Update Lepas isu RM90 juta disiasat, PAS ‘minta nyawa’ pada PM... >> Berita Malay 18

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Selepas episod Nik Mohamad Abduh Nik Mat kantoi berbohong sehingga membawa kepada siasatan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) terhadap PAS berhubung dana RM90 juta daripada UMNO, PAS kini mencipta pula drama dan naratif pembohongan baru. 

Semua ini dilakukan PAS semata-mata untuk menyelamatkan tembolok mereka selepas habis semua pekung pecah.

Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang sudah mencium bau bahaya berikut langkah SPRM yang dilaporkan mahu menyiasat penderma tetap dan kroni partinya itu. 

Abdul Hadi membuat keputusan untuk bertemu Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad atas alasan kononnya mahu membincangkan hal berkaitan pentadbiran.

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Ini adalah Abdul Hadi yang sama yang pernah menyeru agar pengundi menolak Dr Mahathir pada PRU lepas. 

Pun begitu, tembelang Abdul Hadi bocor. Pertemuan itu bukan sekadar tentang soal pentadbiran tetapi lebih jauh dari itu.

PAS dikatakan menyatakan sokongan pula menerusi draf bertulis bahawa akan menyokong kepimpinan Dr Mahathir jika timbul undi tidak percaya terhadap Presiden Pakatan Harapan itu.

Ia sekadar untuk mencipta persepsi bahawa kononnya wujud perpecahan dalam Pakatan Harapan.

Memang putaq alam...

Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng dan Presiden PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menolak pembohongan tersebut dan menyifatkan ia sebagai helah PAS untuk menutup isu RM90 juta.

Politik PAS begitu dinamik, daripada menggunakan alasan berbohong demi menjaga kemaslahatan sehingga mencipta cerita karut bahawa kononnya Pakatan Harapan diambang perpecahan.

Semua ini dilakukan untuk menutup cerita pembohongan dan isu RM90 juta yang membelit parti itu kini.

Entah apa lagi yang tinggal dalam kamus kewujudan PAS, mungkin hampir tidak ada, apatah lagi integritinya sendiri. – Roketkini.com

UMNO Donations To PAS Were Used To Pay Election Deposits - EXCLUSIVE
Deposit PAS untuk PRU14 
dibiayai oleh UMNO...

Deposit untuk PAS bertanding dengan rekod jumlah kerusi tertinggi pada pilihan raya umum ke-14 dibiayai oleh Umno, dakwa Sarawak Report. Portal pendedah maklumat itu melaporkan seorang pembantu bendahari Umno, Salleh Said Keruak telah memasukkan wang tunai RM2.5 juta ke dalam akaun Bank Islam milik PAS.

"Sarawak Report mendapat pengesahan bahawa wang yang dibayar kepada PAS itu digunakan sebagai membayar deposit pilihan raya untuk calon parti yang bertanding dengan rekod jumlah kerusi terbesar.

“Kira-kira sejuta ringgit lagi juga dimasukkan secara tunai oleh Umno ke dalam akaun PAS pada masa yang sama dengan cara sama," katanya.

Menurut Sarawak Report, pada 21 Mac, tiga minggu sebelum Hadi membuat kenyataan itu, seorang utusan dari UMNO bernama Shamsul Zairil bin Kamaruddin (yang bekerja untuk Bendahari UMNO Salleh Keruak) membawa beg berisi RM2. 5 juta tunai masuk ke dalam akaun PAS dalam Bank Islam.

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Deposit itu telah didokumenkan dengan jelas dan tidak ada penafian oleh UMNO atau Shamsul bahawa dia mendepositkan wang itu, yang dipercayai adalah arahan langsung pemimpin UMNO Najib Razak. Hadi sendiri mengakui bahawa PAS menerima wang itu, tetapi menafikan wang itu berasal dari UMNO. Bagaimanapun, dalam kenyataan mahkamahnya, Hadi tukar cerita dengan mengatakan bahawa dia tidak tahu dari mana wang itu datang.

'Wang Tunai Umno' kepada PAS yang disalurkan pada Mac 2018 digunakan sebagai wang deposit untuk calon2 PAS dalam PRU14. Sarawak Report juga mengesahkan bahawa satu juta atau lebih ringgit kemudiannya juga didepositkan secara tunai oleh UMNO ke dalam akaun PAS sekitar masa yang sama dengan cara yang sama.

