Update Ini baru kes SRC... >> Berita Malay 18

Najib yang diminta bela diri hari ini..Belum lagi melibatkan perbicaraan kes 1MDB, Ini baru Kes melibatkan SRC.. Sebenarnya ramai tak ikuti pun perbicaraan ini.. Tapi yang paling Jahat dalam perbicaraan ini didedahkan bagaimana Duit Pencen(KWAP) Dirompak semahu mahunya oleh SRC atas sokongan Najib..

Sapa yang ikuti Perbicaraan, keterangam Naib Presiden Pinjaman Tetap SME Bank, Amirul Imran Ahmad, ini Memang tak dapat diterima Akal, Bagaimana SRC memohon Pinjaman dan jaminan dari KWAP hanya dengan permohonan,Kertas Kerja 2 Muka Surat untuk Pinjaman RM 2 Billion..Tanpa cagaran..hanya jaminan Kerajaan.. Itu baru satu Bukti dan Keterangan..

Bayangkan.. Usahawan kecil nak pinjam SME Bank pun unjuran kewangan dah lebih 2 muka surat.. Kalau Tekun, hatta makcik Pakcik nak mohon bantuan Amanah Ikhtiyar tak sampai 10 Ribu pun, Nak lampirkan Kunci kira kira kewangan dah lebih 2 Muka Surat..

Bayangkan SRC yg masukkan Duit ke Akaun peribadi Najib ni...Dia nak pinjam Duit Amanah Pencen(KWAP) 2 ribu juta..Dia hantar 2 Muka surat kertas cadangan.. Tak ker Giler.. Memang depa guna semahunya Duit rakyat..Masa tu takda pulak PAS Bising harta dan hak Melayu dirompak.. walhal itu Duit Pencen majoriti org melayu..Tu baru kes duiit KWAP..belum lagi KWSP..
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10 hari iaitu 3,4,9-12 dan 16-19 Dec. ini 
untuk Najib dibicarakan.

Jangan kata SRC, Syarikat besar GLC seperti TNB,Telekom hatta Tabung Haji belum tentu dapat pinjam duit KWAP semudah itu.. Jadi sapa punya Kerja.. ? Siapa Belakang SRC yang jahat Sangat tu..Faham faham la..Orang PAS UMNO bukan baca pun prosiding dan keterangan perbicaraan..

Takat 2 Muka surat kertas cadangan tu.. Jangan kata Pinjam 2 Billion( 2 Ribu Juta) Duit KWAP....Kalau aku pegawai Bank, Nak Pinjam 2 Ribu pun aku tak bagi... Silap silap nak keluarkan Duit sendiri dari KWSP lagi banyak dokumen dan surat diperlukan.. - Ipohmali

Ramai yang menangis dan mengalirkan airmata apabila Najib diperintah membela diri atas tuduhan menyeleweng dana SRC sebanyak RM42 juta.

Tetapi tidak ramai yang tahu lebih ramai rakyat yang menderita akibat dan melarat akibat berbillion wang negara disagak oleh Najib melalui Jho Low. - mso

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1. Pada hari ini, 11.11.2019, MAHKAMAH TINGGI KUALA LUMPUR telah memutuskan bahawa pihak PENDAKWARAYA telah berjaya menampilkan satu kes "PRIMA FACIE" di bawah kesemua TUJUH (7) PERTUDUHAN JENAYAH SRC, dan oleh itu NAJIB RAZAK diarah untuk bela diri terhadap kesemua PERTUDUHAN itu.

2. Melalui Laporan Media juga dinyatakan MAHKAMAH telah menetapkan tarikh BICARA lanjut pada 03.12.2019, 04.12.2019, 09.12.2019 hingga 12.12.2019 serta 16.12.2019 hingga 19.12.2019, bilamana NAJIB RAZAK dijadualkan memberi keterangan bersumpah dari kotak saksi, dan seterusnya memanggil mana-mana saksi lain, jika perlu, dalam usahanya untuk menampilkan keraguan munasabah terhadap kesemua TUJUH (7) PERTUDUHAN JENAYAH SRC bagi tujuan membebaskan diri dari kebersalahan Jenayah.
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3. Justeru, mulai dari 03.12.2019, untuk julung-julung kalinya, Rakyat Malaysia bakal dapat mendengar, melihat dan menuruti keterangan bersumpah seorang BEKAS PERDANA MENTERI MALAYSIA dalam usahanya untuk membebaskan diri dari Pertuduhan Jenayah.

