Update Pukui ulaq yang sudah mati... >> Berita Malay 18

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Kenyataan berupa komitmen bersama Majlis Setiausaha PH yang ditandatangani oleh Ketua Setiausaha PH Saifuddin Abdullah, Setiausaha Setiausaha Agung PKR Saifuddin Nasution Ismail; Setiausaha Agung Bersatu Marzuki Yahya; Setiausaha Agung AMANAH Mohd Anuar Tahir dan Setiausaha Organisasi Kebangsaan DAP Loke Siew Fook adalah untuk menempelak idea Hishamuddin Hussein mencetuskan idea dan kempen kembali politik perkauman dalam negara ini.

Majlis Setiusaha PH mengeluar kenyataan itu ekoran ada usaha kempen dilakukan Hishamuddin untuk memaju politik perkauman itu dengan mencadangkan agar Bersatu mengungguli kerajaan PH tanpa DAP dan Amanah dan hanya terdiri daripada Bersatu, PKR, Umno dan Pam.

Sebenarnya idea atau usaha jahat ini sudah lama dilakukan. Inilah juga naratif baru politik Malaysia yang saya sebutkan dalam buku terbaharu saya; PENJARA BUKAN PUSARA bahawa ada pelan untuk menggabungkan tiga tokoh untuk salah seorangnya dijadikan pengganti selepas Dr Mahathir; yakni Hishamuddin, Mukhriz dan Azmin Ali. Gabungan atau pelan ini menafikan Anwar Ibrahim.

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Sebenarnya idea dan usaha itu dah pun gagal apabila usaha untuk membawa 39 orang ahli parlimen Umno meninggalkan parti itu untuk sertai Bersatu. Hanya enam orang sahaja ahli MP Umno yang meninggalkan parti itu menyertai Bersatu. Salah seorang ialah Mustapa Mohamed.

Mustapa termasuk dalam pakej yang sama sebab itu beliau juga merupakan ahli Sekretariat Kongres Maruah Melayu yang diadakan baru-baru ini. Cis. Dan kongres itu sebagai helah untuk melaksana idea Hishamuddin.

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Rancangan Hishamuddin itu terbantu apabila ia disedari oleh Zahid Hamidi dengan segera kembali memimpin Umno. Mohamad Hassan yang diberi tanggungjawab menjalankan tugas presiden terikut sama, sebab itulah Zahid kembali memimpin Umno dengan tiba-tiba. Rancangan Mat Hassan terganjat.

Kelewatan Hishamuddin untuk dilantik menjadi Setiausaha Agung BN (atau tidak langsung dilantik) walaupun sudah dimum Zahid, sedikit sebanyak ialah kerana pelan berkenaan.

Isu atau kempen Hishamuddin ini isu yang sudah lama dan ia bangkit kembali apabila Anwar Ibrahim menyindirnya di parlimen semasa beliau membahas Bajet 2020 semalam. Ertinya kenyataan majlis Setiausaha itu umpama memukul ular yang sudah mati. Sebenarnya ular itu tidak pun perlu dipukul lagi tapi bangkainya yang perlu dikambuskan segera.- mso

Zaman Almarhum Tok Guru Nik Aziz, Tok Guru bukan lah teknokrat.. Tetapi dia adalah Al Amin..orang yg Amanah... hasil negeri tidak lah tinggi.. tetapi serba mencukupi..Masa tu Kerajaan Kelantan tak terima Wang Ehsan.. jarang sekali meminjam dauit dari pusat untuk membayar gaji.. Itu lah orang Panggil Barakah.. Baldatun Tayyibah..

20 Tahun Pemerintahan Tok Guru Nik Aziz, UMNO tinggalkan RM 700 juta hutang kepada Negeri Kelantan, tetapi tanpa tinggal, Setiap tahun Tok Guru menyelesaikan Hutang negeri kepada pusat sebanyak 11 juta, dan keseluruhan bayaran balik zaman Tok Guru sebanyak RM 222 Juta.. Hutang makin berkurangan..

Tok Guru hanya memohon pinjaman,hanya tujuan kemudahan dan kepentingan Rakyat, Iaitu Projek bekalan air bersih, Itupun Duit Pinjaman bukan sampai kepada Kerajaan Tok Guru biarpun hutang tu mengatas namakan Kerajaan Kelantan..ketika itu anak syarikat merekodkan keuntungan bagi menampung perbelanjaan negeri..

