Update Lepas tangkap khalwat, pak imam rogol mangsa khalwat... >> Berita Malay 18

Polis Sabah menahan seorang penguatkuasa agama yang disyaki merogol seorang gadis berusia 14 tahun di sebuah hotel di Beaufort. — Paparan skrin Google

Seorang gadis bawah umur yang ditangkap khalwat, dirogol seorang penguat kuasa agama selepas memperdaya mangsa.

"Imam," 50 tahun, berjanji menguruskan dokumen perkahwinan selepas mangsa, 14 tahun, dan pasangannya ditangkap khalwat 16 Disember lepas.

Suspek ke rumah mangsa pada 29 Disember lalu dan mengajaknya menguruskan dokumen dengan ditemani adik lelaki gadis tersebut, lapor Harian Metro.

Mangsa diminta mendaftar masuk ke sebuah hotel di sini untuk mengisi borang nikah manakala adiknya menunggu di sebuah restoran.

"Suspek kemudian masuk ke dalam bilik hotel lalu memujuk rayu mangsa sebelum merogolnya," kata sumber portal itu.

Suspek mengulangi perbuatannya di hotel sama pada 3 Januari lalu, sebelum aduan dibuat keluarga mangsa semalam dan tangkapan dibuat pada hari sama.

Pesuruhjaya polis Sabah Datuk Ramli Din mengesahkan tangkapan. Kes disiasat bawah Seksyen 376 Kanun Keseksaan kerana merogol.- themalaymailonline

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Dr.M : Aneh Parlimen bersidang 
sampai 6 penggal...

Pengerusi Pakatan Harapan, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menyifatkan Parlimen yang akan bersidang buat kali keenam bermula 5 Mac hingga 5 April nanti sebagai aneh.

Ini kerana menurut beliau Parlimen kebiasaannya bersidang hanya selama lima penggal.

“Biasanya diadakan lima kali sesi parlimen. Tetapi kali ini kita akan ada enam kali.

“Ini juga kita nak tahu dari segi undang-undang (sama ada dibenarkan atau tidak),” ujarnya dalam sidang media di Ibu Pejabat PPBM di Petaling Jaya, hari ini.

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dijangka membubarkan Parlimen dan mengadakan pilihan raya selepas persidangan penggal keenam tamat.

Antara agenda utama persidangan tersebut adalah mengenai persempadan semula yang didakwa ramai pihak dibuat untuk memberi kemenangan selesa kepada Najib dan UMNO. – Roketkini.com

Silap mata tanah Felda 
kejap hilang,kejap dapat balik...

Apakah penyelesaian skandal “kehilangan” hak milik tanah Felda di Jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur, semudah itu? Adakah kes itu dikira selesai semata-mata hanya kerana hak milik ke atas 16 lot tanah yang dikatakan hilang itu sudah dipulangkan?

Kalau itulah caranya, nampak sangat bahawa ada silap mata dalam “kehilangan” dan “perolehan balik” tanah bernilai tinggi itu. Hanya orang betul bendul dan tidak tahu apa-apa sahaja akan percaya penyelesaian ajaib ala wayang kulit itu.

Jadi elok sangatlah audit forensik dan siasatan polis ke atas bagaimana sebuah syarikat persendirian berjaya mengambil alih pemilikan tanah itu diteruskan seperti yang dikatakan oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Abdul Razak.

Dalam satu pesanan “Tweet” hari ini yang dilaporkan oleh New Straits Times atas talian, Najib berkata dia bersyukur 16 lot tanah itu dipulangkan tanpa sebarang kos. Inilah yang menakjubkan. Bagaimanakah tanah yang dianggarkan bernilai RM270 juta, dengan nilai terbangun kasar (gross development value) melebihi RM1 billion, boleh dipulangkan tanpa kos?

Kalau pemindahan hak milik tanah itu dilakukan dengan telus mengikut undang-undang, tentulah ada perjanjian dan pembayaran. Bila ada perjanjian dan pembayaran, maka pemindahan balik hak milik kepada Felda pun mesti ada perjanjian dan pembayaran.

Tetapi macam Najib sendiri akui, pemulangan hak milik tanah itu kepada Felda tidak melibatkan sebarang bayaran atau kos? Jadi apakah jenis urusan jual-beli yang menyebabkan tanah itu terlepas daripada tangan Felda dan kemudiannya dimajukan menjadi Kuala Lumpur Vertical City?

Apakah sebenarnya syarikat Synergy Promenade Sdn Bhd yang memulangkan 16 lot tanah itu kepada Felda dan siapakah di belakangnya? Apa kita ketahui daripada laporan media ialah ia diwakili oleh seorang ahli lembaga pengarahnya bernama (Datuk) Marina Hashim.

Carian Internet mendapati Synergy Promenade ini adalah syarikat kontraktor dan peniagaan umum yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 2000. Kalau Marina Hashim (pix,bawah) itu sama dengan wanita yang dipersembahkan oleh majalah Nona pada 18 September tahun lalu, maka dia adalah seorang jelitawan dan ibu dalam usia 40-an.

