Update 55,045 pengundi hantu dikesan di Batu Tiga saja... >> Berita Malay 18

DUN Batu Tiga mengesan pengundi baru meningkat kepada 55,054 orang melalui senarai pendaftar pemilik Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) bagi suku keempat, di kawasan itu.

Calon DUN Batu Tiga, Rodziah Ismail berkata, perkara itu didapati sejurus selesai penamaan calon, pada 28 April lalu ketika bilik gerakannya memproses data pemilik yang diperoleh daripada SPR.

Katanya, angka itu meningkat dalam tempoh kurang tiga bulan, berbanding 53,000 pengundi sebelumnya.

“Data itu masih dalam proses untuk kita lihat berapa ramai lagi pengundi hantu.

“Memang pelik, namun bilik gerakan saya masih dalam usaha memproses data itu sehingga hari ini,” katanya ketika Ceramah Mega, di Dataran Sri Tupai Seksyen 20, baru-baru ini.

My late grandfather (mum's side), passed away 24 YEARS AGO, is still a voter in Sungai Sibuga, 
the constituency for Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman. - Adrian Lim Chee En

Lebih menghairankan, Rodziah berkata, seramai 30 warga emas berusia lebih 110 tahun didaftarkan sebagai pengundi di kawasannya.

Katanya, ia membabitkan penduduk di Taman Rashna seramai sembilan orang, manakala di Seksyen 17 seramai lima orang.

“Selama 10 tahun (dua penggal) saya menjadi wakil rakyat di sini, belum ada warga emas yang saya ketemu berusia melebihi 110 tahun.

“Lebih mengejutkan dua minggu lalu apabila kita turun ke lapangan, kita dapati alamat rumah tidak wujud di Seksyen 17 dengan jumlah pengundinya mencecah 20 orang.

“Justeru, kita perlu lipat gandakan tenaga dan seru semua rakyat turun mengundi supaya kita dapat lawan pengundi hantu yang tidak wujud ini,” katanya. - selangorkini

Bukan ‘kingmaker’ tapi PAS 
akan tumbang di Kelantan...

Bekas Menteri Kewangan Tun Daim Zainuddin menjangkakan bahawa PAS akan kehilangan Kelantan pada pilihan raya umum 9 Mei ini.

Dalam satu wawancara dengan akhbar harian Cina, Nanyang Siang Pau, Daim juga berkata bahawa PAS tidak akan menang banyak pada kali ini dan oleh itu, mereka tidak akan menjadi “kingmaker” atau “pembuat keputusan”.

Beliau menjelaskan bahawa pengundi hari ini melihat pemimpin PAS terlalu rapat dengan Umno, yang suatu ketika dahulu ditolak terus oleh Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang dan bekas Mursyidul Am PAS, Allahyarham Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

"Akhir-akhir ini, kamu lihat bahawa ketiga-tiga anak bekas pemimpin PAS memilih untuk meninggalkan parti itu.

"Terdapat perpecahan dalam parti itu, mereka tidak boleh menerima apa terjadi kepada PAS hari ini, " kata Daim.

Beliau berkata sejarah membuktikan bahawa Umno sering mengambil kesempatan ke atas PAS, terutamanya apabila parti pemerintah itu adalah lemah, tetapi mengketepikannya apabila mereka tidak lagi memerlukannya.

"Sama dengan Akta 355... pemimpin (PAS) tahu ini permainan politik Umno.

"Malangnya, mereka beri penyokong (mereka) harapan palsu," katanya, merujuk kepada usaha Abdul Hadi meminda Akta Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang Kuasa Jenayah) 1965 untuk meningkatkan bidang kuasa hukuman mahkamah syariah. 

Walaupun pentadbiran Najib membenarkan usul itu dibentangkan pada 2016, namun Dewan Rakyat tidak pernah mengundi mengenainya dan rang undang-undang itu kekal terumbang-ambing.

Sementara itu, Daim juga tidak menjangkakan kemungkinan Umno dan PAS membentuk kerajaan perpaduan.

Beliau berkata Umno perlu mengambil kira perasaan parti bukan Islam lain dalam BN, termasuk mereka dari Sabah dan Sarawak. - mk

Daim: Kedah, Perak mungkin juga jatuh

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Tun Daim Zainuddin's Interview 
With Nanyang Siang Pau

Q :  With the establishment of Pakatan Harapan lineup, many people believe this was the strongest and tougher opponent ever to BN, especially with Tun Dr Mahathir take the leading role, what is Tun comment?