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Bila masuk era Mat Yakob dan Nik Amar memerintah, Bani Ulama pewaris Haji Hadi ini memerintah, walaupun dalam keadaan hasil bertambah, dapat wang ehsan setiap tahun..tetapi hutang juga bertambah setiap tahun.. Hari ini hutang Kerajaan PAS Kelantan kepada pusat melebihi RM 1 Billion.. Inilah pemerintahan tanpa keberkatan.. Kerana pemimpin tidak amanah, Pemimpin bermewah mewah..

Bila Kelantan terima Wang Ehsan hampir 40 juta Setahun, Dengan makna kata, Tanpa buat kerja, tanpa kutip cukai pun.. Goyang kaki kat Masjid pun, Kelantan tetap terima bayaran Tunai Petroleum atas nama Wang Ehsan, Bukan nya Hutang bertambah, Nak bayar gaji pekerja pun tepaksa mohon kemudahan pinjaman dan wang Pendahuluan...

Belum cerita tentang berapa banyak anak Syarikat yang terpaksa ditutup.. gaji Guru YIK yang tertangguh sebelum ini.. Inikah gambaran Pemimpin Teknokrat ? Inikah gambaran pemerintahan Islam.. ? Dalam pada tidak ada lebihan tunai nak bayar kakitangan awam.. Masih sempat tukar kereta rasmi keapda Mercedes..Masih banyak program Melancong Exco dan Pentadbir Kerajaan negeri.. Nak bergaya seperti negeri maju Selangor dan Pulau Pinang, Tapi tak pernah ukur baju jubah dan lebai sendiri..- ipohmali

Malay Dignity - Fact Or Fiction?...

Someone asked me what has gone wrong with the Malays in this country? Must they organise a congress specifically to identify problems affecting their dignity? Sounds odd indeed. Or was the meeting in Shah Alam on Sunday, October 6 an ill-conceived attempt at serenading their weaknesses and the need for additional privileges over and above what they are enjoying at this material moment? Don’t they realise these privileges are already assured and enshrined in the Federal Constitution?

Whichever way one puts it, to my simple mind, it is nothing but a sham and an affront to level-thinking Malays like yours truly. Who are they trying to hoodwink this time around? It was all fine pre-May 13, 1969 when the position of the Malay community hit rock-bottom. Well, then they did not possess numerical superiority like they do today. The number of non-Malays was almost at parity.  When you don’t have the number the tendency is to shut up. However, when numbers is on your side the opposite is true. That is the situation today. 

The nation’s wealth then was almost entirely in the hands of foreigners, especially the Brits through their huge conglomerates and estates. Non-Malays, for whatever they were worth then, had a fair share of the pie and the beneficiaries were the rich Chinese towkays and tycoons. Some owned large tracts of virgin lands where tin-prospecting was the order of the day. Others utilised these lands to plant rubber when the commodity was highly sought by warring countries.

I do not envy the Chinese for they, like their forefathers who left China to seek fortune in South East Asia, slogged their guts to amass wealth with nothing but their bare hands and wits as tools. They were opportunistic, nonetheless, but who would not, considering their disposition then and now. Had the Malays done the same they would not be left so far behind.

But there again, this is easier said than done. Although there are exceptions to the rule their number is small. And who do you fault? The answer is pretty obvious – politicians with an agenda to pursue.

Molly-coddling the Malays, being the majority race, is a worthy pursuit notwithstanding the financial burden and ensuing physical stress. Keeping them happy and contented with false hopes and dreams was and still on the lips of every Malay-based political party, especially Umno. The Islamist party, Pas, unfortunately, is just an unwelcome bedfellow. Unlike Umno, it neither has the strength nor the sustenance.
It is an open secret that almost all 200 Umno division chiefs in the country are billionaires, as evidenced by the ongoing court case relating to the estate of the late Jamaluddin Jarjis who was killed, along with five others, in a helicopter crash in Semenyih on April 4, 2015. Jamaluddin was a close ally of former Prime Minister, Najib Razak.

When Utusan Malaysia, Umno’s one-time media appendage, went belly-up none of them cared to throw a lifeline. That alone is an indication of the rot within the now-disgraced party. The party leaders cared less for their underlings. Their one and only desire is to amass as much wealth as possible regardless of the source and the means. The welfare and good name of the country do not matter. And yet they go around claiming that they are being marginalised and taken advantage of.

So when someone talks about Malay dignity, the one question that keeps popping in my head is – is it fact or fiction? My answer is simple. It is fiction in every sense of the word. The two fundamental weaknesses prevalent in most Malay leaders are trust and credibility. These shortcomings affect our dignity (maruah) in more ways than others. - Fathol Zaman Bukhari,Ipoh Echo
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