Update Fitnah diberkas SPRM - Guan Eng relax naik bas... >> Berita Malay 18

Khabar angin bertiup kencang semalam kononnya Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng diberkas oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), bersama seorang exco dan setiausaha politiknya.

Ternyata khabar palsu yang diterima wartawan di Pulau Pinang itu tidak benar sama sekali apabila Guan Eng tenang-tenang sahaja berjalan kaki dari pejabatnya di tingkat 28 bangunan Komtar, ke Jalan Penang untuk minum petang diiringi gerombolan wartawan.

Kumpulan wartawan yang kecewa dengan kabar angin serbuan SPRM turut dibelanja minum petang bersama beliau yang juga Setiausaha Agung DAP.

Hari ini pula, Guan Eng kelihatan santai menaiki bas percuma yang disediakan kerajaan negeri untuk kembali ke pejabat selepas menghadiri suatu acara, mengundang orang ramai mengambil gambar untuk dikongsi ke media sosial.

Beliau langsung tidak kelihatan resah atau bimbang di tengah-tengah siasatan SPRM terhadap projek terowong dasar laut yang tiba-tiba menjelma lagi setelah ia mula disiasat dua tahun lalu.

“SPRM dah mula siasat perkara ni sejak 2016. Sudah dua tahun dan sekarang, sebelum pilihanraya tiba-tiba semua laporan, dakwaan keluar,” ujarnya dalam sidang media di pejabatnya semalam. 

Semua kontrak dalam projek pembinaan lebuhraya dan terowong dasar laut tersebut dilakukan melalui tender terbuka yang diselia oleh sebuah jawatankuasa khas diketuai oleh Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri tanpa melibatkan Ketua Menteri mahupun Exco.

“Semalam Pejabat Ketua Menteri tidak diserbu langsung oleh SPRM, maka saya harap jangan lah cuma sekali lagi untuk memburuk-burukan imej Pejabat Ketua Menteri, dengan laporan palsu seumpama ini,” tegasnya pula dalam sidang media pagi tadi.

Beliau mengulas laporan lidah rasmi Umno, Utusan Online yang mendakwa pejabatnya ditutup semalam kerana sedang diserbu SPRM.

“Mana ada Pejabat Ketua Menteri diserbu, saya masih bertugas,” ujarnya.

Menjelang Pilihanraya Umum ke-14, Guan Eng dan kerajaan negeri pimpinannya dijangka akan terus diasak dengan serangan media bagi menggambarkan beliau sebagai seorang yang korup dan rasuah.

Apatah lagi menjelang perbicaraan kes pembelian banglo keluarganya di Pulau Pinang yang dijadual bermula 26 Mac akan datang.

Perbicaraan tersebut dijangka akan digunakan parti pemerintah sebagai bahan kempen untuk memburuk-burukkan Guan Eng dan DAP, terutamanya jika PRU ke-14 berlangsung ketika perbicaraan tersebut sedang berjalan. – Roketkini.com


The Barisan Nasional (BN) and its predecessor, the Alliance party have ruled Malaya and Malaysia since our independence from the British in 1957 and the formation of Malaysia in 1963 without a break, making it the longest ruling political party in the world. With its total dominance over politics in its over five decades rule, BN has evolved into a creature where its leaders no longer serve the people but have turned the country into their personal golden goose to extract and plunder at will.

The 1MDB scandal only brought to the fore the sickness that has already stricken us for the last 3 decades since the ascendancy of the 4th Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad.  The pillars of democracy like the judiciary, Parliament, public institutions were systematically weakened; where racialism were institutionalized, crony capitalism celebrated, privatization became “piratization” and the first of numerous financial scandals surfaced.

If Malaysia is likened to a cancer-stricken person, 1MDB would be a Stage 4 cancer, where its impact has spread to all other organs of government, undermining the soundness of the political and economic system of the country. Without immediate and drastic intervention, the prognosis is poor, at best we are unlikely to achieve developed or high income country status by 2020 or at worst, on the slippery road to being a failed state.

Can BN reform itself and restore the nation to good health or is it time for Malaysians to sack this political alliance that has mismanaged this country, turning it into a kleptocracy and hand over the rein to a new coalition?  Can we survive as a nation if we give BN another 5 years of rule? 

Targeting marginal seats won by BN

Due to decades of unfair and unconstitutional delineation of election boundaries by the election Commission, the electoral playing field has never been level and will not be level at the next coming General Election. Gerrymandering and malapportionment of constituencies ensured that even with a minority vote of 47 percent, BN is still able to win 60 percent of the 222 Parliament seats contested at GE13. It should be noted that a vast majority of the seats won by BN are in the rural and semi-urban constituencies.

But the fact is 38 of the 133 Federal seats won by BN were marginally won with less than 10 percent of the votes, meaning a mere 6 percent swing towards the opposition in GE14 would end BN’s hegemonic rule. In fact, for around 10 constituencies it would take 500 or less voters to make a difference in the outcome.

