Update Hinanya Melayu Di Mata Perdana Menteri Malaysia >> Berita Malay 18

Seorang aktivis hak asasi manusia dari Singapore, Jolovan Wham, dipetik The Independent, baca di sini, berkata Perdana Menteri Malaysia menyifatkan orang-orang Melayu sebagai tidak produktif, perasuah dan tidak jujur. 

Jolovan Wham membuat komen berkenaan setelah memgadakan pertemuan dengan Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Beliau dipetik berkata,
Some of his views though are still very conservative and offensive. He says Malays are unproductive, ‘corrupt’ and ‘dishonest’. 
The image of the lazy Malay is a well established stereotype, but the corruption and dishonesty was more surprising to me and he said it with such conviction.
He also said LGBT persons should not marry because it is against the order of nature, and sex is for reproduction only. This is a typical argument and not unexpected.
Tuduhan Perdana Menteri ini amat berat buat kaum Melayu. Pejabat Perdana Menteri harus membuat penafian rasmi ke atas tuduhan yang tidak berasas ini.

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