Update Orang perut busuk,busukkan keadaan... >> Berita Malay 18

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Yang merosak seseorang pemimpin dan mengharu biru keadaan adalah kerana wujudnya orang-orang busuk perut yang merasakan kedudukannya penting dan berpengaruh.

Misalnya tindakan orang bernama Khairuddin Abu Hassan yang tanpa usul periksa menuduh Anwar enggan hadir mesyuarat dengan Mahathir bersama pimpinan tertinggi parti komponen PH semalam berhubung perbincangan untuk rombak kabinet, adalah contoh sikap busuk perut. Kenyataannya seperti berikut...

Apa motif anwar ibrahim tidak hadir mesyuarat di antara presiden-presiden parti komponen PH dengan perdana menteri petang tadi?! Apa penting sangat mesyuarat biro politik parti pkr bila semua sepatutnya hadir ke mesyuarat tersebut?! Mana yang lebih penting apabila perdana menteri jemput semua presiden-presiden parti komponen untuk hadir mesyuarat?! Inilah masalah dengan sesetengah orang bila paras ‘ego’ terlalu tinggi!! - KHAIRUDDIN ABU HASSAN

Untuk apa dia cuba memberi gambaran seolah-olah Anwar tidak akur dan patuh kepada peraturan sedangkan hakikatnya beliau tidak tahu kedudukan sebenarnya?

Kalangan ini serang dato seri azmin ali kononnya gagal menghadiri beberapa siri mesyuarat parti pkr kononnya!! ‘Gajah di tepi mata tak nampak tapi kuman di seberang laut mereka jelas kelihatan!! Ini masalahnya dengan gelagat sesetengah pihak yang ‘ego’ yang tidak nampak kesalahan sendiri tetapi lihat kesilapan orang lain saja!! Walaupun kita dikatakan bakal mengambil-alih kepimpinan nombor satu negara tetapi perkara itu belum terjadi lagi!! Sepatutnya hormatilah jemputan mesyuarat oleh perdana menteri!! - KHAIRUDDIN ABU HASSAN

Seperti mana dijelaskan pihak Keadilan Anwar tidak perlu hadir ke mesyuarat itu disebabkan Mahathir hanya memanggil pemimpin awal yang dipanggil berbincang mengenai penubuhan kabinetnya. Dalam hal ini daripada Keadilan adalah Dr Wan Azizah bukan Anwar Ibrahim. Jadi kehadiran Wan Azizah itu sebagai mewakili Keadilan. 

Masakini, semua pihak masih di bawah kepimpinan ‘sitting’ perdana menteri dan harus hormati perdana menteri masakini!! Sekiranya nak jadi tokoh pemimpin; kita kena pandai bagi ‘priority’ dalam hal-ehwal pentadbiran PH!! Kalau ini pun tak tahu nak menilai macamana hendak jadi pemimpin yang baik!! - KHAIRUDDIN ABU HASSAN

Sikap tunjuk tahu dan berhati buruk perut beginilah merosakan keadaan dan mencemarkan suasana. Sebenarnya peranan orang-orang sebegini tidak diperlukan kerana ia tidak menambah kebaikan sebaliknya boleh mencetuskan prasangka memburukkan keadaan. - mso

Charge against Yong makes 
Perak gov't unstable...

The rape charge expected to be levelled against Perak exco Paul Yong could put the Pakatan Harapan state government in a precarious position. Harapan governs Perak with the support of 31 assemblypersons, including one independent. Umno and PAS combined have 28 seats.

Due to the nature of the crime, a charge against Yong could lead to his party, DAP, sacking him. If he is not sacked, the charges or any disciplinary action related to it could disenfranchise the Perak DAP treasurer, prompting him to quit and become an independent.

If either of these scenarios plays out, and an independent Yong decides not to support the Harapan state government, this would mean Perak being held onto by a one-seat majority.

Then, its fate would rest on Tualang Sekah assemblyperson Nolee Ashilin Mohamed Radzi, a Harapan-friendly independent. If her allegiance changes, the Harapan state government would crumble without Yong.

In the May 9 general election last year, Harapan won 29 seats, while BN won 27 and PAS three. This led to a hung assembly, as Umno and PAS were not yet allies at the time.

Harapan was finally able to form the Perak government after Nolee and Sungai Manik assemblyperson Zainol Fadzi Paharudin, both Umno members at the time, decided to support the coalition. Zainol has since joined Bersatu, while Nolee remains an independent.

Bukit Aman CID director Huzir Mohamed earlier confirmed that Yong would be charged at the Ipoh High Court tomorrow over allegations that he raped his domestic helper. The victim filed a report on July 8, accusing the Tronoh assemblyperson of the crime. Yong has denied the allegation, and is currently out on police bail.

Yong has continued to clock in as the exco for housing, local government, public transport, non-Muslims affairs and new villages. However, Perak Menteri Besar Ahmad Faizal Azumu said his decision-making role has been limited pending completion of police investigations.

On Monday, Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Hannah Yeoh urged the Attorney-General's Chambers to make a decision on the case. This is as the matter has dragged on for over a month, with investigation papers going back and forth between the police and the chambers. - mk

Laporan polis terhadap Paul Yong ada unsur ugutan, rasuah

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A coalition government of UMNO and Pas will be better for Malaysia as it will propel the country forward and strengthen Islam, according to international Islamic preacher Dr Zakir Naik.

He said he was not suggesting for the two main Islamic political parties in the country to merge, but it would definitely be better if UMNO and Pas could form a coalition government. 🤣

Pedoman malam Jumaat dari Dr.Zakir Naik...

"I'm not saying that both parties (UMNO and Pas) should make it as one party, but if they can make it, Alhamdulillah...(if not) you can keep your party, you can keep your identity, but when you have a coalition government, it should be a coalition of the Muslims." 🤣

Rupa2nya in 2016, Zakir Naik sokong UMNO dan PAS,jadi buat apa gomen PH dok bela dia sekarang...hantaq balik saja. Orang lidah bercabang ini memang tak boleh harap. Betoi depa kata kalu jumpa keling dan ulaq,yang mana satu hangpa nak pukoi dulu???

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Kalu GoJib ada orang nak naikkah?
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Ibubapa mana yang suka tengok anak perempuan mereka berpeluk tubuh 
dengan lelaki lain semata-mata nak pergi ke sesuatu tempat...

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Tak perlu peluk driver kalu naik yg ni...

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Wahai Melayu..
Sampai bila masih nak leka?
Sampai bila masih nak khayal?


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