Update Rafizi Ramli dari kacamata Anwar Ibrahim... >> Berita Malay 18

Keyakinan Anwar Ibrahim terhadap Rafizi Ramli sekali lagi dibuktikan apabila anak didiknya itu sanggup membentangkan hasil kajian yang dilakukan Invoke beberapa ketika sebelum PRU 14 di dalam ruang pertemuan di penjara.

Hasilnya tidak sia-sia malah pelaburan awal RM1 juta yang dikeluarkan Rafizi melalui simpanan sendiri ternyata berbaloi apabila mentornya berjaya dibebaskan seminggu selepas PRU 14 pada 9 Mei lalu.

Waktu itu tidak ada mana-mana pemimpin, penganalisis politik, profesor dan ahli akademik mampu meramalkan BN akan kalah namun Anwar yang mendengar pembentangan Rafizi di penjara Sungai Buloh bersama-sama Saifuddin Nasution dan Johari Abdul percaya apa yang Rafizi perincikan tepat.

Hanya Rafizi mampu berganding bahu dengan Anwar mendepani agenda reformasi untuk rakyat Malaysia. - f/bk

Image result for Nurul Izzah, Saifuddin dan Rafizi
Nurul Izzah, Saifuddin sokong Rafizi...

Dua pemimpin kanan KEADILAN, seorang menteri persekutuan dan anggota parlimen menyokong Rafizi yang mencabar jawatan timbalan presiden parti itu dengan memberi perhatian keupayaan dan kemahirannya pada majlis sambutan reformasi 20 tahun, anjuran parti itu di Pulau Pinang malam tadi.

Ahli parlimen Permatang Pauh, Nurul Izzah Anwar berucap kira-kira 10 minit sebelum meninggalkan majlis di Bayan Baru itu menggesa anggota parti untuk mengundi pimpinan yang setia terhadap parti walaupun tidak memegang jawatan kerajaan.

Manakala, Setiausaha Agung parti, Saifuddin Nasution Ismail pula merujuk buku ketiga peguam Australia dan Queen's Coulsel, Mark Trowell berjudul "Anwar Returns: The Final Twist," yang memetik ketua umum KEADILAN berkata orang seperti Rafizi sesuai menjadi penggantinya.

Saifuddin yang juga Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna berkata Trowel yang mewawancara Anwar untuk bukunya bertanya: "Apabila anda di penjara, siapa yang akan mengambil alih (kepimpinan)?"

Anwar menjawab,"seseorang seperti Naib Presiden KEADILAN, Mohd Rafizi Ramli."

"Buku ini yang dilancarkan di Kuala Lumpur hari ini (semalam) dan majlis tersebut mendapat liputan media tempatan dan antarabangsa," kata Saifuddin pada majlis yang dipengerusikan exco Pulau Pinang merangkap ADUN Teluk Bahang, Abdul Halim Hussain.

Anwar sebut nama Rafizi dua kali

Manakala itu, buku Trowell juga menyentuh skandal 1MDB yang disiasat di beberapa negara lain termasuk Singapura dan Amerika Syarikat kerana pengubahan wang haram.

Mantan perdana menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak berhadapan tujuh pertuduhan jenayah melibatkan SRC International, bekas anak syarikat 1MDB.

Saifuddin yang baru membaca tulisan Trowell setakat muka surat 47, berkata Anwar telah menyebut nama Rafizi sebanyak dua kali dan tiada nama pemimpin parti itu yang dipetik ketua umumnya yang menang tanpa bertanding jawatan Presiden KEADILAN itu.

"Jelas Anwar menghargai keupayaan dan kemahiran Rafizi, beliau membuat kerjanya dengan betul dan memberi kesan serta mengubah sokongan rakyat kepada HARAPAN pada pilihan raya 2018 lalu.

"Kami berbangga kerana memiliki aset sebegini dan terpulanglah pada anda untuk memutuskan kedudukannya dalam pemilihan (KEADILAN) ini," katanya. - Susan Loone,mk

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Bila pesalah mahu dibawah ke pengadilan...