Thus the effort of INVOKE to target these marginal seat is commendable and worthy of support. When you do not have the backing of public machineries and limitless financial resources like BN does, you need to fight smart. Voters’ education, registration of new voters, get-out-the-vote programmes and guarding of votes on polling day in such marginal seats are crucially important.
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Please Take Out The Word "Malay" and "Muslim" 
From My Identity Card.I Have Had Enough!!

By Wan Nur

There comes a time when you just say, “That’s it, no more!!!" Where being Malay and being Muslim are concerned, in Malaysia, I think I’ve hit that point.

I’m saturated with the Malay self-entitlement that they offer themselves and force upon others deemed as Malay. I’m appalled and disgusted at the Malay-made-Muslim religion that the ulama are forcing down our throats.

I’m sickened at seeing Pakistanis, Indonesians, Bangladeshis be ‘dyed Malay’ and then receive Malaysian Citizenship at the expense of fellow non-Malay Malaysians, who have struggled alongside us to build this country, and who, by the way, pay ~90% of the tax that becomes the National Budget.

Most of all, I condemn the Islamisation that has nothing to do with islam, a severe, malignant cancer in the form of a Malaysian-made-Islam that is led by illiterate Islamists, propagating chronic ignorance. I condemn this wave because it has brought us to the brink of extremism, radicalism and now clearly incubates terrorism.

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I was once proud to  be Malay. I was once proud of my Malay roots. Today, the Malays have become a toxic group of people made up of an indoctrinated majority who allow themselves to be silenced by fear of punishment, led by an indoctrinating minority of so-called ulama who subject others to oppression and suppression. 

Throughout my career I truly believed that the New Economic Policy (NEP) would iron out (even out?) the playing field for the different races. Thus, I proudly worked hard to contribute my little bit, to make implementation of the policies impactful.

With nothing and no one to hold them back, politicians took what was supposed to be a social empowering tool, and turned Ketuanan into an intellectually lethal weapon that has crippled the Malays with a false sense of entitlement.

In all truth, below the surface of this claim to being the special ones, lies a deep set inferiority complex.The Malays clearly now believe that they need assistance, special rights and quotas. They believe that without these, they will not be able to compete; they will not be able to survive. 

They no longer dare to think; they no longer dare to even formulate opinions. They have muted their voices. They have lost any competitive edge that they may have gained from post-independence education and socio-economic mobility.  It could have been different! It could have been so different!!!

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(In the following paragraphs I express my honest opinion, feelings and observations.) 

The Ketuanan epidemic did not stop at the Malays. It now has the Indians throwing themselves on the ground, demanding that they too be given special rights and gifts of entitlement to help them overcome their new-found semi-paralysis.  (OSTB : These are the disenfranchised Indians. Those who have been displaced from the estates and left to fall further between the cracks. From the frying pan into the fire. They do not want obstacles put in front of them - for no good reason.) 

The Chinese, on the other hand, suffer from a different kind of syndrome that is off-set by the Ketuananepidemic. They come out frustrated and with a false sense of superiority. This superiority complex leads them to believe that they are better than everyone else, and thus more deserving. Another face of the  Ketuanan beast? (OSTB : This is a very myopic view.   They do not want obstacles put in front of them - for no good reason. The Chinese do not feel superior. They detest the inferior ketuanan  fellows  acting superior.)

The right to mining land and related opportunities that the British apparently handed out to them, meant that the Chinese inherited a huge business edge that they skilfully transformed into a substantial financial edge, ensuring thus a spill-over edge in the education and socio-economic status of this race. (OSTB : Not really. The British controlled the dredges. The Chinese still operated the palong.  You must read Lim Goh Tong's book. The British did not allow anyone else to even import new tractors. So Lim Goh Tong started selling used tractors. And he made money.)

To counter the NEP, which they saw and clearly expressed as an injustice to their race, have they put in place mechanisms to ensure continuous opportunities for their people within the economic landscape?  (OSTB : The ketuanan controls APs to import Christmas turkeys. Continuous opportunities..? Chinese express bus companies were 'taken out'. Only two or three Chinese banks remain. How about a Chinese owned TV station?)

Perhaps initially, the intention was to secure opportunity for their people who were ready and able to work hard. But by locking in their race, to what extent have they locked out the other races? With all this opportunity locked in, why do I still observe such intense frustration? Why does the majority have to continue working doubly hard to make ends meet? Is their elite somehow feeding off the Ketuanan frustration, to further enrich themselves? Could it be that, Ketuanan mainly served as a diversion tactic, what the Chinese might call, Sing Tung Kik Sai, fighting the enemy that does not exist. If so then, what or who is the real enemy?  (OSTB :  I did not take Greek in college. I majored in easy peasy Yank.)

