Update Ugut bunuh Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani... >> Berita Malay 18

Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Datuk Salahuddin Ayub mendapat ugutan bunuh dua hari lepas dengan cara meletakkan bangkai lembu dan nota ugutan bunuh di hadapan rumah yang dijadikan pusat khidmatnya.

Berikutan itu seorang saspek telah ditahan polis dan hari ini mahkamah telah membenarkan beliau disambung tahanan remannya.

Salahuddin ketika dihubungi mengesahkan perkara ini dan ia sedang disiasat oleh pihak polis.

“Saya diberitahu dua hari lepas tentang seekor bangkai lembu telah diletakkan di depan rumah saya di DUN Simpang Jeram, Johor.

“Padanya terdapat nota mengugut bunuh terhadap saya dan laporan polis telah dibuat.

“Pada awalnya saya lihat ia perkara kecil sahaja tetapi nampaknya polis memandang serius perkara ini kerana ia ugutan ke atas eeorang menteri,” kata Salahuddin kepada Malaysia Dateline.

Menurut Salahuddin, hari ini ada lagi pegawai polis datang ke pejabat beliau di Kementerian Pertanian, Putrajaya untuk mengambil kenyataan.

“Sehingga ini saya tidak tahu lagi apa motifnya.

“Kita serahkan perkara ini kepada pihak polis untuk membuat siasatan,” kata beliau lagi. - malaysiadateline

Jom pakat2 bantu Nik Amar...

Bunyi khabar Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah tidak akan hadir ke himpunan kesyukuran atas penolalakan bagi meraktifikasi ICERD pada 8 Disember ini kerana beliau hendak ke Makkah mengerjakan umrah. Beliau dijangka akan ke Makkah 7 Disember.

Walaupun pemergiannya ke Makkah untuk mengerjakan ibadat, tetapi menghadiri himpunan ICERD itu juga ibadat. Apakah beliau telah menempah tikit awal maka kalau ditunda ia akan kerugian?

Tidak jadi masalah kalau beliau melewatkan sehari untuk ke Makkah. Kerugian tikit kerana gagal terbang pada 7 Disember itu boleh diganti. Rasanya dalam hal ini, ramai yang sudi membantunya. Mungkin Husam Musa bekas kawannya dalam Pas juga sedia untuk memberi ganti rugi kepada Nik Amar dan membeli tikit ganti demi melihat Nik Amar ada dalam himpunan itu.

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Nik Amar boleh berlepas keesokan harinya, 9 Disember. Saya akan cuba menghubungi Husam untuk mendapat pertimbangan hal ini agar membantu Nik Amar.

Kehadiran Nik Amar di himpunan itu penting bukan sahaja setakat memberi semangat kepada peserta lain tetapi mencatat sejarah orang Melayu berada di atas satu pentas sekiranya Dr Mahathir juga sudi untuk singgah di himpunan itu. Himpunan itu tentu bersejarah apabila ada Dr Mahathir, Anwar Ibrahim, Abdul Hadi Awang, Zahid Hamidi, Husam Musa dan lain-lain. 

Senator Husam Musa telah pun membuat tawaran untuk menyelamatkan air muka Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah daripada ditejel kerana tidak akan hadir himpunan ICERD kerana tergesa-gesa untuk ke Makkah. Apa lagi Nik Amar sambutlah. 

Dengar cerita pulok Kelantan istihar cuti 9hb Dis untuk bersama Najib pada himpunan 8hb..

Nak tergelak saya bila perhati aksi politik Melayu Malaysia. - MSO

Yang masih blur,tengok ni utk mudah faham.. 

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Can Umno go without MCA?...

MCA has decided to "initiate the process of dissolving BN" and not "quit BN".

Umno leaders have urged MCA to make up its mind and act fast, hinting that they no longer need MCA, so it should stop making noise and just get lost.

MCA has lost three consecutive general elections, in 2008, 2013 and 2018, and by right it should be end of game for the party. But, politics is not just about electoral battles but rather the strategy adopted.

If you don't get the right partner, your future is doomed. This is what happens to BN today. Luck is not on its side, and it is made up of a bunch of equally rotten partners.

What about the partnership between MCA and Umno? For MCA, things cannot get any worse. If it happens to lose again, it loses the most one additional seat. Not a big deal after all!
Image result for umno and mca
So, it doesn't really matter now whether MCA can go without Umno. Similarly, there is no necessity for the party to have a clean and quick cut from Umno because no one knows what will become of Umno in five years' time, or even one year down the road.

Indeed, Umno has deviated off course under the stewardship of Ahmad Zahid. The party is tilting more to the right and towards radicalism, as it seeks to team up with PAS and play up the racial and religious game. This, unfortunately, will not take Umno any further.

We are not living in the year of 1969, and are not as penniless as in those turbulent years besides the fact people have grown tremendously in the awareness of democracy and rule of law.

Today, political power is no longer confined to a handful of privileged individuals. Zahid cannot do as he pleases. Meanwhile, PAS has its own agenda and may not dance to his tune.

He is currently fighting his court cases and as such must mess things up for his own salvation. But doing so will not take Umno back to the political mainstream, nor win the next general election and recapture Putrajaya.
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The Malaysian society has a multicultural fabric and this country will not be controlled by any single race within the foreseeable future. Of all the 222 parliamentary seats, those held by PAS and Umno do not even make up a third.

Even though there are 120 Malay-majority seats or over half of the total, non-Malays could be the kingmakers in many of them. Umno and PAS may not win all!

In the absence of non-Malay support, Umno will lose its allies in East Malaysia. The party will need to face the reality come GE15. It must modify its strategy and seek non-Malay partners.

The pluralistic nature of the Malaysian society will make political alliances the only option for parties to remain relevant. As secretary-general Annuar Musa has said, Umno can even work with DAP, which is not impossible theoretically although highly impractical in reality.

Save for a major shift in the country's political ecosystem, Umno will still need MCA. Period. While this combination may not assure an electoral victory, it is at least the only viable option we can visualize today. - Sin Chew Daily

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