Presiden Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan Brid. Jeneral (B) Datuk Mohd Arshad Raji yang tidak bersetuju dengan langkah kerajaan itu berkata pangkalan itu menyimpan terlalu banyak nilai sejarahnya.
"Bagi saya, daripada dulu lagi saya tidak bersetuju dengan apa yang berlaku (penutupan pangkalan udara TUDM Sg Besi) kerana bagi saya ia satu perkara yang tak betul dan saya merasa sedih dengan apa yang berlaku itu.
"Ia juga seharusnya ia tidak berlaku kerana pangkalan udara di Sg Besi ini satu pangkalan yang banyak nilai sejarahnya kerana ia satu usaha pertama kita, dan ia juga pernah menjadi lapangan terbang antarabangsa kita," katanya kepada Malaysiakini.
Pada 28 Mei 2011 Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dilapor telah menamakan kawasan Sendayan di Negeri Sembilan sebagai pangkalan baru bagi menggantikan pangkalan TUDM di Sungai Besi, Kuala Lumpur.

Isu tersebut kembali dibangkitkan ekoran penularan beberapa klip video bertajuk 'Majlis Paluan Berundur ATM dari Kem TUDM Sungai Besi' di laman sosial baru-baru ini.
Klip-klip video berkenaan mendakwa ia merupakan rakaman majlis paluan berundur di kem berkenaan.
Majlis paluan berundur diamalkan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) untuk istiadat tertentu seperti perpindahan sesebuah pasukan dari satu kem ke kem yang lain atau penutupan kem induk.
Keterangan pada salah klip video yang memaparkan kenderaan tentera bergerak keluar bertulis: "Betapa sedihnya apabila mendengar lagu ini dan ini adalah majlis paluan berundur Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) dari kem TUDM Sungai Besi yang telah diserahkan kepada China."

Tiada landasan kapal terbang?
Pada klip video lain bertajuk sama memaparkan upacara menurunkan bendera dengan diiringi alunan lagu Bertemu Dan Berpisah yang dimainkan kumpulan pancaragam.
Rata-rata pengguna laman sosial yang berkongsi klip video berkenaan melahirkan perasaan sayu terhadap penutupan kem yang menempatkan lapangan terbang antarabangsa pertama negara.
Mengulas lanjut, Arshad berkata beliau jelas sangat tidak bersetuju dan mempersoalkan alasan penutupan pangkalan itu.
"Kalau macam di Britian mereka tak akan jual tanah-tanah begitu, tak akan jual kem-kem terbabit atau tidak sewenang-wenangnya memusnahkan pangkalan udara tersebut dan saya sangat tidak bersetuju dengan apa yang berlaku," katanya.
Arshad turut mempersoalkan sama ada benar pangkalan udara di Sendayan mempunyai kelengkapan yang jauh lebih bagus dari pangkalan di Sg Besi.
"Saya tak tengok pun pangkalan udara Sendayan itu dan kalau dikatakan pangkalan, sebaik-baiknya adalah landasan kapal terbang.
"Tetapi apa yang saya dapat tahu pangkalan udara Sendayan itu tidak mempunyai landasan kapal terbang. Ini pangkalan apa?" soalnya lagi.
Oleh demikian, Arshad berkata pangkalan udara TUDM Sg Besi masih yang terbaik baginya. Baca seterusnya
Najib peduli apa dgn nilai sejarah kat pengkalan udara sg besi..janji kawasan itu dpt dibangunkn yg dikenali sbg bandat tun razak..apabila siap kelak akan dijual pd China dgn harga berbillion tuk menyelesaikan sebahagian hutang 1mdb n mengayakan kroni2nya. - Abd Rashid Md Ariff
Saya anak bekas anggota tentera pd zaman komunis....ayah dh arwah...saya dan keluarga saya pernah mendarat di lapangan terbang sg besi....sayu melihat upacara ni....masih terbayang wajah arwah ayah saya semasa memerangi komunis plak tempat tu diserahkan kpd china(komunis).- Amran Hambamu
Ini lagi satu PETAKA yang dibawa olih Jembalang 1MDB... Para anggota tentera, pesara2 tentera, anak2 tentera, cucu2 tentera seluroh RAKYAT Malaysia BANGKIKlah protes diPRU14 ini untuk campak humbankan BAPAK Jembalang 1MDB iaitu umnobn kelaut china selatan..! - Abduljalil Ishak
Tak payah nak sedih. Undilah lagi BN umno. Dah banyak yg di jual. Banyak lagi dalam proses untuk di jual dan semuanya akan terjual. Duit jual tanah KTM di Singapore kemana pergi ya?. - Hj Ar Azmi
Pesara tentera dan rakyat pun bersedih juga di atas penutupan kem sg besi yg banyak menyimpan kenangan lama.UMNO dan China komunis nak make money di atas tanah yg penuh dgn sejarah.1MDB lagi penting untuk MO1 dpd nilai sejarah kem tudm sg besi.Lepas itu salahkan china DAP mahu jual tanah.- Kumar San Peng
Kes Zambri - Yang dedah disoalsiasat...
Story kat SINI dan SINI
"Koo Ham mendakwa Zambry menerima bonus RM115,000 daripada PKNP
dan pembelian kereta Audi Q7 pada harga RM620,996 untuknya".