In the meantime, the Sabahans and Sarawakians seem to remain oblivious to their rights to basic amenities and education. They seem to seek to blame Malaya for their own setbacks, and the corruption that has plagued their development. Yet, they choose to remain oblivious to the fact that their own people count amongst the richest in the world. Are they blind, or do they choose to be blind? Sing Tung Kik Sai, Borneo style?  (OSTB : The first generation who went to school and wore shoes and trousers  has not even reached retirement age.)


The combined effect of all these creates a ferocious monster that is now out of control. The monster is still hungry, but it has already devoured everything in its path. It has eaten up our moderate secular system, the system upon which we built progress; it has destroyed liberal expression, the basis of intellectual freedom and capacity; it has incapacitated self-actualisation thus stagnating development and progress. There is nothing left, and the monster is now on a rampage. The inter-racial socio-economic gap is growing.  Inter-racial harmony is failing.

The fall is going to be a hard one, for all Malaysians, even those who feel that it is time to leave Malaysia. We now need to ready ourselves, in order to be able to piece the broken pieces together and to get through this, as a nation, a nation intact, one people, Bangsa Malaysia, undivided by religion or race. We can’t be Malay, Chinese, Indian, Sabahan or Sarawakian anymore.

I believe that the solution is leadership. I believe that the starting point will be GE14. I believe the platform will be a NEW GOVERNMENT. We need a New Government that is able, enabled and ready to genuinely uplift the peoples of Malaysia. As soon as this New Government is in place, I shall put in a formal application to modify my National Identity Card so that what appears is: 1.) Bangsa: Malaysia; 2.) Agama: n.a. (not applicable).

I haven’t given up on Malaysia. No, not just yet!...

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This is my view. : After so many years of ketuanan economic policies we can see Malay bosses in four  places : in the gomen service, in the GLCs, Malay companies with gomen 'projek dan kontrak' and in Malay TV dramas. 

All four are fictional. They do not reflect reality. They are removed (or shielded) from the real market place.They are simply shielded from reality.

So, we cannot simply abolish that special rights for the Malays in the Federal Constitution (Article 153.)  You touch that and we will have an Afghanistan on our hands in no time. The non Malays have to accept that. There are no two ways about this.  

Yes the Malays cannot yet compete and survive on their own. Maybe they never will. Who knows? Lets even forget about actually catching up.  Without crutches they may never be able to even play "catching up". So the Malays need Article 153 and all that it entails.

On the other hand, no one should put up obstacles in front of  other people. Do not trip up the Chinese, Indians, the non Muslims or whoever who just wants to run his own business.  

If the Chinese wish to run express buses, let them do so. If Indians wish to become deep sea fishermen, then let them be. If a Chinese wishes to run a TV station, run a bank or build cars and motorcycles - just let them do what they want to do. Do not be obstacles.

But why are we still poor?  

Because the ketuanan put so many obstacles and hurdles in front of the Chinese and Indians (who do move the economy) ?  Yes.  And then some more. Like what? You are not just preventing Chinese (and Indians) from expanding their businesses and making money. What you are really doing is you are putting curbs on economic productivity.

When the ketuanan denies a Chinaman express bus licenses or fishing permits or motor vehicle import permits or almost zero infrastructure investment to help Chinese vegetable farmers in Cameron Highlands or help Chinese fishermen in the West coast what is really happening is that the ketuanan is actually putting curbs on economic activity. That is what you are doing.

So we have less economic output in this country than what the population and the country can really sustain.  We can and we should be producing more. But we are not.

Take my example. We had built a power generation plant and we were on our way to developing and running more power generation plants. But the ketuanan  guys forced us out of business and a former chairman of TNB then promptly stole our power plant.
Why not let us keep our plant and you build your own power plant? Then there will be more economic growth. But they do not understand. 

The ketuanan business and economic philosophy is very simple:

If we can do it, you cannot do it. 
If we cannot  do it, you cannot do it
If we want to do it, you cannot do it
If we dont want to do it, you cannot do it
If we are thinking of doing it, you cannot do it.
If we are not even thinking of doing it, you still cannot do it.

So today, the graduates are unemployed by the tens of thousands. Does anyone care about the SPM leavers? They are unemployed by the tens of thousands as well.

Siapa miskin dulu? Tuan-tuan, siapa miskin dulu? Melayu miskin dulu. Sebab in Tanah Melayu. 
Di sini ada ramai penduduk melayu. 

And even among those young Malays who are employed, many are in the "informal sectors". Jual burger, keropok lekor, selling halal cosmetics (MLM), tipu wanita yang gullible etc.

We need more serious thinking. The writer Wan Nur is on the right track. But we have to move fast.

My co-directors in the power plant included Malays. One of them has died. Of old age. Also a victim of ketuanan. - ostb

Alhamdulillah PM dah balik dan bertudong pula ye!!!

Banjir di Pahang...

Banjir di Johor


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