Berita mengenai peletakan jawatan Nurul Izzah Anwar sebagai naib presiden PKR dengan serta-merta mengejutkan negara, menyebabkan ramai tertanya2 mengapa dia berbuat demikian.
Antara spekulasi2nya:
1. Dia sangat kecewa dengan prestasi kerajaan Pakatan Harapan(PH) yang memerintah, terutamanya mereka yang bersedia menerima ahli2 parlimen Umno atau bekerjasama dengan parti itu, kerana ini boleh menganggu agenda reformasi PH dan juga menyebabkan perpecahan dalam gabungan pemerintah.
Beberapa hari sebelum itu dia telah membantah dengan keras terhadap penyerapan wakil2 rakyat Umno, dengan alasan bahawa ini mengkhianati mandat rakyat dan menjadikan demokrasi tidak bererti.
2. Perbalahan dalam PKR masih belum berakhir. Azmin Ali terus mengetepikan orang2 Rafizi. Sebagai sekutu Rafizi, Nurul letak jawatan sebagai tanda protes.
Dalam tweetnya selepas peletakan jawatan dia berkata menyokong Rafizi sebagai calon Timbalan Presiden adalah perkara terbaik yang telah dilakukannya.
3. Dia tidak bersetuju dengan ayahnya tentang beberapa perkara. Anwar sebelum ini menguatkuasakan ideologinya sendiri ke dalam parti melalui isteri dan anak perempuannya, yang mana Nurul sendiri tidak setjui.

Ketika pertarungan antara Mahathir dan Anwar semakin sengit, kedua-dua mereka telah berusaha keras untuk menyokong wakil Umno untuk mengukuhkan diri mereka. Nurul mahu peralihan yang damai, bukan dicapai melalui perjuangan yang pahit.
Selain daripada itu, ada yang berpendapat bahawa Nurul harus berhenti dari memegang apa2 jawatan dalam partinya untuk menghindari tuduhan politik kekeluargaan, setelah Anwar kembali ke arus perdana politik.
Yang lain berpendapat bahawa Nurul tahu prospek politiknya masa depannya terhad kerana tidak mungkin dia akan masuk ke kabinet jika Anwar menjadi Perdana Menteri. Jadi dia telah membuat keputusan untuk berundur diri dari politik secara serious.
Di antara banyak ramalan, saya sendiri tidak fikir mana-mana daripada perkara2 yang tersebut di atas itu merupakan faktor penentu tetapi mungkin kombinasi antara beberapa.
Nurul adalah salah seorang ahli politik Malaysia yang begitu komited sangat dengan prinsip perjuangan dan masa depan.
"Reformasi" malangnya telah dieksploitasi oleh ramai orang untuk memajukan kerjaya politik mereka atau sebagai slogan murahan pilihan raya. Hanya segelintir orang yang masih bersama dengan aura reformasi, Nurul adalah salah seorang daripada mereka.

Sejak bertahun2 sebagai ahli politik Nurul tidak menunjukkan dirinya sebagai seorang ahli politik yang nakal. Dia tetap berpegang kepada kepercayaannya, yang mana ramai rakan dan lawannya bersetuju.
Dan kerana komitmen itulah, dia semakin kecewa dengan kekacauan dan pergaduhan yang kini sedang berlaku dalam politik Malaysia hari ini.
Ia memerlukan sikap keberanian untuk seorang ahli politik membuat keputusan sedemikian. Dan Nurul telah melakukannya.
Tetapi, keberanian sebenarnya bukanlah untuk lari daripada masalah2 ini, tetapi hendaklah bersungguh-sungguh untuk terus tingkatkan keberanian dengan agenda2 pembaharuan tidak kira betapa suramnya prospek itu.
Untuk berundur diri dari medan perang adalah mudah, tetapi untuk terus berjuang adalah sukar, apatah lagi dengan cara2nya dengan lebih bernilai.
Sudah tentu, jika politik terlalu mencemarkan bagi diri sendiri, memulakan usaha yang baru mungkin idea yang terbaik sekali.
Ramai yang sedang memerhati kepada Nurul dan orang-orang lain yang mahu membentuk entiti politik baru yang melampaui sempadan bangsa dan agama untuk memenuhi aspirasi mulia Malaysia Baru. - my sinchew
Sementara itu Dr Mahathir Mohamad kata Bersatu tidak akan mengambil bekas ahli Umno menyertai parti itu untuk menjadi pemimpin. Dalam pada itu kemasukan wakil rakyat Umno akan ditapis dengan terperinci.
