Update Guru praktikal berkhalwat dengan pelajar tingkatan 4... >> Berita Malay 18

Seorang guru praktikal didenda RM2,700 oleh Mahkamah Syariah Kuala Terengganu hari ini kerana berkhalwat dengan pelajarnya di sebuah hotel murah di bandaraya ini.

Lelaki berusia 25 tahun dan berasal dari Kelantan turut berdepan hukuman sebulan penjara sekiranya gagal menjelaskan denda berkenaan.

Keputusan dibuat selepas dia mengaku salah berkhalwat dengan seorang pelajar tingkatan empat yang merupakan satu kesalahan mengikut Seksyen 31 (a) Enakmen Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (Takzir) (Terengganu) 2001 kerana berkhalwat.

Manakala pasangannya, dari Seberang Takir, Kuala Nerus, dikenakan bon berkelakuan baik selama setahun selain diarahkan menjalani enam kali sesi kaunseling bersama Pegawai Agama.

Keputusan dibuat Hakim Mohd Fakhruddin Yusof, manakala kes dikendalikan Pendakwa Syarie, Muhammad Hafiz Razali.

Mengikut fakta kes, satu serbuan ke atas bilik di sebuah hotel murah di Jalan Kota Lama, di sini, dilakukan kira-kira jam 10.45 malam, pada 11 Januari lalu.

Ketika sampai, didapati pintu utama bilik tertutup rapat sebelum anggota Penguatkuasa Syariah daerah Kuala Terengganu mengetuk beberapa kali sambil memberi salam dan memperkenalkan diri.

Bagaimanapun, kira-kira 10 minit kemudian, pintu utama masih belum dibuka sebelum anggota terlibat terpaksa bertindak memecah pintu tersebut.

Pemeriksaan lanjut di dalam bilik mendapati seorang lelaki sedang berbaring di lantai manakala seorang gadis berada di dalam tandas dipercayai sedang bersembunyi.

Hasil soal siasat, mereka mengaku hanya berdua di dalam bilik itu dan tiada hubungan suami isteri atau mahram. - wowberita.org

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Sapa balun RM7.4 juta duit Iksim...

Audit dalaman terhadap Institut Kajian Strategik Islam Malaysia (Iksim) mendapati RM7.4 juta daripada RM7.6 juta jumlah peruntukan kepada badan itu tidak dapat dikesan perbelanjaannya, kata menteri agama Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa.

Beliau berkata telah mengarahkan Majlis Agama Wilayah Persekutuan (MAIWP) menjalankan audit bagi perbelanjaannya, termasuk peruntukan yang diberikan kepada institut itu.

"Daripada RM7.6 juta yang diberikan kepada mereka, RM7.4 juta tidak dimasukkan (unaccounted for). Kami tak dapat bukti ke mana ia dibelanjakan, apa yang dibelanjakan dan berapa jumlahnya.

"Jumlah itu bukan kecil untuk institusi yang menamakan dirinya Iksim," katanya kepada pemberita di lobi Parlimen hari ini.

"Hanya RM0.2 juta sahaja yang boleh kami kira, yang ada resit dan bukti transaksi," kata Mujahid lagi.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika mengulas isu pembekuan peruntukan buat Iksim yang turut disentuhnya ketika menggulung titah diraja hari ini.

Dengan kepincangan audit dalaman itu, katanya lagi, kerajaan mengambil keputusan untuk membeku dana kepada Iksim.

Pada 19 Julai lalu, Timbalan Menteri Agama Fuziah Salleh mengumumkan pembekuan dana Iksim serta langkah kerajaan untuk mengkaji sama ada mengekalkan atau membubarkannya.

Menjawab tuntutan sesetengah pihak agar pembekuan itu ditamatkan, Mujahid berkata ia tidak akan dilakukan selagi ia "berada dalam pentadbiran yang tidak telus dan tidak bertanggungjawab".

"MAIWP antara yang membiayai Iksim kerana ianya bagus, tetapi malangnya daripada audit dalaman MAIWP mendapati berlaku salah guna kuasa dari sudut pentadbiran kewangan yang tidak bertanggungjawab.

“Dan kita nak MAIWP bertanggungjawab memberikannya dengan syarat ia mesti dilapor dan diaudit,” katanya.

Selain itu, Mujahid berkata kementerian akan menyelesaikan isu bayaran tertunggak kakitangan Iksim.