Pada pilihan raya umum lalu, PAS bertanding di 155 kerusi, kerusi Parlimen paling banyak yang dipertandingkan oleh mana-mana parti di negara ini. Deposit untuk bertanding kerusi parlimen adalah RM10,000 manakala kerusi negeri pula bernilai RM5,000.

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Hadi masih bertegas bahawa tidak ada pakatan sulit semasa pilihan raya antara PAS dan UMNO. PAS masih mendakwa pada PRU14 PAS menjadi parti pembangkang untuk menentang UMNO / BN. 

Hadi juga menegaskan bahawa keputusan PAS bertanding di semua kerusi persekutuan dan negeri  tidak ada kaitan dengan rancangan untuk memecah undi pembangkang bagi pihak UMNO. Hadi dalam pernyataannya bersumpah mengakui bahawa kos untuk bertanding adalah tinggi dan mendakwa wang untuk deposit kerusi itu datang dari sumbangan  ahli2nya.

Sesungguhnya UMNOlah secara rahsia memberi wang kepada PAS untuk deposit kerusi2 itu dalam PRU14. Sejurus selepas pilihan raya, kedua-dua pihak mula bersatu secara terbuka bersama-sama sekutu, walaupun setakat mereka menyokong sikap masing-masing calon pada pilihan raya kecil di mana hanya beberapa minggu lalu mereka bertindak sebagai lawan politik.

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Kini timbul persoalan sama ada sikap baru Hadi untuk menyokong UMNO semata-mata disebabkan kesediaan secara tiba-tiba "untuk melupakan kesalahan lalu dan menyatukan orang Islam" atau hanya persoalan persahabatan yang dibeli dalam bentuk wang ringgit yang  diterima secara tunai daripada UMNO masuk ke dalam akaun PAS untuk deposit PRU14 seperti yang sebut oleh orang kuat Hadi, Nik Abduh dalam rakaman audionya. 

Pada mulanya Nik Abduh menafikan rakaman audio itu bukan tulen, tetapi fitnah semata2.  Apabila Hadi menarik balik saman,pihak peguam PAS mengesahkan bahawa rakaman audio Nik Abduh adalah tulen dan disahkan oleh Setiausaha Agong PAS barulah Nik Abduh mengesahkan yang rakaman audio itu adalah benar dan tulen, lantas Nik Abduh  mengakui bahawa "Hadi restu saya nafi rakaman audio" - SR/mk (Artikel di atas adalah terjemahan diadaptasikan dari Sarawak Report berjudul "UMNO Donations To PAS Were Used To Pay Election Deposits " dengan beberapa ubahsuaian - tumpang sekole)

Saya nak tengok PAS sokong saya atau tidak - Dr M

Malaysian Najib Administration - Woman Menses Cannot Become Chief Minister
Najib’s Crooked Lawyer Who Once Gifted RM2.2 Billion Expressway Project Charged For Money Laundering...

Hafarizam Harun is perhaps one of a few lucky lawyers who become a billionaire for fixing problems for UMNO (once the dominant political party) and Najib Razak (once the most powerful man in Malaysia). However, his lucky star is no longer smiling after the downfall of his boss, former Prime Minister Najib in the May General Election last year. Karma has come knocking on his door.

The 47-year-old UMNO’s top lawyer has been charged today (Feb 21) with two counts of money laundering – depositing RM15 million (US$3.7 million; £2.8 million) via three cheques from former Prime Minister Najib Razak into his law firm’s bank account. Hafarizam faces imprisonment up to 15 years and a fine of not less than five times the sum, if he is convicted.

In the first charge, Hafarizam deposited proceeds of unlawful activity totalling RM11.5 million through two AmIslamic Bank Bhd cheques belonging to Najib into a client account of Messrs Hafarizam Wan & Aisha Mubarak at CIMB Bank Bhd. In the second charge, he was accused of committing the same offence involving RM3.5 million, which saw a cheque from Najib deposited into the law firm’s account.

Like the so-called hotshot lawyer Shafee Abdullah engaged to defend Najib on charges of stealing and plundering the national coffers in relation to the infamous 1MDB scandal, Mr. Hafarizam was Najib’s preferred lawyer when his service was required to rape and corrupt the judiciary system in order to deliver the desired results in favour of the government of the day.

Mr. Hafarizam is the same lawyer who worked together with Mr. Shafee in the 2009 Perak Constitutional Crisis which brought down the now-defunct Pakatan Rakyat government so that Najib could snatch back the Perak state using illegal and despicable methods, including the removal of Speaker Sivakumar forcefully and thuggishly.