1.    Many believe so. This is the strongest and toughest opposition as now they have Tun Mahathir, Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Mat Sabu plus their lieutenants, supporters and volunteers. They also have YB Muhyiddin, YAB Lim Guan Eng, YAB Azmin Ali and YB Mukhriz. On paper, this is very formidable. I don't think their supporters want them to be paper tigers.

2.    Previously voters had party loyalties but now, voters vote based on policies. Policies must be in line with what the voters think can be implemented; otherwise they are just empty promises. It has to be realistic and convincing.

3.    Tun Mahathir was an UMNO President and held office as the PM for 22 years. They have Deputy Prime Ministers, Menteri Besar and ministers in their parties. Lim Kit Siang was leader of the Opposition for a long time. Of course this is a big credit to the current Opposition.

Based on the actions and statements from BN and UMNO leaders, it clearly shows that they are worried and very scared. I am not happy that some statements have been too personal. This goes against our culture and beyond politicking. This is not healthy. Leaders must always set a good example to the people.

Q : Tun Dr Mahathir as an asset or liability to Pakatan Harapan? Did this latest opposition front lineup works?

1.    Of course to PH, he is an asset but in the eyes of BN, they have to say he is a liability. A few members of the PH component parties initially protested. In politics, you can't expect everyone to agree to everything. lf we believe in democracy, we must respect the decision of the majority. But those who disagree, they can object.

2.    From what l have read, these are equal partners. It means no party dominates. Before this, there were those who called Tun Mahathir a dictator and they said dictators don't change. Dictators don’t listen to others. We have heard that Tun Mahathir said he does not agree that tolls should be abolished but he was overruled. Isn’t this a sign of change?

3.    Do dictators give up office voluntarily? Under Tun Mahathir, his old party was declared unlawful. It was de-registered. He didn’t interfere with the ROS or the Court. He was called MahaFiraun but he allowed Semangat 46 and PKR to contest in the elections. Those who used to be under him are now saying he was a dictator. Why didn’t they resign like Musa Hitam and Tengku Razaleigh? Is it because they prefer to retain their positions and have no principles?

4.    Clearly PH is not BN. lt is inconceivable that Lim Kit Siang, Mat Sabu, Anwar and his family will allow Tun Mahathir to bulldoze everything. Tun Mahathir is a highly intelligent man and he knows that the present generation is very different from those of the 80s and 90s era. 

5.    Tun is very pragmatic and reads the ground well. Although he is 93 years of age, he understands the needs, expectations and aspirations of the young.

6.    The reading is that Umno and BN have not changed. Rakyat think PH and the component parties have read the situation correctly.

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Q:  Is there really a “dream team” for Pakatan Harapan? Can Tun Dr Mahathir and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sincerely forgive each other for the sake of common political ground?

1.    Dream team only exists in dreams. PH has many intelligent young leaders who subscribe to the ideals of democracy. The experienced leaders were idealistic and have made huge sacrifices to their freedom. Some were detained for their beliefs.  Now all of these leaders are together fighting against corruption, Kleptocracy and wastage. They promise to respect and honour the supreme law of the country that is our constitution. 

2.    lf we read and understand the constitution, we cannot ask for more. All of us must respect and follow the law. Nobody is above the constitution.

3.    The opposition pledge their promises in their recent manifesto. If they don’t keep their promises, voters will reject them in the next elections. Democracy gives voters the choice to choose the government. 

4.    I know both Tun Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim quite well. Since their reconciliation, l have spoken to both. Tun Mahathir and Anwar had worked together before, until they went their separate ways. We read their statements. YB Dr Wan Azizah and YB Nurul Izzah have accepted this reconciliation and if the family members accept, who are we to question? Yes, they have come together for a common cause i.e. to save this country. What bigger sacrifice do we want from these leaders? 

Q :  Did Tun believe that, the claim by DAP leader, they wish through Tun Dr Mahathir influence, will stir the necessary Malay Tsunami to make an in road to Putrajaya?