Penganalisis politik menyifatkan kerajaan terlalu lambat bertindak dalam hal mereformasi institusi negara, selepas 100 hari pentadbiran mereka.

Menurut pensyarah Sains Politik Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Profesor Datuk Dr Mohamad Agus Yusoff, rakyat faham jika tol dan bayaran Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) belum dapat dihapuskan, harga minyak tidak dapat diturunkan, dan gaji belum boleh dinaikkan.

Katanya, ini kerana kesemua ini memerlukan wang, sedangkan negara kita dilanda beban hutang.

“Apa yang rakyat tidak faham ialah bila kerajaan lambat menyelesaikan janji dan harapan rakyat yang tidak melibatkan kos.

“Pertanyaan rakyat mudah. Bilakah penyangak, perasuah, pencuri dan penyeleweng kuasa hendak dibawa ke muka pengadilan. Mengapa begitu lambat?

“Bilakah reformasi institusi Parlimen, Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR), dan kehakiman hendak dilaksanakan? Janji dan laungan untuk merubahnya dah terlalu kerap didengar. Isunya, apakah yang akan diubah dan bilakah akan bermula? Mengapa begitu lambat?,” soalnya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

Mengulas lanjut, Agus menyatakan bilakah semakan semula terhadap undang-undang yang dikatakan drakonian dahulu seperti Akta Majlis Keselamatan Negara, Sosma dan lainnya hendak dipinda atau dimansuhkan.

“Di peringkat manakah proses semakan atau pemansuhan itu?

“Rakyat sebenarnya sudah jenuh menunggu untuk melihat reformasi institusi berlaku dalam negara. Harap sekali semuanya dapat dipercepatkan. Bertindaklah segera supaya negara kita boleh cepat melangkah ke depan,” katanya. - f/bk

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Hishammuddin’s Military Bodyguards – A Result Of 61 Years Of Abuse Of Power and UMNO Supremacy...

Hishammuddin Hussein, the former Defence Minister, was on the right track to become Malaysia’s 7th Prime Minister when the unexpected happened on May 9th this year. His cousin who was also the former premier, scandal-plagued Prime Minister Najib Razak, was booted from the powerful post by the people who had had enough of the same government for 61 years.

For more than 10 years, Mr. Hishammuddin, the son of the country’s third prime minister, was best remembered as the then-ruling UMNO warlord who took to the stage waving “keris (Malay dagger)”. The display of the weapon was a sign understood to mean second-class citizen non-Malay should and must “kowtow” to the supremacy of UMNO-Malay.

Like Mr. Najib, whose father was the country’s second prime minister, Hishammuddin would continue one of Malaysia’s oldest political dynasties. Despite complaints that the gesture of dagger-waving had made Malaysia’s minority races feel uncomfortable, Mr. Hishammuddin unleashed the “keris” for the fourth year in 2009. Arrogantly, he even kissed the dagger in defiance.

But 2009 was also the year Hishammuddin retired his famous “keris”. A year earlier, the 2008 general election saw the UMNO-led coalition deserted by ethnic Chinese and Indians.  It marked the first time since the 1969 election that the Barisan Nasional coalition did not win a two-thirds supermajority in the Malaysian Parliament required to pass amendments to the Malaysian Constitution.

Hishammuddin became one of UMNO’s three vice-presidents since March 2009, until the defeat of the long ruling government under his cousin Najib’s leadership in May 2018. His future looked very promising and his rise seemed unstoppable. His leadership in the 2013 Lahad Datu invasion by militants from the Philippines was, however, a great disappointment.

Hishammuddin Hussein - Keris Waving and Kissing

Like his cousin Najib, the man born with a silver spoon had underestimated the seriousness of the incursion. The 235 militants, labelled by Home Minister Hishammuddin as old and malnourished intruders who wore sarongs and slipper with very few arms, humiliated the braggart and inexperienced minister when 6 civilians and 10 Malaysian security forces were killed.

