Sabah, Sarawak, Kelantan and Terengganu have now been officially cheated by PH Government and may actually get less than the previous 5% royalty. Read The Edgemarkets, here.
Despite promising 20% oil royalty in their manifesto, PH Government has broken its promise and changed the very definition of oil royalty!
20% oil royalty means 20% of oil revenue but PH now says 20% oil royalty means 20% of profits.
20% of profits is NOT called royalty. It is called profit sharing, moron.
How blatant is this deception and screwing? PH Federal Government completely does not respect Sabah and Sarawak and the other oil producing states.
After been 'persuaded' to leave BN collision for these oil royalty, Sarawak government has been deceived and cheated. Padan muka.