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Telah tular surat permohonan bantuan kewangan kerajaan Kelantan kepada Ketua Setiausaha Perbendaharaan bertarikhg 18 Jun 2018 yang memohon pendahuluan sebanyak RM97.0 juta bagi menampung aliran tunai.

Itulah jangan lepas cakap dan suka kata orang lain bohong atau membuat fitnah. Bila keluar surat sebegitu walaupun ia prosuder biasa, tetapi memalukan. Kalau tidak kerana kekeringan wang untuk apa permohonan itu dibuat.

Surat mengaibkan dan boleh dikelasifikasi rahsia bagi kerajaan itu tidak patut didedahkan. Tetapi kerana celupar mulut, maka keluarlah apa yang tidak wajar. Inilah ketidakcerdikan, khasnya wakil rakyat Kota Bharu.

Kalu dapat duit royalti tak mustahil MB Kelantan 
guna Ferari sebagai kereta rasmi

Sebenarnya kerajaan Terengganu juga ada memohon pendahuluan dari kerajaan Pusat jumlahnya lebih banyak dari itu. Tetapi dalam hubungan ini orang Terengganu (wakil rakyatnya) cerdik sedikit daripada wakil rakyat Kelantan, mereka tidak pun timbul masalah dan menuduh Menteri Kewangan berbohong atau membuat fitnah. Maka surat permohonannya tidak didedahkan.

Lain kali jaga mulut dan dan tahulah berterima kasih. Kalau kita sesak, buatlah cara sesak, tak payah nak beragah mengaku kaya dan ada duit lah. Berterusn terang itu lebih daripada segala-galanya. Jangan sesekali cuba kentut dalam jubah, yang ia tidak terhidu kepada kita tetapi ia membusukkan hidung tukang basuh. - MSO

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Guan Eng dedah surat Kelantan 
mohon bantuan dana...

Menteri Kewangan Lim Guan Eng mendedahkan surat dari Pejabat Perbendaharaan Kelantan meminta bantuan kewangan daripada kerajaan Persekutuan untuk membayar gaji penjawat awam kerajaan negeri.

Surat bertarikh 18 Jun 2018 itu antara lain meminta kerajaan Persekutuan menyalurkan dana pendahuluan sebanyak RM97 juta pada Julai bagi menampung perbelanjaan luar jangka serta ketiadaan punca baru sumber hasil.

Surat itu turut menjelaskan mengenai bagaimana Kelantan mencatat aliran menaik defisit akaun semasa dengan jumlah terkumpul berjumlah RM19.46 juta dan defisit kumpulan wang pembangunan berjumlah RM45.03 juta, tidak termasuk tanggungan semasa berjumlah RM49.73 juta.

“Implikasi shortfall ini akan menyebabkan kerajaan negeri terdedah kepada kelewatan pembarayan gaji kakitangan termasuk sambilan sebanyak RM24.5 juta sebulan, serta bayaran bil-bil melebihi 14 hari, kata surat itu. Surat berkenaan ditandatangani oleh Pegawai Kewangan Negeri Kelantan Datuk Nik Kazim Nik Yusoff.

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Ditanya tentang kelulusan pinjaman pendahuluan yang diluluskan pada Jun iaitu sebanyak RM22.5 juta berbanding permohonan sebanyak RM24.5 juta, beliau berkata ia adalah pemberian bagi memenuhi keutamaan semasa.

“Ini untuk gaji, jadi (kita) cuba cepat-cepat bagi dahulu.

“Apabila kita beri (begitu saja kepada) sesiapa yang minta, saya rasa itu bukanlah tindakan belanjawan yang berhemah.

“Jadi kita bagi apa yang perlu dahulu iaitu (untuk membayar gaji) kakitangan kerajaan negeri,” katanya.

“Persoalannya ialah mengapa tidak ada reaksi sebegitu kuat dan keras oleh barisan kepimpinan PAS ketika Najib mendedahkan kepada umum pada 28 Januari 2018 bahawa kerajaan Kelantan terpaksa bergantung kepada bantuan kewangan Kerajaan Persekutuan untuk membayar gaji kakitangan kerajaan negeri Kelantan,” katanya dalam kenyataan.

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Pada 2016 – ketika Barisan Nasional (BN) masih mentadbir – menurut Guan Eng, Kelantan menerima dana berjumlah RM398 juta daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan sepertimana negeri-negeri lain.

“Termasuk di dalam pemberian RM398 juta kepada Negeri Kelantan ini ialah pemberian defisit sebanyak RM59.9 juta kerana hasil kerajaan negeri Kelantan tidak mencukupi untuk membayar perbelanjaannya, termasuk gaji/emolumen ahli pentadbiran kerajaan negeri Kelantan,” ujarnya.