The Propensity To Distort History...
However, war in the Pacific raged on for another four months until the belligerent Japanese Imperial Army was brought to its knees after atomic bombs were dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. These are facts and nobody would want to deny them as peace was the ultimate aim of the battling nations. Malaya was unwittingly drawn into the conflict as we were part of the fading British Empire in the Far East.
Having said so, Napoleon Bonaparte had another theory about history. He said and I quote, “History is a set of lies that people had agreed upon”. Towards the end of Napoleon’s life, while being incarcerated on the remote island of St Helena in the Atlantic, 1870 miles from the west coast of Africa, the only weapon he had was words when he dictated his memoirs.
You may wonder why I had alluded to these two luminaries as an introduction. Well, it has much to do with events unfolding on our shores presently. I take offence when some self-proclaimed clerics professed to know more about the country’s history than you and I. Someone who knows next to nothing about wars and battles could make pronouncements that are not only frivolous but ridiculous, to begin with.
Ismail Mina Ahmad (pix,above), leader of Gerakan Pembela Ummah (Ummah’s Defenders Movement) during a keynote address at the movement’s convention in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, January 13 said that those who don’t agree with the Federal Constitution to leave the country. But what really irked me was his insistence that only the Malays fought for the freedom of the country. Malays fought the Siamese, the Japanese and later the Communists Terrorists leaving the non-Malays as mere spectators. That to me is nonsense, to put it sarcastically.
Such words coming from someone who cannot differentiate a pistol from a rifle is an insult to my intelligence. He should be mindful of others whose role in the country’s independence is equally important. This is not something new as we are being frequently assailed by statements which are made at the spur of the moment or upon instigation from supporters. It is playing to the gallery of which our politicians are noted for.
Many non-Malays and Malays, especially those who had served time in the Malaysian Armed Forces had refuted Ismail’s claim as mischievous and without basis.
“We’ve participated in defending our country and some of us have scars to show we were there risking our lives,” said Major Tan Pau Son (Retired) president of the Malaysian Armed Forces Chinese Veterans Association.
Needless to say there were Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Bidayuhs and others who were killed while in harness. These non-Malays had made the ultimate sacrifices for King and Country. They did not shy away from their responsibility. And to claim that only one particular race is responsible for the country’s well-being is definitely in poor taste. And being a former serviceman with 30 years of experience battling Chin Peng and his merry men, I am certainly not amused. My good friend, Capt Chandran was posthumously awarded the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (SP), the nation’s highest bravery award while my college mate, Capt Shamuganathan was bestowed the Pingat Gagah Berani (PGB), the next highest. These two heroes did not die in vain. - Fathol Zaman Bukhari,Ipoh Echo
Ku Li : Jakim (is) result of UMNO’s attempt to out-Islamise PAS political exploitation of Islam without grounding in religion its establishment unconstitutional, Gua Musang MP told FMT.
Ku Li not first to question Jakim’s status. Jakim frequently accused of promoting extreme conservatism prominent critic is Sultan Ibrahim of Johor too. Jakim established 1997 as unit of PM's Dept. Jakim has a huge budget. Jakim - federal department for Islamic development.
Indeed the existence of JAKIM is unconstitutional. Someone should challenge this in Court. Before the Perlembagaan Penjajah was drafted, religion was (and still is) the domain of the Malay Rulers of the respective States. Religion is a State matter.
When the Perjanjian Persekutuan (1948) and then the Perlembagaan Penjajah were drafted the Malay Rulers were clearly stated as being the heads of religion in their respective States. There is no such thing as a Federal Authority over religion in Malaysia.
That is why Kassim Ahmad was acquitted of his charges. The Jakim clowns had him arrested in Kedah and then transported him to KL. The Court ruled that this was against the law. Because there are no federal religious laws. There is no inter-state religious authority. ALL religious laws are in State only and are only applicable inside the State.
That is why the Pusat Pemulihan Akidah are also unconstitutional. You cannot arrest someone for a religious offence in Perak and send him to the Pusat Pemulihan Akidah in Negeri Sembilan. That is unconstitutional.
In practise they overcome such breaches by using the Ministry of Home Affairs. For example some people who are summoned to appear before Jakim receive letters using the letterhead of the Ministry of Home Affairs. They have to do this because Jakim has no authority. They have no power. That is why they use the Ministry of Home Affairs letterheads.
But this is questionable and most likely against the Perlembagaan Penjajah. Someone must challenge this in the Courts. Same with Jakim's halal stickers. Jakim earns millions of Ringgit from the halal stickers. Jakim has no power or authority to take any action to impose the halal stickers.
It is unconstitutional for Jakim to even issue the halal stickers in the first place. Who gave them the authority to issue halal stickers and collect money from the people? Again this should also be challenged in the Courts.
If Jakim issues halal stickers, each and every state can also issue their own halal stickers. Why give the monopoly to Jakim. There is no law that can prevent a State from also issuing its own halal stickers.
Also since the Sultan of Johor has banned Jakim from Johor this means that Jakim's halal stickers are unlawful in the State of Johor. Johor must start issuing its own halal stickers.
Tengku Razaleigh is correct when he says that Jakim is unconstitutional. The easiest option is to just shut down Jakim. - ostb