Lim Kit Siang memang dikenali sebagai tokoh pembangkang veteran dan tegar dalam politiknya bersama DAP.
Selepas puluhan tahun bergerak bersama parti itu, di mata seorang bekas pengarang, Lim adalah satu-satunya ahli politik yang benar-benar mahu menghapuskan tol di lebuh raya.
Kata Mustapa Kamil Mohd Janor, selain Lim pemimpin lain dianggap sekadar bercakap mengenai tol untuk meneruskan kelangsungan politik masing-masing.
"Satu-satunya orang yang saya akan percaya jika dia bercakap mahu menghapuskan semua toll ialah Lim Kit Siang.
"Yang lain akan berkata begitu hanya untuk kelangsungan politik mereka," katanya.

Kenyataan bekas pengarang kumpulan New Straits Times itu dimuat naik di media sosial selepas Datuk Seri Najib Razak menceritakan bagaimana kerajaan "terpaksa" membatalkan keputusan diambil pemimpin terdahulu.
Kata perdana menteri langkah berkenaan diambil demi kesejahteraan rakyat. Antara langkah yang diambil kerajaannya ialah menghapuskan tol di beberapa lebuh raya.
"Ia bukannya mudah tetapi saya tak setuju membayar tol setiap hari adalah baik untuk rakyat.
"Bagi Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan dan Lebuhraya Karak, sesekali tak mengapa. Tetapi bayar tol sehingga empat kali dalam satu hari siapa tak marah?" katanya lagi.
Kata Najib beliau merungkaikan apa yang dirasakan tidak memihak kepada kepentingan rakyat Malaysia.
DAP sendiri pernah menganjurkan beberapa protes bagi membantah dasar berkenaan. Kebanyakannya berlangsung ketika kerajaan dipimpin Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Kini Dr Mahathir adalah salah seorang pemimpin pembangkang yang gigih menyerang kerajaan ketika tarikh pilihan raya umum semakin hampir.
Najib pula sering menggunakan program umum yang dihadirinya untuk menyerang Dr Mahathir - bekas pemimpin Umno yang bertanggungjawab menaikkan namanya sebagai perdana menteri.
Menujukan pertanyaan secara langsung kepada Najib, Mustapha Kamil mempersoalkan pendirian perdana menteri ketika kerajaan membenarkan sesebuah syarikat mengutip tol.
"Di mana Najib apabila semua perjanjian konsesi tol itu ditandatangani dulu?" katanya. - mk

Askar usah takut mengundi dengan bebas

The Two Tuns in Bangsar...
While the two Tuns were shocked by the spontaneous reaction of all the visitors who stood up and gave applause to the two couples.
What triggered such a reaction ?.
It is none other than the manifestation and demonstration (or more accurately) the emotions of the feelings and the emotions of the people who have been buried and buried all this time.
Malaysians who have been paralyzed without being able to do anything to see Najib and Umno do the wrongdoing for the sake of disobedience without being ashamed, embarrassed and far beyond fear.

As the people of all walks of life go through the depressing and burdensome life.
And Tun's presence at the restaurant this morning as a prospective Prime Minister Pakatan Harapan was seen as a light at the end of a dark, cold and long tunnel. Bringing newness, hope and new spirit.
Malaysia is not just about to recover but it will reach the vision of the Tun (so far). - Photos-Mohamad Mohd Hanizam Yunus,Firdaus Abdullah, steadyaku47
Undi ikut hati nurani anda/Vote with your conscience...
Pak lebai miang...
The 53-second clip allegedly shows the elderly man moving his right hand towards the female passenger, who was seated next to him. The man appeared to glance down towards the woman’s left leg intermittently. He was also shown moving his fingers until they made contact with the woman's limb.
The woman, who appeared to be asleep, did not move and seemed to be unaware of the man’s actions.
“I have heard of such incidents but I have not seen it with my own eyes. This happened on my way to work in the Sri Petaling LRT line. He stopped when he noticed the Malay couple beside me eyeing him.
“He straight away got off the train at that stop,” the Netizen who uploaded the video claimed in a Facebook posting.
The Netizen advised passengers not to sleep, use their mobile phones or talk to their colleagues during train rides. She also urged Rapid KL to step up security to prevent such incidents from recurring.
Rapid KL, in a reply to the complainant, said the matter has been forwarded to the relevant parties. - nst

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