Update Din jadi TPM untuk Anwar... >> Berita Malay 18

Dalam teori peralihan kuasa antara Mahathir kepada Anwar Ibrahim, nama Azmin Ali tidak dimaktubkan sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Sebaliknya Muhyiddin dinamakan sebagai TPM. Demikian teori peralihan ciptaan Husam Musa.

Husam mengemukakan teori, sekiranya Anwar menjadi PM, Muhyiddin Yassin adalah tokoh berpengalaman sebagai timbalannya. 

Kewujudan Muhyiddin itu dalam konsep persilangan di antara pemimpin Bersatu dengan Keadilan dengan mengambil kira amalan kini PM daripada Bersatu sementara timbalan daripada Keadilan, Wan Azizah.

Menurut Husam sebaiknya kalau PM daripada Keadilan maka timbalannya perlulah daripada Bersatu.

Jelas di sini nama Azmin yang digegerkan sebagai TPM atau PM langsung tidak terlukis dalam teori berkenaan.

Apakah Husam mencampak keluar nama Azmin kerana isu video lucah Haziq, atau pun ada hambatan lain, seperti ketidak mampuan Azmin dan kegagalannya mempamerkan dirinya sebagai pemimpin disukai ramai. - MSO 

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Pecah tembelang lagi Najib...

Kali ini saksi dari bekas Pengerusi KWAP yang juga bekas Ketua Setiausaha Perbendaharaan Kementerian Kewangan bagitahu mahkamah..

Bahawa semua wang yang dipinjam dari KWAP RM4 bilion langsung tidak digunakan untuk sebarang projek sepertimana mereka janji dahulu iaitu antara alasan nak pinjam duit KWAP RM4 bilion itu adalah untuk digunakan kepada projek2 kerajaan dalam negara dan pelaburan di luar negara.

Duit RM4 bilion dah lesap habis digunakan. Projek dan pelaburan entah ada atau tidak ditipunya. 

Akhirnya tak mampu nak bayar balik hutang RM4 bilion.. Najib mintak lagi buat hutang dari kerajaan beratus2 juta ringgit sebab nak bayar hutang balik kepada KWAP.
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Najib guna duit SRC US$130,625 (RM533,028) utk bayar kad kredit 'bershopping' bersama Rosmah di butik Chanel, Hawaii dulu tu salah satu 'pelaburan SRC' ke luar negara jugak ka ??!


Makin lama Najib dibicara makin banyak pekung Najib terbongkar. - f/bk

Ahmad Mazlan disekolahkan Guan Eng kerana cuba memutarbelitkan fakta.

Azmin under siege...

Several days ago, Azmin Ali was greeted with boos while delivering a speech during the Felda Settlers' Day in his capacity as economic affairs minister. The situation came as a big embarrassment for Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamad and other cabinet members present at the event. I have no idea what Mahathir would think and whether his support for Azmin would be shaken.

Sure enough Azmin was not booed squarely because of the sex video scandal, as it could be due to the Felda settlers' frustration with the PH government. Whatever reason for the outburst, it has already dealt an additional blow on Azmin, putting him in a very unfavourable situation.

As the economic affairs minister, Azmin's performance is hardly encouraging. In a sluggish national economy, his lacklustre performance has made him a liability for the PH government. Political observers discover that Azmin has spent more time and effort in his ministry and public affairs only after the sex video scandal came into light.

On a personal front, Azmin and his camp have reiterated that he is innocent and has been framed by other people in the sex video scandal. However, they have failed to convince the public that he was not guy in the video. Actually no one is bothered so much about whether Azmin has been framed because in the cognition of many, this has become very much an integral part of Malaysia's political game. As long as he cannot prove his innocence, his eligibility as a political leader will come under public scepticism. 

The same charges were hurled at Anwar Ibrahim 20 years ago. The difference is that the public were overwhelmingly supporting Anwar back then, seeing him as the impersonation of justice in confronting the power to be. And because of popular support, Anwar had been able to go on fighting with Mahathir and subsequently Najib, at times even initiating massive rallies in support of him. By comparison, Azmin looks so much more helpless and lonely save the staunch backing from Mahathir and his own camp.

Azmin's destiny to a very large extent depends on the outcome of police investigation. The longer the delay, the more difficult for him to get back to the normal political track. As if that is not enough, Azmin's rivals do not seem to contented just that. Haziq claimed that they not only had sex in Sandakan but elsewhere in the country, including luxurious hotels in Kuching and Kuala Lumpur, and that he would show the videos if necessary.

Unhappy with the much delayed police investigation, Umno's Lokman vowed to take the video overseas for expert verification. Time is not on Azmin or Mahathir's side. Azmin is no longer the most ideal candidate to succeed Mahathir, nor the best ally to fight Mahathir's rivals.

The prime minister has called for a grand unity among the Malays by accommodating Umno and PAS members. Does this announcement hint that the PM is about to abandon Azmin and is trying to get the support from outside PH to firm up his rule?

Azmin is now under siege, and he only has three options now: to stay in PKR, but his strength will be continually eroded and he will lose his dominance in the party; to join PPBM, but the scandal-tainted leader may not be welcome by everyone in the party; or to form a new party, which some say is what Azmin is actively doing now.

The question is: will he get enough supporters to go through the thick and thin with him and start everything afresh? - sinchewdaily

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Lokasi tak dinyatakan; seorang lelaki yang menunggang motor terserempak dengan sekawan gajah dan terpaksa meninggalkan motornya tak sempat bertongkat. Oleh para gajah berkenaan, seekor kepala gajah menyapanya dengan lemah lembut membelai belalai di motornya.

Agaknya gajah tu kata "awat hang biaq sampai motor tergolek ni, kami tak jahat aih.. kami lalu sini ja.."

Oleh kerana panik tak tahu buat apa dah, beliau merayu dan memohon maaf. Gajah akhirnya menerima permintaan lelaki berkenaan dan berlalu dari lokasi tanpa lelaki itu diapa-apakan.

Yang anahnya sempat pula membernya amik gambar kawan yg dah nak tekencing-kencing tu...- f/bk

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Ustaz Nik Omar dihalang memberi kuliah di sebuah masjid di Dungun..tapi lebai2 PAS bebas berkuliah di mana2 masjid di Gombak.. Dengan Ustaz Nik Omar pun kerajaan Trengganu takut ke? Boddo punya kerajaang..

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