14.    Tun Mahathir still has influence among different age groups. He was PM for 22 years. He retired voluntarily. He developed this country and gave pride to Malaysia and Malaysians. ln 22 years, you can't expect perfection. Mistakes were made but overall, he did an excellent job. This was recognized by Time Magazine where it described him as “The Builder”. He is the builder of modern Malaysia and nobody can deny this. Those who were part of the team should be proud of what was achieved. I am very proud. During his tenure, he overcame two recessions and the country did better after he introduced some new policies to take this country forward.

15.    During the two recessions that the country faced, he made sure the government took care of the rakyat. He had strong confidence in his policies and he was so brave to call for elections during these difficult and critical times. The rakyat rewarded him with a 2/3 majority in Parliament on both occasions.

16.    So those in their 50s and 60s know his services to Malaysia and his achievements. They believe in him and l think they will give their full support to him. The younger generations are exposed to the world and with the state of the art technology, they can get instant news. In the past, the young generation were normally anti-establishment and voted for the Opposition. 

17.    PH does not really need a Malay tsunami to win the election. A swing of around 10% is sufficient. The urban areas traditionally vote for the Opposition. Now with smart phones and advance technology, even semi urban areas get instant news. This will become a danger to BN.

18.    What is left are rural areas. News about Felda, Tabung Haji and other agencies are widely spread. If the rural people who traditionally support Umno receive these news, support for Umno will be affected and eroded. l am told second generation settlers are very angry with the government. l remember l cautioned the government about the impact on the listing of Felda, but when you are no longer in government, who will listen to you? TH depositors are not happy too.

19.    I believe DAP is predicting a Malay Tsunami based on these factors, but do you need a Malay Tsunami to get to Putrajaya? l don't think so.

Q :   What are Tun prediction of the 14th GE possible outcome? Did BN will eventually fall finally? Or other way round, BN make a strong come back, even recapture the two third majority in parliament?   If yes, what are the major factor? If BN facing another major setback, what are the major reason?

1.    Let me make it very clear l am not in the business of predicting election results. I have retired from business too. l don't do any research. But l meet a lot of people. l read analysis from the think tanks, hear from politicians representing all the parties in Malaysia, from journalists, taxi drivers’ talks in coffee shops and suraus. I receive news from Whatsapp and I watch YouTube. I have old and new friends who give me feedback. Then l make my own conclusions.

2.   The Opposition according to many is the strongest ever. They managed to put their differences aside and put up a united front which is very rare in Malaysian politics. Imagine a common logo and DAP sacrificing its rocket. This is the best evidence of sacrifice for common cause. This is the biggest news for the rakyat. They have one main agenda that is to topple BN hence attack is mainly concentrated on Najib given that he is seemingly their Achilles heel.

3.  BN’s biggest problem is to explain 1MDB to urban voters. I think the government’s biggest blunder was not to address this scandal when it first surfaced. The government should have just admitted that 1MDB is a big mistake. Rakyat will eventually forgive but what they can’t forgive is when the government is abusing the law and hide their wrongdoings.

4. Sacking the DPM and a senior minister did not solve the problem, rather it may have done the opposite. It is now an international scandal involving so many countries. We have no control over other countries nor their media. These days we get instant news. The government and ministers can deny but these denials make the educated and urbanite very angry and they distrust the government. Whatever good the government does, is being negated by the 1MDB scandal. How can one deny DOJ’s report when there is mention of MO1.  And a minister in the PM’s department confirmed to BBC that only idiots do not know MO1 is Najib. This is major scandal which the Government needs to address in order to regain trust from the rakyat but yet, in parliament this subject cannot be raised.

5.  We have 3 former cabinet ministers made known their views on certain issues. Two were immediately condemned. lnstead of replying point by point on matters raised, they were accused of having ulterior motives or revenge. People think this country has reached a stage that supporters of government have become irrational, intolerable and have no ability to rebut logically. 

6.  In the rural areas they are blaming the government for high cost of living. The Opposition put the blame on GST and tell the people that the government is forced to introduce GST because they have to repay the loan from 1MDB. The government so far fails to explain why the cost of living has gone up. Mere denials by saying things here are cheaper than in Singapore are just silly and lame. They are being ridiculed by the Opposition. The Opposition on the other hand has promised to abolish GST. 1MDB and GST are the two factors that are very difficult for the government to answer. 