Apakah kenyataan dan jaminan PM itu menandakan beliau sudah menerima dan faham mesej yang dihantar Nurul Izzah Anwar menerusi tindakan ahli parlimen Permatang Pauh itu yang meletak jawatan dipegangnya dalam PKR dan juga jawatan-jawatan lain dalam kerajaan? - mso

8 syarat kalu nak join PPBM...

Start observing Anwar’s statements...
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is said to be the successor to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. I also know that many Malaysians are very excited and optimistic about this. But some close friends asked me, how do I know if many other Malaysians do not think positively about it?
From then on, I started observing Anwar, particularly about his statements in the context of today’s Malaysian politics. The following are among the interesting ones.
One: At the time Dr Mahathir said about the possibility of several UMNO MPs migrating to PBBM, Anwar said PKR would close its door on such leaders.
Two: When the Prime Minister was making a great effort to reject ICERD, Anwar put himself on record, saying that the ratification on ICERD could be postponed to a later date.
I believed Anwar is aware of the implications of these statements. Could Anwar blame anyone if these statements motivated some people to read in between the line of what is going on in Malaysia?
Otherwise, why was Dr Mahathir, while in Bangkok last Sunday, made to say that “he is aware of a supposed plot to topple him [but] I do not take heed of it”.
Why was Anwar quoted on the same day, as saying “I am aware of the assumptions and impressions being made by certain quarters given the recent exodus of UMNO MPs”.
How and why was Dr Mahathir being posed with the above question; what motivated the Press to pose the above question to Dr Mahathir; and how and why did Anwar gave his reaction to the above question on the very same night?
What is happening? Why suddenly emerged some kind of an agenda setting exercise by some invisible group, aimed at driving a wedge between Dr Mahathir and Anwar, for what motives, and how would PH deter its escalation?
I am not going to analyse the above puzzles. I leave them to Anwar’s inner circle to study and answer them (on condition such an inner circle exists in his current position). Otherwise, just leave them to the conspiracy theorists whoever they are! - Ruhaine Ahmad
Zahid Finally Quit –After UMNO
Splits Into 5 Factions In 6 Months...
Less than 24 hours after UMNO President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi declared he would not resign, lecturing critics instead on the party’s constitution and his legitimacy, the disgraced former deputy prime minister made a U-turn and quit. The pressure was simply too much for the Java-immigrant who had dreamt of becoming the president of UMNO, and the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
While his dream to become UMNO president has materialised, the ambitious man’s desire to walk the corridors of power as the most powerful man in the country hit the roadblock after the party lost the May 9th general election. Yesterday (Dec 18), Mr. Zahid, known for his thuggish behaviour, announced he would hand over his duties as UMNO president to Deputy Mohamad Hassan.
Yet, to save face, he insisted that he has not quit as party president. He said his deputy will have full powers and authority as president for a certain period of time. But every Tom, Dick and their hamsters know Mr. Zahid is game over. With a record 46 charges hanging around his neck for CBT and money laundering involving a whopping RM114 million, it’s hard to see how he could come back unscathed.
Even the legitimacy of his UMNO presidency is in jeopardy as MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) is investigating reports lodged accusing him of bribing delegates to vote for him as president during the party election in June. Essentially, Zahid is going down the history as the shortest serving UMNO president, an embarrassing milestone indeed.
It was quite hilarious that moments prior to Zahid giving up his power, he lectured party members not to behave like “crabs in a basket” – pulling each other down and stepping over one another in their efforts to escape, but ending up getting cooked instead. Heck, he even warned his enemy – PM Mahathir – about UMNO frogs jumping over to take over his party, PPBM.
Clearly, Zahid is a short-sighted and a vengeful leader. He is not a smart strategist, let alone a clever tactician. He would rather burn the bridge and severe relationship with whoever that has betrayed him, than to leave some room for a possible reconciliation at a later stage. That makes him an easy meat for the cunning grand old man Mahathir Mohamad.
Ahmad Zahid Hamidi also admitted that UMNO has split into eye-popping five factions after it lost power for the first time in its history after ruling the country for 61 years. He revealed that the first faction consists of those who want to maintain the status quo and not ally with any other parties. This disillusioned group obviously is still in denial mode about the reasons why they had been rejected.
The second group, according to Zahid, wants to join forces with only Mahathir’s PPBM party, thinking it would be the shortest way to come back to power. Has the UMNO president forgotten that he was the one who had fantasized about this route when he shamelessly bent down close to 45 degrees and met Mahathir in June to talk about a PPBM-UMNO merger?
