Update Bolehkah Dr.M guna logo PKR tanpa menyertainya... >> Berita Malay 18

Pengerusi Pakatan Harapan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad malam tadi mengumumkan bahawa gabungan itu akan menggunakan simbol "mata" PKR sebagai logo bersama bagi pilihan raya umum ke-14.

Selain mengetengahkan satu barisan bersatu, bertanding di bawah logo yang sama, ia juga bermakna pembubaran sementara parti pimpinan Dr Mahathir - BERSATU - tidak akan menghalang ahli-ahlinya daripada bertanding dalam pilihan raya umum.

Dr Mahathir, dan calon lain dari BERSATU dan HARAPAN bagaimanapun, tidak perlu menyertai PKR untuk menggunakan logonya dalam pilihan raya.

Sama seperti bekas pengerusi BERSIH Maria Chin Abdullah, apa yang diperlukan bagi calon HARAPAN untuk menggunakan logo PKR adalah surat watikah dari parti berkenaan.

Surat watikah pilihan raya itu ditandatangani oleh pemimpin tinggi parti, biasanya presiden parti, atau bagi gabungan berdaftar seperti BN, oleh pengerusi gabungan itu.

Mengeluarkan surat watikah kepada bukan ahli bukan merupakan amalan yang luar biasa.

Contohnya Dr Michael Jeyakumar, PSM, telah bertanding kerusi Parlimen Sungai Siput menggunakan logo PKR beberapa kali.

Pada tahun 2013, aktivis alam sekitar Wong Tack menentang Presiden MCA Liow Tiong Lai di bawah tiket DAP.

Amalan ini juga membolehkan BN melaksanakan mekanisme calon langsung BN yang digunakan dalam pilihan raya negeri Sarawak 2016 untuk ahli-ahli parti serpihan UPP dan Teras. - mk

Sementara itu, Pengerusi SPR, Tan Sri Mohd Hashim Abdullah, berkata sehingga kini, pihaknya masih belum menerima sebarang makluman rasmi daripada PH berhubung perkara itu. 

Katanya, SPR perlu memastikan semua parti yang bertanding mengikut peraturan yang ditetapkan termasuk berkaitan penggunaan logo.

"Kebenaran menggunakan logo daripada kita. Kalau dia nak guna logo baharu dan sebagainya, kita yang perlu memberi kelulusan."

Pengerusi SPR sengaja buat berita palsu ke?

Hakikat nya, kesemua calon2 PH di Semenanjung akan bertanding di bawah logo PKR yang telah di restui oleh presiden PKR. Ini bukan PH mahu mengguna logo yang baru. 

Asalkan surat watikah PKR di beri kepada calon2 tersebut, SPR tiada kuasa untuk menghalang.

Nampak sangat SPR mahu mengeruhkan keadaan. - f/bk

Pegawai Pejabat Agung Pas sahkan terima duit RM1.5 juta, dakwa Mahfuz
Pegawai Pejabat Agung PAS 
sahkan terima duit RM1.5 juta...

Datuk Haji Mahfuz Omar mendakwa terdapat tiga orang pimpinan Pas Terengganu menerima wang daripada pemimpin Umno tertentu.

Mereka yang terlibat kata beliau ialah, Timbalan Pesuruhjaya Pas, Ustaz Saiful Bahri Mamat, Bendahari Pas Terengganu, M. Shukrimun Shamsudin, dan Setiausaha Pas Terengganu, Muhyidin Abdul Rashid.

Wang berkenaan sejumlah RM1 juta dakwa Mahfuz, dimasukkan melalui akaun khas yang dinamakan Akaun Amanah pada 21 Mac 2018 lalu.

Selain itu katanya lagi, sejumlah RM1.5 juta juga telah dimasukkan ke dalam akaun Jabatan Pembangunan Pas Pusat (JPP) atau Jabatan Pilihan Raya Pas Pusat.

Kata Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena itu, beliau telah menyemak perkara tersebut dengan pegawai di Pejabat Agung Pas, dan mereka telah mengesahkan bahawa wang sejumlah itu memang telah dimasukkan ke dalam akaun berkenaan.

Ujarnya, perkara ini telah pun menjadi viral di media sosial.- malaysiadateline

Dr M to EC: Here's a 'keling' 
word for you, ‘podah’...

Reports claiming that Pakatan Harapan will have to get the Election Commission's permission to use a common logo have incensed coalition chairperson Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

"This morning we heard his (Umno president Najib Abdul Razak's) goons, including the EC chief (Mohd Hashim Abdullah) saying that if we want to use a common symbol, we have to crawl and prostrate in front of this person for permission.

"I want to use a ‘keling’ word. The keling say ‘podah’ (get lost).

"Where is the law (that says we can't use a common logo), this rule was formed this morning," Mahathir said at a fundraiser in Muar this evening.

The word ‘keling’ is considered a derogatory reference for Indians in the modern context, even though it was not originally considered so when the word was first conceived in the 15th century.

It is commonly used among northerners, especially the older generation.

Mahathir himself has had his ethnicity and Indian heritage politicised when Umno de facto deputy president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi played up the nonagenarian's old identity card, which supposedly stated his name as “Mahathir a/l Iskandar Kutty.”

The Harapan chair was responding to news reports by several media, citing Hashim (photo) as saying that the commission's approval was needed if the coalition wanted to use the PKR symbol as its common logo for the 14th general election.

Asked at a press conference today if DAP could contest using the logo, Hashim had said: "The EC must approve the logos of all parties that are contesting. If we see that there is nothing wrong, we will approve it.

“But the use of a different logo by a party that has a logo, we will see what happens."

Only letter needed

Earlier during the fundraiser, Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin had also questioned Hashim's remarks based on the reports. 

Muhyiddin said in his experience, all that was needed for a candidate to contest under a different party's logo was for the party to sign a surat watikah (authorisation letter). 

Mahathir had unveiled that Harapan would be using the PKR 'eye' symbol as the coalition's common logo in the Peninsula at rally in Pasir Gudang last night.

This is after Harapan failed to get itself registered with the Registrar of Societies. 

Besides presenting a united front, using the PKR logo means that Bersatu members can contest in the 14th general election, despite the party having been temporarily dissolved by the ROS on Thursday. mk

You can see for yourself all their moody faces.  This is NOT the face of a winning team. 

Subra is like an ikan kering. 
Tokpa is contemplating I dont know what. 
Liow Tiong Lai is possibly thinking he will be the last president of the MCA. The party will possibly  wind up after this. 
Hisham has aged, looks much older. Looks older than me bro. 
Shabery Cheek looks like a condemned person too.  

All that talk just became useless. Akhir sekali layak sediakan heli-pad untuk hantar beras kepada mangsa banjir saja bro. That shall be your life's achievement.
This is a bunch of condemned people. They have condemned themselves into not standing up against a thief, a liar, a kleptocrat and worse.

Well this is the price you will pay. And worse. Wait until you lose the elections. Then the ton of bricks will surely come down on these folks.

They say that a "rebellion" is brewing inside the Barisan Nasional. That is bullshit. Parliament has been dissolved. Rebellion apa? 

These folks do not have the cojones to rebel even against a woman. They have been kissing her butt.  You want them to rebel against the woman's husband now. They would rather kiss her butt.    

Why are they so afraid? Why are they so frightened? Cowardice? Money? Not used to rebelling? 

Dig your own grave. History will spit on your name.Too late. - ostb

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