4. Begitu juga, proses mulai 03.12.2019 ini adalah TAHAP KEDUA dalam perbicaraan Jenayah yang dinamakan sebagai KES PEMBELAAN, dan cuma setelah pihak PEMBELAAN kemudiannya menutup KES PEMBELAAN, baharulah MAHKAMAH akan menetapkan jadual pemfailan HUJAHAN BERTULIS, tarikh HUJAHAN LISAN dan tarikh KEPUTUSAN AKHIR kelak. - Haniff Khatri...

Prosesnya panjang...tapi aku tak fikir ia akan drag sehingga selepas PRU15. Klau drag jugak pun part rayuan le kot Apapun...kita tgk "delay tactic" pembelaan. Memg prosesnya panjg. Atleast jatuh hukum sebelum PRU15 pun ok dah. Lantak dia lah nak merayu. Kempen PRU15 jadi isu bagus membuktikan PH betul pasal Kleptokrat. - f/bk

Harap2 sila duduk
 jangan ambil MC...

Ex-PM Najib Razak will enter 
his defence in SRC trial...

Malaysia’s former prime minister Najib Razak on Monday said he would take the stand to defend himself after a court ruled he had a case to answer in the first of his multiple criminal trials linked to the 1MDB financial scandal.

Najib will be called to the witness stand on December 3, enabling prosecutors to cross-examine him for the first time, after High Court judge Mohamad Nazlan Mohamad Ghazali decided he had to enter his defence for all seven charges linked to the loss of 42 million ringgit (US$10.2 million) from SRC International, a former subsidiary of 1MDB – the sovereign wealth fund Najib founded in 2009, from which US$4.5 billion was plundered during his 2009-18 tenure as prime minister, according to prosecutors.

The 66-year-old, who was ousted from power in shock election results last year, was described as being “shocked” that the judge ordered him to enter a defence on every charge, according to his lawyer, Shafee Abdullah.

“Frankly we were expecting an acquittal at this stage,” Shafee told reporters, saying the defence’s submissions had been “overwhelming, both factually and legally speaking”.
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Shafee said that although Najib was “sad” about the judge’s order, he was happy that now “you can hear the real story from the accused”.

In a statement on his personal Facebook page, the former prime minister said that now witnesses for the defence would be given an opportunity to paint the “true picture” and prove his innocence.

“This is an opportunity to clear my name soon in court,” he said.

During the hearing, the judge told the court Najib had “enormous and overarching influence [over the 1MDB unit, SRC International],” adding the prosecution had established Najib had a case to answer for the four charges of corruption and three charges of money laundering he faces in this particular trial.
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“It was under the control of the accused from day one. The accused wielded considerable power,” the judge said.

In their closing submissions last month, prosecutors argued Najib acted like an “emperor” in overseeing massive corruption at the former 1MDB unit. His defence team, however, said the bulk of evidence did not indicate “any finding of culpability” on Najib’s part.

In total, Najib faces 42 criminal charges for his involvement in the financial scandal, and the prospect of spending the rest of his life in prison if convicted.

Monday’s ruling was regarded as a key test for the legal system and the credibility of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad’s government, which won a historic victory in the May 2018 election on an anti-corruption platform. The polls led to Malaysia’s first change of government since independence from Britain in 1957.
Najib trial at a glance

Mahathir, 94, was prime minister for 22 years until his retirement in 2003 but made a political comeback amid anger over the 1MDB scandal. His government soon reopened 1MDB investigations that had been quashed under Najib.

In an immediate reaction, Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman tweeted: “Praise God. May justice be on the side of the people.”

US investigators say Najib’s associates stole more than US$4.5 billion from 1MDB and laundered the money through layers of bank accounts in the US and other countries to finance Hollywood films and buy hotels, a luxury yacht, art works, jewellery and other extravagances. More than US$700 million from the fund allegedly landed in Najib’s bank account.

Truckloads of luggage stashed with cash, jewellery and hundreds of expensive designer bags worth US$265 million dollars were seized from Najib’s and his wife’s home and other properties. - scmp

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