Sending a boy to do a man’s job was a disaster. Had the boy scout Hishammuddin acted professionally and leave the military to do their job, the threat of the Philippines militants would not have had been misread. The poor soldiers, police and civilians might not have died in vain. Both Armed Forces Chief Gen Zulkifeli Mohd Zin and Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar were a joke too.

It would take a few days after the intruders were sighted on Malaysian shores before Malaysia security forces could establish the Sulu militants’ identity and intention. It was when the intruders had flown their flag to challenge the country’s sovereignty that Hishammuddin realized the drama was actually an invasion. Even then, he was super optimistic of overpowering the militants.

Ever since the country’s independence in 1957, until May 19th, 2018, the Malaysian Armed Forces knew only UMNO as the government of the day. The supremacy of UMNO party was hammered into the head of every military personnel, so much so that empty vessel like Hishammuddin was seen as Kim Jong-un, whose opinion and instruction was taken as religious sacred texts.

So, when the new Defence Minister Mat Sabu revealed that only four out of RMAF’s 28 Russian fighter jets can fly, not a single general or chief of the military branches – Army, Air Force, and Navy – was surprised with the embarrassing revelation. None was offended that the military forces have been reduced to such a pariah state under previous incompetent and corrupt UMNO leaders.

The Malaysian Armed Forces were in such a deplorable situation that former Hishammuddin Hussein continued to enjoy military protection even after the previous UMNO-led government collapsed more than 3 months ago. Apparently, two Navy special operations force (Paskal) officers and a commando were still working as escorts for Mr. Hishammuddin.

Hishammuddin Hussein - UMNO Assembly 2016 Speech

When caught with his pants down, Hishammudin, like his serial liar cousin Najib, claims that the military bodyguards were part of his security detail for a “temporary period”. In what appears to be an afterthought response, he has also claimed that the three Armed Forces personnel have been given offers of employment. He didn’t specify when he offered the employment though.

However, according to Hishammuddin Hussein, if the three accept his so-called offers, they must resign from the Armed Forces with immediate effect. The disgraceful ex-defence minister, amusingly, could not explain why the three military bodyguards were drawing salaries from Defence Forces as well as from him, if indeed there were job offers in the first place.

Obviously, there has been abuse of power in the scandal. Make no mistake about it. Had the misused of military resources not exposed publicly, Mr. Hishammuddin would most likely keep quiet and continue enjoying the military escorts despite the fact he was no longer holding the defence ministry portfolio following Barisan Nasional’s defeat in the 14th general election.

The simple fact that the three military bodyguards were getting two salaries from different employers is sufficient to be court martialled. Even if it’s not treasonous, it’s a blatant disloyalty to the Agong (King) and a national security threat. A public servant or private employee caught working for two employers at the same time will certainly be fired, sued or blacklisted.

Hishammuddin Hussein - Holding Keris Dagger

But the three military personnel would not dare go against the rules of the Armed Forces unless their immediate commanding officers, and higher up the chain of command, approved such despicable act. It isn’t that difficult to see how the entire military forces were corrupted and abused by the tentacles of UMNO after 61 years of indoctrination – the UMNO Supremacy.

Just weeks before the nationwide election, Armed Forces Chief Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed Noor had urged both the troops and police to be grateful and loyal to the government led by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak. Yes, that scumbag general could not care less about the Agong (King) but instead had indulged in politics and sucked up to Thief-in-Chief Najib.

Hishammuddin has already admitted that the three military bodyguards were indeed working for him (while sucking another pay-check from the taxpayers). The burning question is how wide the scope of abuse of power is within the Malaysian Armed Forces. It doesn’t make sense that nobody within the military forces realize three of their colleagues have not been punching for work.

If the three military bodyguards could freely conduct their own business without giving two hoots about existing rules such as Armed Forces Act 1972, then perhaps it’s alright to sell military assets to earn extra monthly income. As a former defence minister, Hishammuddin knew about the rules and protocols but broke them anyway. He should at least be charged for abuse of power. ft

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