A month after the humiliating election defeat, still licking his wound and with his tail between legs, UMNO acting president Zahid met the 93-year-old premier whom he had insulted and mocked with regards to his Indian ancestry – calling him the son of Iskandar “Kutty”. Despite kowtowing, begging and crawling to the old man to be included in the new government, Mahathir told him to fly kite.
PM Mahathir told the Indonesia-migrant to dissolve UMNO before any cooperation can take place. Zahid might be as bright as the next carrot you can find at Carrefour hypermarket, but he knew closing down UMNO before any deal is made means he will be as good as game over. There was no way Mahathir would include him in the ruling government cabinet.
The next month (July), PM Mahathir congratulated Zahid for being elected as the new UMNO president, but declared – again – that the Government will not work with the defeated and badly bruised party. The premier said – “Congratulations, this means he is loved by UMNO, and I congratulate him, but we will not work with them.”
By August, the new UMNO president – Zahid Hamidi – was fabulously devastated and demoralised. UMNO’s account was still frozen. Mahathir’s insistence on not working with UMNO practically closes any door of joining forces with PPBM party. So, Zahid tried his luck on the next best option – to join forces with PKR, another component party of the Pakatan Harapan ruling coalition.
So, the third faction of UMNO members who wanted to join forces with PKR, was also part of Zahid’s plan after he was rejected by Mahathir. But like an idiot, he counted the chickens before they hatch, telling all and sundry that UMNO was actually the government-in-waiting. Nazri Aziz, another thug in the same league as Zahid, was sent on his behalf to negotiate with PKR President Anwar Ibrahim.
Recently, it was revealed that in exchange for UMNO support for Mr. Anwar to become the next prime minister, the PKR must ensure UMNO does not get de-registered. UMNO also demanded the same funding allocation as the ruling government MPs to opposition UMNO lawmakers. This faction, however, no longer asked to be part of the government, but merely “government-friendly.”
However, the greedy scumbag Zahid Hamidi also has his hands in another cookie jar – the fourth faction – which wanted UMNO to join forces with PAS Islamist party. Together with PAS, this UMNO faction that Zahid was involved openly, wanted to create a grand coalition consisting of only ethnic Malays and Muslims. What this faction needs to do is to play 3R cards (religion, racial and royalty).
So, their first game was to play the anti-ICERD to the hilt. Taking to the street, Zahid Hamidi and Hadi Awang led their respective UMNO and PAS Malay-Muslims to rhetorically protest against what they claimed to be threats to Malay privileges and special rights and whatnot. Unfortunately, Zahid and his minions had forgotten there were over 100,000 non-Muslim members in Sabah UMNO.
Disgusted and angered by UMNO Peninsular’s excessive racism and extremism, Sabah UMNO quit the party just four days after the anti-ICERD demonstration. The mass exodus saw 21 of the 25 division heads, nine of 10 of its assemblymen, five of six MPs and two senators leaving the party in the state of Sabah, diluting UMNO’s 54 MPs to just 43.
Subsequently, 6 UMNO MPs have had enough of their president’s idiocy and quit the party to become independent lawmakers, joining three high-profile names who earlier left to join Mahathir Mohamad’s Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM). Thanks to Zahid brilliant leadership, UMNO currently has only 37 MPs, down from the 54 after the May 9 poll.
The fifth faction, claimed Zahid, wants to form a new grouping altogether. Regardless how many factions are there in UMNO, the fact remains that the man behind the split is none other than Zahid himself. It was already an uphill task to lead a party that cannot survive without cash and power. It was DOA (dead on arrival) when the arrogant but intellectually-challenged man won his UMNO presidency.
Actually, there’s another faction – the sixth faction – which comprises ex-PM Najib Razak hardcore supporters. UMNO supreme council member Lokman Noor Adam has proposed for Najib to be made de-facto party leader and head of the federal Opposition. If this ridiculous idea materialises, it would be fun to see how the crook usurps the power of the UMNO (acting) president.
Amusingly, the UMNO president also unveiled that there is one party in the Pakatan Harapan coalition that they would never work with, saying – “UMNO rejects 100% any cooperation with DAP.” What makes Zahid think DAP wants to work with the UMNO in the first place. Again, this shows why Mahathir could easily slaughter UMNO under Zahid leadership.
DAP Supremo Lim Kit Siang and PPBM Mahathir Mohamad
If even Mahathir willingly works with once-rival DAP, who the hell is arrogant UMNO to say they would never work with the Chinese-majority party which commanded up to 95% of ethnic Chinese support? Does Zahid, or the next UMNO president for that matter, think a beggar can be chooser? Every dog has its day, but for Zahid, his luck lasts only for 6 months. - FT
