Update Bila SPRM siasat pembantu Mat Sabu... >> Berita Malay 18

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Menteri Pertahanan, Mohamad Sabu sedia bekerjasama dengan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), jika ada kakitangan kementeriannya disiasat kerana terlibat rasuah.

Beliau yang lebih dikenali sebagai Mat Sabu dalam satu kenyataan berkata, pihaknya mengalu-alukan tindakan suruhanjaya itu dan kementeriannya juga bersedia memberikan komitmen serta kerjasama penuh kepada SPRM.

“Sekiranya terdapat apa-apa kes, SPRM bolehlah mendakwa individu yang terlibat mengikut saluran undang-undang sedia ada.

“Seperti kenyataan saya di Parlimen sebelum ini, dalam siasatan terhadap kementerian saya yang diketuai bekas ketua audit negara, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang, saya mengalu-alukan SPRM menyiasat sesiapa sahaja di kementerian ini mahupun di pejabat saya.”

Katanya, beliau tidak akan berkompromi dalam soal integriti.

Semalam, Timbalan Ketua Pesuruhjaya (Operasi) SPRM, Datuk Seri Azam Baki mengesahkan pihaknya sedang menyiasat pembantu politik Mat Sabu berhubung dakwaan menerima RM800,000 daripada beberapa pihak untuk membantunya menyelesaikan masalah hutang serta dikeluarkan daripada status muflis.

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Sementara itu,Rafizi Ramli hari ini mempersoalkan penjelasan tentang sejumlah wang yang banyak dimasukkan ke akaun bank pembantu Menteri Pertahanan Mohamad Sabu yang sedang disiasat pihak berkuasa.

Rafizi berkata pembantu itu menerima 4 bayaran “meragukan” dalam tempoh 48 jam menurut dokumen-dokumen yang dilihatnya.

Bekas Ahli Parlimen Padan ini berkata dia diberitahu wang yang digunakan untuk melepaskan pembantu itu daripada status muflis hasil “biaya ramai” (crowdfunding).

“Saya sukar menerima alasan ini kerana saya juga tahu seorang lagi pimpinan Amanah iaitu Mazlan Aliman masih belum berjaya mengumpul dana mencukupi untuk membayar saman ke atasnya, sedangkan Mazlan lebih dikenali dari pembantu Mohamad Sabu ini,” katanya di Facebook.

Mazlan, seorang aktivis, didenda RM500,000 pada 2016 selepas didapati bersalah memfitnah Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Persekutuan (Felda).

Semalam, media melaporkan pembantu Mohamad disiasat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) yang ditugaskan untuk memastikan semua pembantu dan pegawai politik para menteri bebas daripada urusan meragukan sebelum dilantik secara rasmi.

Dipercayai SPRM sedang menyiasat transaksi berjumlah RM800,000 ke akaun bank pembantu itu, sejurus selepas Mohamad mengangkat sumpah menteri pertahanan.

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Pembantu berusia pertengahan 40-an itu dikatakan dekat dengan presiden Amanah itu dan terpilih daripada berpuluh kawan-kawan rapat yang juga mahukan jawatan kanan bawah menteri itu.

Menurut sumber FMT, pembantu itu diisytiharkan muflis oleh Jabatan Insolvensi sebelum Amanah ditubuhkan.

Sumber berkata pembantu itu kemudian menemui kawan-kawan rapat – “kira-kira 12 orang” – untuk membantu dia menyelesaikan hutang peribadi berjumlah kira-kira RM800,000 itu.

Rafizi,menggesa kerajaan memperkenalkan undang-undang yang mewajibkan perdana menteri, anggota jemaah menteri dan ahli keluarga mereka mengisytiharkan harta.

Naib presiden PKR itu berkata undang-undang juga harus dikenakan ke atas para wakil rakyat, menteri besar dan exco.

“Kes terbaru melibatkan seorang pembantu kanan menteri pertahanan ini sewajarnya menjadi teladan perlunya undang-undang pengisytiharan harta yang lebih ketat,” katanya. - fmt

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Wawancara bersama calon Timbalan Presiden PKR, 
Rafizi Ramli 

Declare assets to public,reiterates Rafizi as MACC probes minister's aide...

PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli has reiterated the importance of declaring assets to the public amid news that MACC is probing an aide to Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu.

He said that while the investigation could cause embarrassment to Pakatan Harapan, it could also serve as a lesson with regard to efforts to strengthen the coalition.

In a statement today, Rafizi appealed to the government to reconsider its decision to make it compulsory for ministers to declare their assets to MACC alone.

Instead, he said the federal government must introduce laws which make asset declaration to the public mandatory for those below:

Prime minister, cabinet ministers and their families
Menteris besar and state excos, including their families
All MPs and state assemblypersons, including their families
All senior government officials with the rank Jusa A and above and their families
All aides to the prime minister, deputy prime minister, ministers, menteris besar, excos, and their families

“This is the best method... If a politician does not want to declare his or her assets to the public, then this person is not qualified to be in the public sector and is more suited for the private sector.

“The latest case involving the minister's aide should serve as an example of the need for strict asset declaration laws,” said the PKR leader in a statement this afternoon.

According to Rafizi, the case also exposed the risks faced by members of the new Harapan government due to old habits.

He pointed out that while the government has changed, the same old players who are accustomed to offering bribes remain as suppliers.

“They also know which politicians or aides require money... There are also politicians and aides who are seduced by the offers of wealth, something they have not tasted when in the opposition.

“Because of this, those who deal with the federal government will attempt to get into the good books of the ministers, especially through their close aides,” he added.

Therefore, Rafizi said it is important to scrutinise the relationship between lobbyists and those dealing with the federal government to reduce the room for corruption.

“I am sure the federal government will introduce new rules to further tighten the code of ethics for government leaders and their officers.

“For example, the government can enforce a 'declaration of interest' for each meeting between the private sector or lobbyists and ministers or their officers,” he added.

Yesterday, Malaysiakini reported that MACC is investigating Mohamad's aide over an RM800,000 assistance he had allegedly received to settle his bankruptcy status. - mk

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100 days almost up...

It really is a tough time for the PH govt now....
Having to put the country right with all the shit 
left by the previous govt....
And some quarters of the population is expecting 
too much too soon.....
Can't they just take a moment and ponder?
If they can put up with 'HELL' with the corrupt govt.
for more than 60 odd years, can't they just stay patient 
for just a little while longer?
The constant bashing and expectation of a miracle is
not helping at all!
Be our pillar of strength....
Give us your undivided support so we can carry out reforms
and implement projects beneficial to the Country....
With the opposition trying their usual best to create mayhem
with their politics of racism is not helping us at all.....
You can surely see for yourself we are doing the best....
Not sleeping on the job like the previous govt.....
And its normal too to see some slight show of defiance 
and unhappiness within the PH.....
We are a new coaltion with four parties under our wings
working as one entity for the first time....
There is surely bound to be some differences in opinion!
It's just normal and it happens everywhere....
Just don't write us off and condemn us !
We only need a little more time to fulfil our promises and 
make sure your vote for us didn't go to waste!
Give us your undivided moral support, ok?
This is what we ask of you....
No more no less....- f/bk Marc MitchellYeo

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Melayu2 kaki nombor sila buat demo lepas solat jumaat.

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Raikan Demokrasi...


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