7.   Will BN win? BN and its predecessor, the Alliance Party has been running this country since independence. In any country, this is indeed too long.

8.   But BN is the incumbent and has many advantages. Recent delineation of constituencies and Anti-Fake laws are signs of fear but of great advantages to the incumbent. Rahman Dahlan is a big fan of the Anti-fake laws.

9.   BN is trying to take advantage of these two recent laws to win the elections. lf these work then together with the uncertainty of the postal votes by civil servants, BN will win and maybe win big. The foreign media have been highlighting this as stealing. lf voters are angry and believe the government is stealing the elections, they will vote against BN, and this will ultimately be their downfall. This will create history. For those who believe and support a genuine practice of democracy, this is cause for celebration.

10.  We can read the moods, the various actions, the talks in the coffee shops, the chatters among taxi drivers or Grab drivers. The anger over GST, the high cost of living in the country, IMDB, the scandals in MARA, FELDA, Tabung Haji and FGV, the depreciation of ringgit, and the issues on unemployment when graduates have to become Grab drivers and sell nasilemak. We are seeing more graduates are currently unemployed. The government is not creating skilled jobs as their focus is more on services sector. This is one of the main cause of the high unemployment rate especially for fresh graduates. These are of great concern to all.

Q :  What are Tun prediction of BN component parties like MCA, GERAKAN and SUPP fate?

1.    MCA and Gerakan have been losing support and as one minister said; DAP represents the Chinese (as shown in the last elections). MCA needs Malay votes to win elections. I think Umno thinks it does not need Chinese’ support anymore as shown by the recent redelineation exercise. Even the Chairman of EC confirmed that the delineation was to make constituencies race based. It is unbecoming for the EC Chairman to confirm this publicly. And Umno seems to prefer PAS. At least we see their Presidents together and very cordial towards each other. The PM and Mustapha Mohammad were photographed together with PAS leaders. 

2.    The second Finance Minister said he does not need Chinese and Indian votes to win his seat. Isn’t this clear UMNO does not need MCA, Gerakan, MIC, etc? Are the opposition and the rakyat wrong to believe that Umno’s plan is just relying on Malay votes hence the redeleniation exercise and the close rapport with PAS.

3.     MCA and the rest of component parties have lost credibility with the voters because they were silent on 1MDB. Their silence on 1MDB reflects their subservient approach towards Umno. Not a word about Jho Low and they never asked why is he hiding. Why hide unless he has committed some crime? Surely, they must have read all the foreign reports and watch TV news and videos. To non-Malays and urban people they can only come to one conclusion; these parties support corruption and kleptocracy. What kind of example are they giving to the young? Where is their principle in politics and life?

4.    By their silence, it seems that they endorse Kleptocracy which no one in his right mind can accept. The government admitted it adopted the wrong business model on 1MDB. You can’t succeed in a business with RM1 million paid up capital and borrowings of USD11 billion. Ask those in business whether this is what they call business. The PM himself said mistakes were made. But sadly, MCA, Gerakan and MIC have not uttered a word. I was asked on 1MDB years ago and my replies are on record. Why create 1MDB as a sovereign fund when we already have Khazanah?

5.    MCA in the last elections promised not to join the cabinet if Chinese voters rejected them.  They were rejected and later broke their pledge. How can the Chinese trust them? They have no credibility. Umno seems to reject them as shown by the delineation exercise. And UMNO has also made a cruel attack on Malaysian’s most successful businessman : Robert Kuok. And don’t forget that Robert is from Johor and has helped the Johoreans and Malaysians. What has happened to government’s policy to produce “glocal” businessmen? What other conclusions can you come to when you study the delineation exercise? These parties committed suicide by voting in Parliament. 

6.    MCA has insulted Tun Mahathir who was our PM for 22 years by calling him an “old horse”. People get very angry and replied it’s better to have an old horse with brain rather than the young horse with no principles. The latest slogan is “Undi Biru Tua jangan PM tua” but many said that they prefer an old man who fights for the people than a party who is silent on 1MDB and corruption.

7.    Tun Mahathir has proven to be agile and sharp. It is a sign of a nation's progress that a 93-year-old person is able to sustain a punishing political campaign, offering quality arguments and content. He even challenged Najib to debate with him.

8.    MCA can continue to insult Tun Mahathir but in a recent study conducted by a UK research center, the finding was Tun Mahathir is the most admired man in Malaysia and Najib is no. 14.