“Ada pun tadi dia sebut pasal pekerja, kami buat keputusan semua gaji yang tertunggak akan di selesaikan seberapa segera dan sekali gus tidak timbul kami abaikan kebajikan pekerja,” katanya. - mk

Komen Dr Mahathir mengenai kapal layar Equanimity
Equaminity dah diserahkan 
kpd. Malaysia...

Kapal layar mewah 'The Equaminity' yang berharga RM1 bilion, milik ahli perniagaan Low Teak Jho atau Jho Low, kini dilaporkan  diserahkan secara rasmi oleh Kerajaan Indonesia kepada Kerajaan Malaysia kini memasuki perairan negara jam 6 petang tadi.

Kawalan ketat diberikan pasukan khas Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) Bukit Aman semasa pelayaran menempuh jarak sejauh 783 batu nautika.

Kerajaan pula akan membuka pintu seluas-luasnya kepada rakyat melihat dan meninjau dengan lebih dekat bagaimana Najib Razak menguruskan wang negara dengan ‘membenarkan’ Jho Low membeli kapal berharga RM1 bilion mengikut harga semasa pembelian.

Najib pula bolehlah ‘melawat’ dan bersiar-siar bersama Rosmah Mansor mengimbau kenangan pernah berada di dalam ‘pelayaran ke syurga’ apabila tiba di Pelabuhan Klang jam 3 petang esok.

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Kerana pada 8 Ogos ini mahkamah akan menantinya pula selepas sempat bermalam di lokap sebagai persediaan untuknya menjadi banduan berprofil tinggi paling dibenci sepanjang zaman.

Syabas dan terima kasih kepada Joko Widodo kerana tidak menghiraukan ‘amaran’ peguam Jho Low kononnya rampasan dan penahanan kapal anak guamnya tidak sah.

Mungkin Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man boleh berpuas hati tercengang bak melihat perempuan di pantai berbikini bila melihat kapal layar mewah mampu dimiliki di zaman Najib petanda Najib sangat bijak menguruskan wang negara seperti Arul Kanda Kandasamy merembat 1MDB!

Equanimity will be sold to highest 
bidder after public viewing...

The government intends to ultimately sell the superyacht Equanimity after all necessary paperwork has been done along with a possible public viewing of the luxury vessel, said Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng.

“Attorney-general (Tommy Thomas) will make sure all the papers are in order, all controls are imposed and if possible to make sure that there is a proper inventory of the assets inside.

“And if possible, I hope that the public can also view it. But probably not the entire ship, just a portion (of it),” he told a press conference at the Parliament lobby today.

Following that, Lim said the government would attempt to sell the RM1 billion luxury vessel to the highest bidder.

“As the Finance Ministry, we want to get the best value. So after it has been viewed, the yacht must be sold so the people of the country can get something.

“I don’t know how much (money) we can crawl back but we should try to get as much as possible,” he added.

Meanwhile, Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu also welcomed the entry of the yacht into Malaysian waters and hoped to personally view it.

“I am very proud that a 1MDB asset has come back to Malaysia and we hope that the police and authorities will take action (based on) Malaysian and international law.

“I also want to go and experience the ship because we have never seen such a luxurious ship,” he told members of the press at the Parliament lobby. 

The Equanimity is expected to dock in Malaysia tomorrow.

Lim expects Thomas to issue a statement on what Malaysia intends to with it.

Earlier today, The Star quoted an unnamed source that senior Malaysian marine police officers had been in Batam to receive the vessel, and at least four marine police personnel will accompany the vessel and its crew to Malaysia.

Tycoon Low Taek Jho, or Jho Low, had allegedly bought the RM1 billion vessel through intermediaries using funds misappropriated from 1MDB, according to the US Department of Justice (DOJ).

On Feb 28 this year, Indonesians boarded and seized the vessel off the coast of Bali, sparking a legal battle between Low’s lawyers and Indonesian and US authorities over who should have custody over the vessel.

It is unclear the handover to Malaysia would affect the legal proceedings, particularly those that are still pending in the US.

When asked about this today, Lim seemed unworried.

“All this is possible because of discussions and negotiations with DOJ (with Malaysia).

“Let the AG explain (whether Malaysia will keep the yacht) but I think that (how) the yacht is here speaks for itself,” he said.

Malaysiakini had contacted the DOJ over the weekend regarding the court proceedings in the US, but has yet to receive a response.

The DOJ had sued for the forfeiture of the vessel, as part of a series of 30 civil forfeiture suits to seize properties allegedly linked to the misappropriation of 1MDB that had been channelled through the US financial system.

To date, the case itself is still pending, while the US Central California District Court had granted the US government protective custody over the vessel to bring it back to US waters for sale pending the final disposal of the case.