Together with then-Chief Justice Zaki Azmi, the trio had succeeded in the political coup in Perak, arguably one of the most shameful acts of corruption in the judiciary system. As a reward for their roles, a RM2.2 billion contract for the 50-km Kinrara-Damansara Expressway (Kidex) project was gifted to Emrail Sdn Bhd and Zabima Engineering Sdn Bhd – both without any highway construction experience.

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Zaki Azmi – Former Chief Justice

As it turned out, Zaki’s wife, Nik Sazlina Mohd Zain, was director of Zabima Engineering, while Hafarizam personally admitted and confirmed he sits as director of both companies. Although the disgraced UMNO lawyer Hafarizam Harun had rubbished he and Chief Justice Zaki Azmi got the windfall for bending the rule of law to help UMNO, the fact remains that their roles was “tainted with mala fide (bad faith).”

One doesn’t need Einstein to see that corruption and cronyism were involved in their roles in the 2009 Perak Crisis that saw the state government switch from then-Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to Barisan Nasional (BN). Hafarizam shamelessly claimed that the highway contract was awarded to him after the company proved itself with its track records, despite the fact they had none.

When Mahathir (then opposition) filed a lawsuit against Najib Razak, seeking the crook to pay RM42 million in aggravated damages and RM2.6 billion in exemplary damages to the Government for compromising various institutions involved in investigating 1MDB, Hafarizam Harun argued that Najib was not a public officer in his capacity as the Prime Minister and Finance Minister, hence he cannot be sued.

Amazingly but expectedly, the High Court and Court of Appeal agreed with the Najib lawyer’s argument and dismissed the appeal brought by Mahathir in 2017. After the recent exposure of top judges’ involvement in scam activities, it’s safe to presume that all the judges involved in throwing out the suit had either been bribed or pressured to deliver a verdict favourable to Najib Razak.

After opposition Pakatan Harapan stunningly won the May General Election last May, a request to review the Federal Court’s earlier decision in refusing to grant Mahathir leave to appeal, in a bid to reinstate their suit against Najib which was struck out by the High Court and Court of Appeal, has been granted and a hearing has been rescheduled to April 23 this year.

Twisting and spinning that Najib cannot be sued because the premier was not a public officer was definitely cunning, although such attempt was laughable. At the peak of 1MDB scandal, people’s jaws dropped to the floor when the legal eagle proclaimed that Najib’s signature on 1MDB documents does not necessarily mean that the prime minister has knowledge on 1MDB matters.

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Shafee Abdullah Najib's Lawyer

Make no mistake. Like his buddy Shafee Abdullah, Hafarizam Harun’s extraordinary success in the courtroom was possible primarily because almost all the judges – from the lowest to the highest court – have been fabulously perverted. Hafarizam and Shafee were merely village champions who could bully their opponents because the referees had been bought and were under political master’s payroll.

The serious test came when a furiously mad Najib Razak decided to sue the Wall Street Journal over articles linking him to 1MDB scandal. Hafarizam, whose law firm was acting for the Prime Minister, fumbled and stumbled spectacularly when the so-called local legal eagle faced foreign forces for the first time. He childishly sent a letter to the WSJ legal team seeking clarification.

Yes, the village champion Hafarizam and his team actually embarrassed themselves in 2015 when they sought clarification from the WSJ and Dow Jones as to whether their article meant that Najib had misappropriated funds. The Wall Street Journal simply replied that it saw no need to provide any confirmation as its news report and a subsequent opinion piece “speak for themselves”.

Counsellor Hafarizam had even flown to the U.S. on an exploratory mission in relation to Najib’s case against the WSJ. And because the WSJ did not bother to respond to Najib’s silly letter, the lawyer conveniently announced that it would be difficult for him to advise Najib since the WSJ refused to clarify the allegations that almost US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) in 1MDB funds were channelled into Najib’s personal accounts.

Needless to say, the lawsuit never took off and died a natural death. Against a foreign independent judiciary system such as one in the United States, Najib’s favourite lawyer was powerless and did not stand a chance. Without the ability of bribing corrupt judges in the U.S., Hafarizam Harun could not cast his magic to win the case against the Wall Street Journal for his client.

Besides being the crooked lawyer, Hafarizam was also known to be a sexist. When Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) President Wan Azizah Wan Ismail was rumoured to take over Selangor leadership from Abdul Khalid Ibrahim in 2014, the UMNO legal adviser said a woman cannot become Selangor Mentri Besar because their “menstrual cycle” would get in the way of certain official duties. - FT

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