Tambah Guan Eng yang juga Setiausaha Agung DAP, pada Jun tahun ini, Putrajaya yang ditadbir Pakatan Harapan sekali lagi meluluskan permohonan pinjaman oleh kerajaan negeri Kelantan bagi membantu membayar gaji penjawat awam mereka.

“Saya ingin tekankan bahawa pengurusan ekonomi dan pentadbiran kewangan perlu dijalankan berdasarkan fakta dan angka bukannya sentimen dan fitnah jahat.

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“Sukar untuk memulihkan keyakinan orang ramai dan para pelabur atau membangunkan semula sebuah negeri yang gagal sekiranya membelakangkan fakta dan angka.

“Pada masa yang sama, saya tertarik dengan reaksi keras daripada barisan kepimpinan PAS terhadap kenyataan saya, berbanding terhadap kenyataan Datuk Seri Najib yang membuat kenyataan yang serupa sebelum ini.

“Adakah ini kerana saya adalah sasaran ‘lembut’ yang membolehkan barisan kepimpinan PAS mainkan sentiment yang merbahaya sehingga boleh menggunakan fitnah jahat tanpa segan silu?” soalnya yang juga Ahli Parlimen Bagan.

Beliau yang juga Setiausaha Agung DAP turut mendedahkan bahawa Kelantan sekali lagi membuat permohonan terbaharu dan telah diluluskan. Beliau bagaimanapun tidak mahu mendedahkan jumlah permohonan baru itu buat masa ini. – Roketkini.com

Palu Sulawesi Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami
Zahid : Earthquake and Tsunami 
Due To Angry God...

We know Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was a thug. Not only the Java-migrant was a gangster, he was also a bloody coward mugger. That explains why his family, obviously terrified and panicked after being slapped with 45 charges, had resorted to coaching his own 9-year-old granddaughter Sofee to unleash threats against Mahathir government for locking up “grandpa” Zahid.

Zahid, his wife Hamidah and daughter Nurul Hidayah should be careful what they wish for. Threatening a government by brainwashing children could produce undesirable results. Terror group ISIS has also radicalized children to kill and butcher fellow Muslims who disagreed with them. Zahid’s innocent granddaughter could become a “radicalized Islamist terrorist”.

Besides being a thug, albeit a coward one, the former deputy prime minister has also proven that he has always been a big bully. Unable to control his emotion, probably disturbed by the prospect of being the first among the crooks to be jailed, Zahid apparently snapped at a reporter who asked him if he would take leave as UMNO president due to his pending court case.

The disgraced Zahid went ballistic – “What right do you have to ask that question?” The thug was so arrogant that he had no clue that the journalists were just doing their jobs. The fact that he couldn’t answer such a simple question – politely and tactfully – actually speaks volumes about his insecurity and inferior intellect, despite possessing a PhD in Communication.

Yes, in spite of his doctor’s degree from Universiti Putra Malaysia’s (UPM), making him Malaysia’s first cabinet minister in 2008 to complete a doctorate while in service, it appears that Mr. Zahid still struggles to engage in a healthy and mature conversation with reporters without resorting to threats, mocks and insults. This is not the first time he has bullied reporters though.

Even after losing the government and no longer walks the corridors of power, Zahid Hamidi continued to demonstrate his arrogance and thuggish behaviour. Imagine what he could do to the reporter had he become a prime minister today. For humiliating him with such difficult question, Zahid might butcher the reporter the same way Saudi Crown Prince assassinated journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Zahid Hamidi - Arrogant Gesture

But his arrogance and ignorance was just the appetizer. Two days ago, PM Mahathir told a forum that “UMNO is gone”. While the 93-year-old prime minister was speaking figuratively, Zahid wasn’t impressed and responded yesterday to the damning appraisal literally. “UMNO still exists. We can see UMNO still exists.” – Zahid proudly told reporters as he walked away from the media in Parliament.

Seriously? Was Zahid Hamidi really that awesomely retarded? Still, that wasn’t the best part. The brilliant part was when Dr. Zahid declares the recent natural disasters – earthquake and tsunami – that hit the city of Palu in Indonesia was the wrath of God, as punishment for the activities of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community there.

The 65-year-old Zahid said in Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives) – “We know of the earthquake and tsunami in Palu recently and it is learnt that there are over 1,000 LGBTs who were involved in such activities when the tragedy happened. As a result of that, the whole area was wiped out. And this is Allah’s punishment to them.”

Grandpa Zahid should get a medal for his newly achieved stupidity. He was so dumb that it makes Islamist party PAS President Hadi Awang looks like a rocket scientist. Mr. Hadi, who always uses Allah to justify repetitive floods in Kelantan and Terengganu (two states under PAS administration) as the God’s “test”, must be impressed that someone has beaten him in his own game.

