Update Tanda tanya dua OKT sebagai ketua umat UMNO-PAS... >> Berita Malay 18

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Pelantikkan bekas Perdana Menteri Barisan Nasional (BN), Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, dan bekas timbalan beliau, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, sebagai dua orang terpenting dalam penyatuan umat Pas-Umno adalah “intrigue” politik yang sukar difahami.

Ia tidak masuk akal jika himpunan umat (ummah dalam bahasa Arab) yang dimasyhurkan Sabtu lalu adalah serius dan ikhlas. Atau apakah ia sekadar “political posturing” untuk kepentingan orang tertentu dan dengan tujuan semasa yang bersifat sementara?

Ia mungkin hanyalah tindak balas “knee-jerk” bagi mengambil kesempatan daripada tanggapan bahawa sokongan terhadap kerajaan Pakatan Harapan (PH) semakin merosot dan dengan itu boleh diambil kesempatan.

Tetapi dengan melantik dua orang pemimpin Umno yang kini sedang menghadapi berpuluh-puluh tuduhan jenayah di mahkamah sebagai ketua gerakan itu, ia mencetuskan tanda tanya mengenai matlamat sebenar para penganjur himpunan penyatuan ummah (HPU).

Kalau ia adalah gerakan jangka panjang yang ada idealisme dan kewibawaan maka ia tentulah tidak memilih dua orang kena tuduh (OKT) bagi mengetuainya.

Apatah lagi mereka ini jugalah yang menjadi punca kekalahan BN dalam Pilihan Raya Umum 9 Mei 2018 lalu. Atau adakah dalam pelantikan Mohd Najib dan Ahmad Zahid sebagai orang nombor satu dan nombor dua itu pun ada “intrigue”?

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Kita tidak boleh menolak terus bahawa ini adalah mainan licik Pas untuk menguasai gerakan itu dalam jangka panjang. Dengan melantik Mohd Najib dan Ahmad Zahid, Pas memberi muka kepada Umno dengan tujuan menarik sebanyak mungkin ahli dan simpatisan Umno untuk menyertai gerakan itu.

Kemudian jika ditakdirkan Mohd Najib dan Ahmad Zahid disabitkan kesalahan masing-masing maka bolehlah Pas mengambil alih gerakan itu. Kita kena ingat, Pas bukan bodoh. Malah ia cukup peka hal politik dan bersikap oportunis. Dalam PRU lalu ia berjaya mengambil kesempatan daripada keterdesakan Umno untuk merampas balik Terengganu dan memenangi kerusi tambahan.

Pelantikan Mohd Najib dan Ahmad Zahid juga luar biasa kerana selama ini yang dilihat sebagai pelopor gerakan umat ini adalah Pas. Malah jika dilihat daripada gambar-gambar yang keluar daripada Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) Sabtu lalu, hadirin berkopiah putih nyata lebih banyak daripada yang bersongkok hitam.

Jadi bagaimana pula tiba-tiba dua orang pemimpin tertinggi gerakan umat itu adalah daripada kalangan songkok hitam? Lantas timbullah persoalan apakah perhimpunan itu dipelopori oleh kopiah putih tetapi dibiayai oleh songkok hitam?

Hal ini menjadi lebih jelas apabila lokasi tidak berkecuali telah dijadikan tempat perhimpunan. Seperti kita semua tahu PWTC adalah simbol politik dan ekonomi Umno.

Lebai2 PAS menyanyi lagu UMNO...
Pengajaran Sejarah

Timbul juga persoalan adakah secara diam-diam Mohd Najib meniru sebahagian daripada taktik bapanya, Almarhum Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, apabila Perikatan hampir kalah dalam Pilihan raya Umum 1969?

Ketika itu, atas nama Melayu dan perpaduan nasional, Abdul Razak berjaya memujuk Pas untuk menyertai kerajaan campuran dan seterusnya menubuhkan BN.

Situasi Mohd Najib lebih teruk daripada bapanya. Abdul Razak hampir kalah tetapi Mohd Najib kalah terus. Jadi tentulah dia lebih terdesak daripada bapanya kerana dia juga menghadapi perbicaraan jenayah.

Abdul Razak berpengaruh dan pintar. Tetapi Pas tidaklah bodoh umpama lembu dicucuk hidung. Abdul Razak ikhlas mahukan perpaduan tetapi secara diam-diam Pas mengambil kesempatan.

Dengan menggunakan kedudukannya dalam Kabinet dan Exco kerajaan negeri, Pas secara agresif membuka ranting (cawangan) di tempat-tempat yang selama ini “off-limit” baginya seperti di rancangan-rancangan Felda.

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Setelah menyedari bahaya perluasan pengaruh Pas itu, pada tahun 1977, Umno melakukan operasi belakang tabir di Kelantan dengan diketuai oleh Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

Akhirnya tumbanglah Kerajaan BN pimpinan Pas dan digantikan oleh pemerintahan darurat. Ia disusuli oleh tindakan Perdana Menteri ketika itu, Tun Hussein Onn, menyingkir Pas dari BN pada akhir 1977.

