not even have water supply, it, however, lost in a developed state like Selangor, which has ports, airports, roads and various facilities.
This evening, the office of his successor, Azmin Ali, provided the answer.
Former Selangor menteri besar Muhammad Muhammad Taib was saddled with a puzzling question regarding Umno and BN losing the state in the 2008 general election.
He said while BN had won in backward states, which do not even have water supply, it, however, lost in a developed state like Selangor, which has ports, airports, roads and various facilities.
This evening, his successor Azmin Ali's office provided the answer.
Referring to Muhammad as a “recycled politician”, the Menteri Besar Office's strategic communications director Yin Shao Loong claimed that the answer is common knowledge.
“By March 2008, Umno and BN had become irrelevant, even distasteful, to the voters of Selangor because the people were fed up with decades of corruption, wastage and mismanagement,” Yin said.
He said it was not a case of the people of Selangor suddenly becoming ungrateful for the roads, infrastructure, water and electricity supply.
“They were fed up that these basic amenities should have to be delivered via fat contracts to politically-connected cronies.
“They were fed up that the politicians approving these projects could swagger in and out of the country clutching suitcases stuffed with money,” he added.
This was an obvious reference to Muhammad's arrest at the Brisbane airport in 1997, carrying Singaporean, Malaysian and New Zealand bank notes worth US$1 million.
Muhammad (photo) was subsequently charged for failing to declare that he was carrying more than A$5,000 to Australian immigration, but was later acquitted.
He had pleaded that he could not understand English, and therefore could not comprehend Australian regulations.
Meanwhile, Yin questioned if the people must continually show gratitude to their “former colonial masters” instead of moving forward.
“Should we be nostalgic for the time when we had no democracy, no freedom to choose our leaders or sack them if they failed to perform?
“No. We do not have to accept that development must come with corruption, or that failed politicians should be entitled to office,” he said.
Yin said if Muhammad truly wanted to understand the lessons from 2008, he would realise that the state is now governed by better men and women.
“And that Umno and BN will continue to be rejected at the polls because they have failed to deal with the baggage of corruption, bad leadership and inability to reform themselves,” he added.
Muhammad had rejoined Umno in September this year, after stints in PAS and PKR. - mk
We don’t need a corrupt UMNO and BN to lead Selangor- the rayat has benefited more under the present Government compared to years of UMNO/BN rule. UMNO/BN leaders sapu the wealth from Selangor during their rule. Thanks to the present government for the various benefits given out because of less corruption thus more to distribute to Rayat - Anonymous 2413381470634342
Thanks to MO1 and his kleptocracy. Selangor will remain with PH. Selangorians are an educated lot. - Single Malt
BN kalah di Selangor sebab rakyat Selangor meluat tengok muka Mat Taib yang satu dunia tahu bahawa dia pernah bawa lari duit rasuah yang dia dapat di Selangor ke Australia. Dia bawa duit rasuah itu kononnya nak pergi shopping beli rumah di sana. Pulak tu dia pura-pura tak tahu cakap bahasa Inggeris bila dia kena tangkap dengan imegrisen Australia yang melarang pelawat asing menyeludup mata wang asing masuk ke Australia. - Anonymous
Dia pernah tipu sultan Selangor bulat-bulat dan berani bawa lari anak baginda ke Thailand untuk menikah dengannya. Pemimpin macam Mat Taib tak baik dibuat contoh sebab dia banyak buat taik masa Umno perintah di Selangor dulu. Si Toyo pulak dapat SIAL sebab bagi penyapu. Sebab itu sampai ke hari ini rakyat Selangot tak boleh pandang lagi muka-muka pemimpin Umno termasuklah Nor Udang dan Jamal Jamban yang berlagak macam kepala samseng tu.- Nordin Kcd
Habis hutan rizab di selangor tergadai semasa pemerintahan umno di selangor ...kes tnh rizab puluhan hektar di ambil kononnye nak buat kem tentera tetapi kem tentera tdk wujud dan di jual kpd phk lain oleh wanita umno...- Izwan Auzai
Sebab nya mudah. Jer.... mangkok2 hayun dalm umno semuanya penyamun. Itu pasal BN/UMNO kalah.. rakyat dah buka mata bukan buta mcm puak dedak2 UMNO.- Hamid Kassim
Mat Taib, tahu kenapa BN kalah di S'ngor
Ada lagikah calon2 UMNO yang ghairah?
Kepala Bapak And Zahid Visited
At Same Time, On Same Day?
Guess what folks, it appears that Kepala Bapak and Zahid Hamidi both visited Anwar Ibrahim together at the same time.
But they carefully took pictures of the visit and made it look like they visited on separate days.
This is what I heard. If true this only adds to the speculation that some kind of deal is being
worked out between the two sides.
Then it was not an impromptu visit by Kepala Bapak, something done on the spur of the moment. It was a pre-planned visit by No. 1 and No. 2.
Anything is possible. - ostb