With more than 2,000 deaths, Zahid, however, couldn’t explain why his co-called Allah didn’t just punish the LGBTs only but had to kill other innocent Muslims as well, including 34 children following the devastating magnitude-7.4 eartquake and ensuing tsunami in Palu, a remote northern region of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

Image result for earthquake 2,000 deaths in palu,

In the same breath, was it the fault of the lesbians and gays too that the angry God unleashed the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami and killed more than 200,000 Indonesians in northern Sumatra’s Aceh province? Perhaps Zahid could ask Allah since he appears to have direct access to the God’s WhatsApp or WeChat.

And since he was so sure that it was God who had punished the people in Palu, probably Zahid should seek advice from Allah whether he would end up in prison for criminal breach of trust (CBT), money laundering, corruption and abuse of power. And he certainly must interrogate the God why he is being unfairly slapped with 45 charges despite him being straight, not curly.

It was estimated there were 9-million LGBTs in the United States in 2012 alone. If the God saw it wise to wipe out the entire 395.1 km² of Palu just because over 1,000 LGBTs were enjoying their exotic activities, would it not be fair for the same God to also wipe out America too? There were 3.6-million gay people in Britain and 6% of Europeans identified as LGBTs.

Did Zahid realize that there were 272,493 gays in New York, not to mention 140 LGBT bars, clubs, hotels, restaurants, shops and whatnot in Paris – two of his family’s favourite holiday destinations? Did the moron also realize that London, one of his favourite shopping cities, is also known as Europe’s gay capital? Why did he go against the Allah – enjoying himself in those cities?

On the contrary, if indeed the earthquake and tsunami hitting Indonesian’s Aceh (2004) and Palu (2018) were unleashed by the mighty God, it has nothing to do with LGBTs but everything to do with Islamist extremists, fundamentalists and even racists such as shallow-minded Zahid Hamidi. Otherwise how do you explain the tsunami that wipes out UMNO on May 9th? - FT

Meanwhile, one of Indonesia’s most prominent Muslim leaders gave a brief lesson in geography to Ahmad Zahid Hamidi after the Umno president blamed the recent earthquake and tsunami in central Sulawesi, which left thousands dead, on the homosexual activities of the people there.

Ahmad Syafii Maarif,(pix,above right) the former chief of the 30-million strong Muhammadiyah, the second largest Islamic organisation in Indonesia, also expressed surprise that such a statement could come from an “important person” like Zahid.

Ahmad Syafii said, “There are people in Indonesia too who argue that way, but these are insignificant individuals. Yet here we have an important person in Malaysia saying this.” He disagreed with Zahid’s statement and chastised him for saying that natural disasters were a divine punishment.

Syafii, 83, who has written extensively on Islam and is a recipient of the Ramon Magsaysay Award, regarded as the Asian equivalent of the Nobel Prize, reminded Zahid that Indonesia was located within the “ring of fire”, an area covering some 40,000km in the Pacific Ocean which is active with earthquakes and volcanos.

Indonesian Muslim Leader Schools Zahid Over LGBT Remark, Says Natural Disasters Caused By Geography - WORLD OF BUZZ 2

“There are geographical factors involved,” he said.

He also said it was not right for Zahid to conclude that the earthquake was a divine punishment, adding that it should instead be seen as an opportunity to help fellow humans by channelling aid and assisting the thousands of victims in rebuilding their lives.

“If we have sinned, we seek forgiveness from God. But never link it to the tsunami,” said Syafii.

He acknowledged that Islam considers homosexuality a sin, and that the Quran tells of nations that were punished with natural disasters. However, he said it was wrong for anyone to make presumptions about divine actions.

“No one can claim to know God’s intentions,” he added. - fmt

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Kjaan kelantan sudah mnyaman kjaan pusat dan petronas krana tdk membayar royalti kpd klantan sejak bertahun2 yg lalu..Kes masih lagi berjalan di mahkamah..Maka,bila kes masih dibicarakan di mahkamah,maka kjaan pusat tk blh melakukan apa2 bayaran kpd kjaan sehingga kes selesai atau kjaan ngeri menarik balik saman kpd kjaan pusat..Rupa2nya hari ini baru cerdik dan kjaan ngeri menarik balik saman terhadap kjaan pusat..Maknanya yg walaun2 terpekik terlolong dlm fb mnuduh kjaan pusat zalim tk byr royalti,semuanya kelentong dan auta walaun semata2? - f/bk

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Kalau setakat membiayai pembinaan ECRL apalah sangat.. 
Mereka sudah membina kapal terbang sendiri. Tolong jangan perlekehkan..

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