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Isu subjek Bahasa Inggeris dengan penjajaran CEFR kini menjadi isu panas di media.

Ketidakfahaman media menulis berita dan memberi tajuk boleh mengelirukan masyarakat dan memberikan persepsi negatif terhadap usaha Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia secara khusus dan kerajaan secara umumnya.

Netizen Azmira Amran menulis sambil memberi penjelasan panjang lebar berkenaan isu ini.

Mohon media supaya lebih beretika.

The preparation to align English language curriculum to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) has started since Baseline Study in 2013.

In 2016, our EL curriculum was reviewed so that some of the leveling in the learning standards are aligned to the target level of the children based on the descriptors in CEFR.(That means, the learning standards in the curriculum become more consistent, bukannya becoming 'international English')

Since then, English teachers had attended 'CEFR Familiarisation' course, 'Learning Materials Adaptation' course and 'Formative Assessment' course. There's also annual 'Curriculum Induction' course, which aims to inform teachers how to use the new CEFR-aligned curriculum. All these courses were carried out in 2017 just to prepare them for the new curriculum.

In 2018, the new CEFR-aligned curriculum was implemented for Preschool, Year 1, Year 2, Form 1 and Form 2.

In 2019, the new CEFR-aligned curriculum is currently being implemented for Year 3 and Form 3.

Next year, the new CEFR-aligned curriculum will be implemented for Year 4 and Form 4.

In 2021, the new CEFR-aligned curriculum will be implemented for Year 5&6 and Form 5.

The implementation is done in stages to help the transition smooth.

To help teachers with the implementation, we have Master Trainers, who were trained by Cambridge, to share about the implementation in their state/district in 2017.

To help teachers with the implementation, MoE has provided teachers with these documents:

1) DSKP (the curriculum framework which lays out the content and learning standards for the year they are teaching)

2) Syllabus (which informs teachers about the topics, vocab, grammar structure to teach)

3) Scheme of Work (SOW) - to help teachers plan their lessons yearly, siap ada suggested activities, differentiation strategies, suggested pre-&post lesson tasks - semua ni just in case cikgu masih belum terima latihan curriculum induction, or if cikgu masih tak sure mcm mana nak adapt the lesson based on the pupil's level according to CEFR.
Kalau nak cakap they only knew yesterday about 'international English' and only have 4 months to prepare them for PT3, that's a lot of bull. Yang selama ni you all bising2 pasal textbook bukan Malaysian tu apa.

Wth is 'international English' btw? Siapa2 yg ambil TESL should know there's no such thing as 'international English'. Pfft.

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