Kita sudah pun tahu yang Pas mendapat anjakan besar dalam PRU lalu hasil “persefahaman” dengan Umno-BN sehingga membolehkannya menawan semula Terengganu. Sejak itu Pas menjadi semakin kuat manakala Umno kian lemah apabila ramai wakil rakyatnya keluar parti untuk menjadi wakil Bebas atau menyertai Bersatu.

Setelah merasa kelazatan kemenangan maka adalah tidak mustahil Pas sekarang berasa cukup yakin untuk sekali lagi menikahi Umno setelah melakukan Cina buta dengan PKR dan DAP. 

Apa pun, tidak ada pihak yang patut memandang ringan atau menolak bulat-bulat kemungkinan rujuk politik Umno-Pas ini akan menjadi kenyataan jangka panjang. - A.Kadir Jasin

Sejak minggu lepas, Pembangkang dok sebar surat kelulusan tanpa tender yang diluluskan Kementerian Kewangan atas nasihat persetujuan Perdana Menteri..

Maka Pemimpin dan walaun PAS pakat perli lah Lim Guan Eng.. Kononnya beri projek seara rundingan terus tanpa tender.. yang peliknya Najib pun share sama... Masa Najib Share tu aku baca surat tu dah rasa ada yang tak kena.. Hari ini di dedahkan Projek Persekutuan tu dah dimulakan tahun 2016..

Jelas Surat itu menyatakan kelulusan Projek bulan April 2018.. Masa tu Najib adalah Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan.. memang Najib ni muka tembok, Semua Masalah Negara yang dia buat dari kes 1MDB, ECRL,SSER, MRT yang dia buat taik.. Buat Jahat, Tapi tanpa rasa bersalah dia salahkan Kerajaan PH..

Itulah kelebihan Najib.. Orang jahat yang tak pernah rasa bersalah..Sebelum ni dengan yakin dia kata dia ada bukti duit RM 2.6 Billion itu Derma dari Arab Saudi, lepas kantoi keterangan Saksi di Mahkamah.. Dia kata, Pendakwa kena bukti kan yang Najib terlibat dan tahu dia ditipu.. Pulak dah..yang pelik lagi, Najib beberapa kali kantoi Menipu.. hat taraf Ulama, Orang Agama boleh Percaya kepada Najib dari Tun Mahathir..Punya lah teruk dendam kesumat depa.. Sampai Kebenaran pun tak boleh nampak.. Najib mulia bagi depa.. seperti bayi baru lahir..

Kelulusan telah di buat pada bulan April sebelum PRU14. Ini bukan support letter bahlul. Tun hanya "honour" kelulusan yg telah di buat oleh zaman Najib sebagai PM dan Najib sebagai Menteri Kewangan dgn cadangan utk mengurangkan kos pembinaan jika di teruskan.

Jangan kata kes melibatkan PDM Builders kat Kelantan tu, Dari Projek ECRL, Projek MRT, Projek yang diteruskan Kerjajaan PH, semuanya diteruskan Syarikat yang sama setelah Kerajaan buat penilaian semula, dan sebahagian projek sudahpun Kerajaan buat Pembayaran awal dan mengikat Perjanjian.. semua tu rundingan terus.. Tugas Menteri Kewangan dan Kerajaan hanya merundingkan Harga terbaik untuk Rakyat.. Bukan harga Rasuah zaman Najib..

Tapi itulah PAS dan UMNO.. Depa kalau dalam hidup ni..tak zikir, Selawat nama DAP tak Sah.. Semua benda nak salahkan DAP.. Sampaikan Tok Guru depa pergi Sarawak.. meracau salahkan DAP.. Depa Kata Sarawak Miskin sebab DAP.. Nasiblah dia tak kata Kelantan dan Terengganu Miskin pun sebab DAP.. Tak ker giler puak ni.. :) - ipohmali

Malaysia’s Anwar Sees Succession Happening Around May 2020

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Poverty Evaluation Unrealistic...

The previous Barisan Nasional government was notoriously fond of doctoring and massaging figures in order to look good.

The National Patriots Association (Patriot) had disputed Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali’s denial of a United Nations expert’s claim that Malaysia had understated the extent of its poverty.

Instead of treating the report as baseless, said Patriot, Azmin should have directed his officers to re-evaluate the findings and the basis of the poverty-line computation.

United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights Philip Alston, on Friday, August 16, had dismissed Malaysia’s assertion that the nation’s poverty line, at 0.4 per cent, is almost eradicated. The figure, claimed Philip was not a true reflection of realities on the ground.

In the course of his 11-day study in Malaysia, Alston noted that there was a dire need for the country to readjust its national poverty line of RM980 per month (or RM8 per day) for a family of four. The figure was simply too far-fetched. It does not take a rocket scientist to ascertain the truth. One need only to look around to appreciate the truth.