Image result for penang and selangor
Q :  Is that possibility BN may lose more state? Selangor and Penang outcome?

1.   The mood as of now is for change. But whether there will be change will depend on the voters. The conditions, according to many reports are ripe for change. Voters will study the manifestos and listen to speeches. But most importantly, for the parties to win, they have to put the right and clean candidates with integrity. The locals must like the candidates and trust them to be their future wakil rakyat.

2.   Before this, the Opposition used to say BN means “BarangNaik”. BarangNaik has become a reality. Now the Opposition says BN means “Bini Najib”. A vote for BN means a vote for “Bini Najib” as many believe that she is running the government. The opposition says that UMNO believes in RAHMAN (Tengku Abdul Rahman, Abdul Razak, Hussein Onn, Mahathir Mohammad, Abdullah Badawi and Najib Razak, and noticed that Najib’s name is the last) and Najib has selected 9th May as polling day, which falls on Wednesday or “Rabu”. They are now saying “rakyat akan buang UMNO’ on this day. On the 9th May 2016, Philippines has elected new President. On 9th May 2017, South Korea has elected new President and on 9th May 2018, God willing, Malaysia will elect a new Prime Minister. The rakyat are now giving the PM a big “thank you” for R.A.B.U.

3.   From many feedbacks received, if Mukhriz spends time in Kedah and with Tun Mahathir’s influence, BN will lose Kedah. For Penang and Selangor, PH will retain the states. Both states have sorted out their candidates.

4.   I think BN will retain Perlis. For Perak, if PH has a good candidate for Menteri Besar, they will take back the state. Voters are still very angry with the way BN has “stolen” the state.  YAB Zambry is a popular MB but is quite a loner.

5.  Negeri Sembilan has a long history of infighting. This time it will depend on how Umno treats local leaders. If this is not handled well, and if PH has good candidate for Menteri Besar, then PH has a slim chance of winning. In Melaka, Umno is not happy with the leadership but PH must get good candidates to mount a challenge. Did you notice the empty chairs at Umno’s functions and the open protests in Perlis, Kuala Pilah, Melaka, Tanjong Malim, Batu and Gua Musang? Are these the signs that people are no longer scared?[21][videos]

6.   On Johor, it is a known fact that it is UMNO’s stronghold but PH has a chance if Muhyiddin spends more time there. Shortly after PH launched its logo in Pasir Gudang, TMJ has issued a statement but claimed that it is not a political statement. Many read this message as Umno is losing ground and the palace has read the situation well. People will make their own judgements. The State Government has commissioned a study on its support. People say that the MB may lose his seat but rakyat is very sympathetic of him. Those who used to work with the MB believe that BN will lose the state. But as I said earlier, the voters want candidates with integrity and with principles. They know what is good for them. Big crowds come out to listen to ceramah from PH but big crowds is meaningless unless they are translated into votes.[video]

7.  The palace of Selangor and Perlis have issued statements that they are above politics.

8.   It’s a 50/50 chance in Sabah. However, we know that Sabahans are fiercely independent and have changed state government many times. YB Shafie Afdal has spent a lot of time in order to win.

9.  For Sarawak, BN will win.

Q : UMNO's cooperation with PAS has always been an issue and it has pros and cons to BN itself, will there be any chance of cooperation between the two parties in certain issues in coming PRU?

1.   On Cooperation with PAS, the leaderships are very close but this is not reflected at the grass roots level. They have been at each other all these years. PAS used to call Umno members infidels. They prayed separately. ln Umno’s history, when it was weak it would court PAS and invariably PAS would throw its support for Umno. Once Umno regained its strength it will find excuses to kick PAS out.

2.  PAS is against GST but in the Parliament, they always supported the government on budgets. This is strange logic. Surely PAS is not confused. As I said, PAS wants to be a kingmaker but they have make it very clear that they will not work with DAP which is a component party under PH. The public conclude that PAS just wants to help BN and in particular UMNO. Yet BN has MCA, Gerakan, MIC and parties in Sarawak and Sabah that oppose the RUU355. BN and in particular UMNO, has delayed this bill for a long time, just to pretend that it supports the bill. Umno knows that if this bill is allowed to be debated, the non-Muslims will not support and this may cause a split within BN. Sadly, PAS’ leadership keeps giving hope to its members. But most of them know that Umno is just playing politics.