Jho Low retorts

In an immediate response, Low’s lawyer James F Haggerty reiterated that the handover to Malaysian authorities proved that Mahathir has no interest in the rule of law, and ignores court rulings in the US and Indonesia.

“Mahathir has chosen to bring the asset illegally into a rigged Malaysian system manipulated by a man who only cares about his absolute political rule. It is ultimately justice that suffers.

“Since his election, Mahathir has tried reinventing his public image following the appalling abuses of the rule of law he previously presided over, including the Anwar case and the 1988 judicial crisis.

“The reality is that he has simply continued on as he did during his previous regime and has shown that his only objectives are political: from freezing bank accounts of rival political parties, to public trial-by-media, where guilt is proclaimed before any evidence is presented,” he said in a statement today.

He said the yacht’s registered owner Equanimity Cayman Limited had already filed a claim on the vessel, and have filed further proceedings today in response to the latest development.

However, he did not mention in which jurisdiction the new proceedings have been filed. - mk

Selepas dipamerkan, Equanimity dijual pada pembida tertinggi

Najib pokes fun at 'cartoon' Mat Sabu helming defence portfolio
The Complete Stupidity of Moron 
Is An Epidemic...

But lets stick to moron first. He said that Defense Minister Mat Sabu is stupid. Well Mat Sabu won in the elections while Moron lost.  That by itself shows who is more stupid. 

Mat Sabu says that only FOUR out of 28 (??) of our Russian jet fighters can fly. This has been the case for many years, for more than FOUR years and I have written about this in this blog before. 

Moron could not keep all the Sukhois and MIGs flying. Why? There is more stupidity involved.

Some people say the Russians refused to supply the spare parts because they want edMalaysia to buy the newer and upgraded  MIGs and Sukhois. This is possible.  We could buy parts from the Indians who manufacture the Sukhois and MIGs under license but again the Indians may also have restrictions on selling parts. 

The other theory is corruption. Money was allocated and spent but the parts never arrived. Someone bought handbags along the way. This is also plausible. 

In short the STUPID has been around screwing things up for sometime.

Giliran Mat Sabu 'balun' Najib

Here is more stupidity. Recall that Suluk attack on Tanduo (Lahad Datu) in Sabah in February 2013. This was a black episode in the defense of the country. The rag tag syabu addicted Suluk's held our territory for about 41 days.

The entire Malaysian defense forces and our Police could not round up or get rid of the Suluks for 41 days. That was gross incompetence by  the Super Moron. 

There was a very sad episode when at least FOUR of our policemen were captured by the Sulus, tortured and murdered including one who was beheaded. 

What many people do not know was that the policemen were first surrounded by the Sulus for more than a day. The version I heard was THREE days. I heard this directly from the Home Minister at that time. The trapped policemen requested help (via sms) but no help came to rescue them. Finally the Suluks caught them and killed them. 

Again that was incompetence of the worst kind. Stupidity.  

Image result for 100 Suluks. killed

They could not even save our own Policemen from being captured INSIDE OUR OWN TERRITORY despite the Policemen asking for help and giving their exact location. 

They were playing politics with the Suluks and also afraid to take the appropriate action. 

Only AFTER the policemen were killed (3rd March 2013) the Moron okayed an air strike against the Suluks on 5th March 2013.  The airstrike killed over 100 Suluks. Their bodies were lying all over the oil palm plantation in Tanduo. 

Even then Moron and gang did not allow any pictures or footage of the airstrikes (and its results) to be made public for fear that the ragtag  Suluks would retaliate.

This was the complete stupidity and cowardice of Super Moron in handling a silly incursion by 235 rag tag Suluks. Imagine if there was a real war. Moron would just hide behind the Hippo's bum. They do not know they are stupid. - ostb

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Anwar Ibrahim dilantik menjadi penaung ketiga Persatuan Alumni Universiti Malaya semalam. Beliau amat terharu dengan penghargaan yang diberikan dengan Sultan Perak, Sultan Nazrin Shah berkenan menyerahkan watikah perlantikan tersebut kepada beliau.
Anwar Ibrahim was appointed as the third advisor for the Alumni Association of University of Malaya yesterday. He was moved by the acknowledgement bestowed by the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Shah who accorded the appointment to him.

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Sekarang mereka menuntut hak mereka tapi dipandang 
hina oleh kapitalis dan kerajaan Islam...

Moga adab dan keluhuran peribadi dijaga dengan baik dan tertib 
di Dewan Rakyot selaras semangat Malaysia Baharu

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