Philip proposed that the government devise a poverty-eradication plan that takes into account the needs of marginalised communities such as migrant workers, refugees, stateless people, the Orang Asli and the physically handicapped.

Patriot president, Brig-Gen Arshad Raji (Rtd)(above) said the propensity of government officials and politicians to deny and quote figures when caught off-guard, should stop. The previous Barisan Nasional government was notoriously fond of doctoring and massaging figures in order to look good, especially when under public scrutiny. In Malaysia Baru, there should not be a repeat, he contended.

“Common sense will tell that a family of four will find it impossible to survive with a meagre income of RM980 a month in the Klang Valley,” said Arshad. With that amount it is difficult to survive even in Ipoh let alone Kuala Lumpur.

The Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) said that the government must study the effect of low wages since they were irrevocably related to poverty rates.

Secretary-General, J. Solomon, said the current minimum wage of RM1100 a month should be raised as it was not consistent with prevailing market conditions.

Alston’s findings, according to Solomon, were in line with MTUC’s stand that the government is grossly disconnected. It did not consider negating factors on the ground to assess actual poverty.

“It’s way off the mark. If the difference is 1 or 2 per cent from the 0.4 per cent government poverty line, then the government’s stand is acceptable. But the UN findings are between 15 and 20 per cent. That means at least about five million workers are earning below the poverty line,” he posited.

Solomon noted that the handbook showing the government’s figure of 0.4 per cent poverty rate was issued in 2011 and, therefore, was grossly inaccurate.

The last seven years have seen a steep rise in the cost of living while real wages have remained stagnated. That is the reality, ask any wage-earner. But, on hindsight, employers themselves are reluctant to pay more to their employees, as business has not been good thus far.

 Image result for Kampung Tawas, Ipoh.
Kampung Tawas, Ipoh.

An informal survey

A random survey of residents living in the outskirts of Ipoh revealed some interesting facts. This is a sampling of three individuals representing the major races in the country.

Tajul Ariffin, 49, from Kampong Cik Zainal, Chemor is a father of five. He works as a school bus driver and is paid RM1200 a month by the bus owner. Whenever he skips work due to health issues he is not paid. So he has to be on his feet every day. He spends almost all the money he receives on food and essentials each month. Tajul is forced to work as a security guard at a factory in Klebang to earn extra for a rainy day.

Wong, 53, is a single parent having lost his wife to cancer recently. He lives in his own house in Kampung Tawas, Ipoh. Wong has no steady job but has found employment as a gardener at a Chinese School near his place. He is paid RM1000 a month and spends almost all to maintain his house and his two kids – a boy and a girl. The amount is insufficient, so he takes a second job as a cleaner at a food court. He is paid RM20 every night when he is on duty.

Ramasamy, 63, an ex-TNB meter reader, lives in Buntong. He is a divorced parent of three grown-up kids. Though his children are gainfully employed, he thrives on being independent and trouble-free. He works as a security guard at a hotel in Taman Botani and gets RM1500 for his effort. The amount is sufficient to see him through each month. However, how many retirees are as fortunate as he is?

Former Petaling Jaya MP Maria Chin Abdullah said there was poverty even in prosperous Petaling Jaya. Maria said the national poverty line must take into account the ability of the people to live healthily, take part in the society meaningfully, and possess opportunities for personal and family development.

“Unfortunately, during my tenure as MP for Petaling Jaya, I’ve learned that this is not so for many of my constituents, even as they live side-by-side with their more affluent neighbours,” she said.

Image result for toyota camry 2019
Toyota Camry

Doubts over the purchase of cars

MB Ahmad Faizal Azumu said claim by state opposition leader Saarani Mohamad that the Perak government had lied regarding the purchase of staff cars was untrue.

“If the state government had given inaccurate information that’s not lying but only giving inaccurate information which could have been provided by an officer,” said Faizal.

Saarani had asked the state government to come clean on the purchase of 16 Toyota Camrys for use by state executive councillors.

Executive Councillor Asmuni Awi said that the market price of the Toyota Camry was RM190,000 per unit. The state government paid RM109,000 for it, resulting in a savings of RM81,000 through a tax rebate. This, however, was refuted by the Finance Ministry. The ministry, in a statement, said it had neither received an application nor had it given tax exemption to the Perak Government for the Toyota Camrys.

Faizal insisted that the purchase of the cars was a cost-saving measure, as the local Toyota dealer would provide free maintenance for five years. That was the saving grace, he claimed.

Rt Hon MB, all car dealers provide a similar incentive to their customers. It all depends on the car model, its price and the number bought. Sixteen Toyota Camrys is a huge figure. The free maintenance looks good on paper only. Customers still have to pay for parts changed during periodic servicing. There is no free lunch, MB.

By the way, what has happened to the old cars, Proton Perdana (Honda Accord) which are barely five years old? Are they being moth-balled or disposed-off to a willing crony or cronies? The silence is deafening. - Fathol Zaman Bukhari,Ipoh Echo

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BOSSROMPAK robbed the country and people.

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