3.   I have been following speeches made by PAS’ leaders during this campaign. They are putting up 160 candidates which means a party with most candidates. Yet in most speeches they condemn Tun Mahathir and seems to praise Najib, l suppose this is what they mean by “kingmaker”. When they dropped an incumbent, they said “we are resting him, not dropping him”. PAS leaders confuse us with many contradicting statements. They say there is no need to get rid of a person like Najib but just advise him. They want to correct the system from within. If we follow their logic Mugabe should not be toppled. South Africa should have kept Zuma. Indonesia and Philippines made mistakes getting rid of Suharto and Marcos. Brazil and Peru should get advice from PAS. Umno has made a mistake about Tengku Abdul Rahman and should not have forced him to retire.

4.   It seems like PAS does not understand Umno’s culture. Umno’s president always tells members to be loyal to him. Loyalty to president is their culture, and even when the president makes big blunders everybody should remain loyal. How do you change from within? And who is PAS to advice and change Umno from within? The rakyat is right to be very suspicious of PAS’ real intention in this election.

5.   The rakyat are not sure if PAS is truly an Islamic party as it seems unwilling to fight corruption. They use the same tone and language as Umno’s. UMNO uses the word ‘derma’, now PAS also uses the word ‘derma’. When people hear the voice recording involving Nik Abduh, some conclude that PAS and Umno are working together in this elections. From this picture, people are wondering what Najib is discussing with PAS leaders. Was it the economy or 1MDB? [picture] Some of PAS’ grassroot members are frustrated as they still hold onto the late mandate from Nik Aziz. Nik Aziz who said that “when one befriends Umno, there will be no other who will befriend him as Allah will only help those who are honest to fight for Islam”.[picture] 

6.   You listen to Hadi and his speeches which, to an ordinary man sounds quiet strange where mostly in support the government.

7.   PAS wants to have Islamic tax on savings, maybe to replace the GST.  I hope PAS has the experts in taxation law so that they can advise how to implement this. lf the government tax the people on savings, it means that there will be double tax because only those who have money save. And these people has already been taxed. If this tax is implemented, will people save their money in our banks and financial institutions or keep it overseas?

8.  Hadi’s statements do not help PAS. Based on his statements, PAS may even lose Kelantan, and Tengku Razaleigh is determined to win Kelantan for BN. However, my journalist friends told me that PAS may retain Kelantan as the Kelantanese hate Umno. But recently, Rafizi Ramli said that things have changed and PH is gaining ground. People from Kelantan came to see me and told me that PH may have a chance. We can see the split in PAS with Nik Omar joining PH.  In fact all three of their past presidents’ sons have left PAS to join PH.

9.  The close relationship between the two party leaders confuse members. Both agree DAP is a threat to the Malays. This stand is illogical. Agong is Malay, Rulers are Malays. The PM and Menteri Besar are Malays. Majority of rakyat are Malays. By 2030, the numbers of Malays and Bumiputera are expected to increase further but the non-Bumiputera will see reduction. We know that this is just to frighten the rural people and their statements don’t make any sense.

Story kat sini...

Syabas to the Navy Chief.  I hope the Airforce, Army and Police Chiefs will also make a same statement to their personnel.

The sad thing is our Navy is so small. I believe less than 30,000 personnel.

Message from Laksamana Tan Sri Ahmad Kamarulzaman to TLDM

We need the Army and the Police Chiefs to speak up like the Navy Chief. The Army and the Police are the largest uniformed groups in the country. 

N'theless this announcement by the Navy Chief is quite unprecedented. 

However there was some confusion earlier when it was reported by M'kini and other media that the Armed Forces Chief said something to the effect that he supported the super m_ron.  Here be the news heading :

The Armed Forces Chief later clarified that his loyalty was to the King and country etc.

My own position is that the Armed Forces Chief does not need a barber.

Akhir kalam, syabas again to the Navy Chief.  Thank you for speaking up. Aye Aye Sir. - ostb

Mohamad Sabu di Flat Danau Kota

We Penang lang love what we have now...

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Sembang dah macam berada di pentas Prhimpunan Agong UMNO 
dan seolah2 Najib ada di sebelah..

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