Dalam laporan itu, majalah tersebut memetik salah seorang anaknya, Muhammad Nuraiman Rayyan Erwazri, sebagai berkata ibunya “bekerjasama rapat dengan pengurusan Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Persekutuan (Felda).” Sesiapa yang berminat boleh baca DI SINI.

Jadi audit forensik dan penyiasatan polis yang Najib sebutkan itu perlulah memastikan apakah bentuk kerjasama rapat di antara wanita itu dengan pengurusan Felda.

Memandangkan banyaknya kejadian berbentuk skandal dan rasuah yang berlaku dalam Felda dan Felda Global Ventures (FGV) yang kesemuanya mengancam kepentingan peneroka Felda serta generasi kedua Felda, maka wajiblah skandal tanah Jalan Semarak ini disiasat hingga ke akar umbi.

Manalah tahu mungkin benar-benar wujud apa yang dipanggil “FGVMafia” dalam FGV dan Felda yang menjadi dalang menghisap darah peneroka.- A Kadir Jasin

Saving The Best For Last...

Like everyone else I looked forward to some welcoming news ahead of 2018, as I am a true believer that good things only happen at the end of the show. But it was one disappointment after another as 2017 came to a close. Topping my list of disappointments was the unravelling of the scandal behind Felda’s Jalan Semerak land deal. It was clearly a fraud committed by those responsible for the wellbeing of the many settlers of the once-promising land development scheme. Today Felda (Federal Land Development Authority) is fast becoming a farce with billions of the rakyat’s hard-earned money being siphoned off by crooked officials and politicians.

The scandal involves the transfer of four pieces of prime land belonging to the agency, located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, by the appointed developer to an entity which the developer has an interest in. The current market value of the land is in excess of RM2 billion. However, it was “sold” for RM270 million, a fraction of what it is on the market. Felda, unfortunately, did not receive a single sen from the transaction although it was finalised in December 2015.        

Incidentally, scandal-ridden Felda is embroiled in many other financial fiascos that have surfaced over the last few years. What many find puzzling is the silence on the part of the Prime Minister’s Department who is responsible for the agency’s management. Was there complicity or perhaps a hidden hand behind the numerous “dubious dealings” that had incurred considerable loss to the government and the settlers? Obviously, those entrusted to manage and administer the agency are not what they are but wolves in sheep’s clothing. To pacify the settlers they, from time to time, are given handouts worth pittance in exchange for their loyalty, patience and trust. This sucks.

Newly-appointed Felda chairman, Sharir Samad, is at a loss trying to untangle the mystery. Although the Police and the anti-corruption commission are hard on the heels of the culprits, a solution is impossible with the present hierarchy. Meanwhile, the crooks are spending their ill-gotten gains without an iota of guilt. The country’s pride and credibility are being badly affected by these irresponsible people.

I thought Felda’s problem would be the finale of a tumultuous 2017 only to be jolted by another shocker nearer home. The notice on the door of Ipoh City Council’s Perak Tourism Information Centre adjacent to iconic Ipoh Padang had many in stitches. The centre was closed on New Year’s Eve and on New Year’s Day. Its closure on a significant public holiday was not the issue here but the hastily written notice in English was. The Menteri Besar had attributed the blooper to oversight and had faulted the writer for having used the popular online application Google Translate to create his “masterpiece”. The notice was full of grammatical and spelling mistakes. It would make any sane visitor to the centre that day squeamish.

In 2012 when the first Visit Perak Year was introduced I dropped by the centre to have a first-hand look at things on display there. I was told that captions of posters and written illustrations were poorly worded. This would reflect badly on Ipoh City Council. I offered to correct the mistakes, pro bono, thus saving the Council money and time. My well-meaning gesture was never taken seriously, as those responsible persisted in doing what they felt was right. So whatever happened came as no surprise to me. But the fact that the glitch had gone viral on social media had everyone, from mayor to Menteri Besar, on their toes, speaks volumes of the importance of the English language.

If we want foreign tourists to continue coming Ipoh’s way, good spoken and written English is a must. In this instance, the fault lies with the department head not the poor counter staff who took it upon himself to write something which he is ill-trained for.

However, on hindsight, the capacity of senior government officers is also suspect. How many of them can write and converse in English? I have come across many who simply cannot string a simple sentence in English let alone write anything legible. Our education system has degenerated to what it is today thanks to the many nationalistic leaders who insist that English is the language of the penjajah (colonials). 

Notwithstanding the gloom, there was one event that helped brighten the tail end of 2017. It happened at Ipoh’s airport on Thursday, December 28. A young man went out of his way to win the hands of his beau. His elaborate marriage proposal plan cost him a whopping RM10,000 to execute but it was worth every sen. He got the girl of his dreams and the couple walked happily into the aircraft that took them to Singapore and back.

So, what is in stock for us in 2018? There are five official long weekends (one has already gone) and 11 public holidays to contend with. The icing is of course the much-anticipated GE 14. No definite dates are in the offing yet but, rest assured, the mother of all elections is set to rock the nation to its foundation. I am not making any predictions but remain optimistic of an upset given the current political climate. - Fathol Zaman Bukhari,Ipoh Echo

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