Update Kalu apa2 tak berlaku pada May 2020... >> Berita Malay 18

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Semalam Saifuddin Abdullah keluar statement yang transisi PM tak akan berlaku pada May2020 dah kalau berlaku juga paling awal lepas sidang APEC dan ini memunjukkan indikasi yang Tun berhasrat untuk untuk menjadi PM lebih lama despite lower rating dan backlash dari public. Tapi saya tak hairan dengan statement Saifuddin tersebut sebab dari dulu saya consistant kata mana geng2 kartel adalah kaki bodek dan bukan reti buat kerja. Benda yang kelakar Saifuddin cuba coverline dengan kata jangan bising pasal transisi tapi fokus pada laksanakan manifesto; tapi bukankan hari tu Tun sendiri kata manifesto bukan kitab suci?

Pemecatan Dr Maszlee juga turut memburukkan nama Tun di mata masyarakat, lebih 95% at rakan2 facebook saya bersolidariti dengan dr Mazslee dan majoriti guru-guru yang bi-partisan juga sokong Dr Maszlee. Lepas itu ada yang bagi teori merapu kata Dr Mazslee di pecat sebab terima duit dari yayasan king salman etc nanti takut jadi macam Pakistan atas alasan Dr Maszlee itu wahabi, bagi saya itu satu teori sampah yang tiada asas. Apa yang bukan sampah ialah Dr Mazslee di kritik oleh Daim beberapa hari lepas dan Kadir sebab letak poster gambar sendiri dan cuba menerapkan nilai2 islamisasi di sekolah dan ini selain dari kes kapitalis menjadi punca dia di pecat. Tapi bila mak lampir letak gambar sendiri kat billboard , kenapa kadir jasin tak suruh pecat? Double standard macam kes Sandakan la

Ini pembacaan saya, just take it with a grain of salt.

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5/2020 adalah penentu Dr.M jenis sembang kari atau amanah...

Dulu saya pernah kata yang Anwar takkan pecat Azmin despite all the malice yang Azmin buat dan alhamdulillah hipothesis saya betul. Nampak nya kita sudah kembali pada era PM4 dengan penguasaan melampau penasihat2 PM seperti Daim dan Kadir Jasin. I say pemecatan Dr Maslee sebagai Menteri pendidikan adalah final nail to bersatu reform and progresive agenda; kalau berlaku snap election, most likely bersatu akan kalah di semua kerusi yang semi-urban. I love if someone could prove me wrong, please bring the latest and greatest 3rd party survei yang kata bersatu makin kuat lepas pemecatan Dr Mazlee.

Dan kalau menteri pendidikan baharu di lantik dari kalangan katak yang baru melompat dari UMNO, regardless Tok Pa ke, its another nail to the coffin as well. Ingat politik adalah sentimen. Rakyat undi PH/Bersatu untuk reform bukanya nak undi UMNO 2.0. Lagi satu ada yang kata akan ada cabinet reshuffle etc; bagi saya cabinet reshuffle dalam masa 5 bulan nak buat apa? Unless Tun plan to stay longer than what is being promised? And for side note Anwar tak akan sekali2 join cabinet Tun ( walau itu yang di harap oleh Daim) hanya untuk jadi scapegoat nak tarik pelabur asing masuk, the only cabinet yang dia akan masuk adalah his own cabinet

Sebagai PH supporter yang pro-rakyat, matlamat besar saya ialah memastikan LONGEVITY/HAYAT of Pakatan Harapan. Dulu saya kritik PAS dan TGHH sebab mereka khianat PR dan cuba bersama dengan UMNO dalam gelap. Jadi saya akan kritik sesiapa sahaja yang cuba mengagalkan pakatan harapan ; sebab PH adalah lebih besar dari Tun M atau Anwar, PH adalah cetusan hati dan jiwa rakyat Malaysia yang mahukan perubahan.

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Berbalik semula pada transisi May2020, saya yakin insyallah pasti akan berlaku. Anwar says he has the numbers dan saya tak terkejut kalau numbers tersebut ada di kalangan pembangkang. Ingat, siapa yang cuba beli MP UMNO di rumah Azmin bersama Hishamuddin H20 dan juga MP PAS? Ini yang lobakman marah sangat sebab memang ada niat nak tubuh backdoor goverment dengan UMNO dan PAS. Sebab itu Apandi marah letak jawatan jadi lembaga dispilin UMNO bila tak dapat panggil Hishamuddin H20 ke muka pengadilan.

Yang merencatkan kerajaan pintu belakang ada kes sandakan dan juga Najib Razak belum lagi di penjara; which is a blessing in disguise as well sebab team Najib memang tak akan bersama dengan kerajaan pintu belakang. In politics anything can happen even friend can be foes and vice versa.

Bila May2020 cukup 2 tahun yang telah di tetapkan oleh perjanjian Majlis Presiden PH, transisi insyallah akan berlaku. Bubar parlimen is not an option for Tun and even with UMNO support (H20 fraction), kartel ( bersatu + PKR) dan PAS still does not have the numbers. When Anwar makes a move during this time, tak akan ada orang yang boleh kata dia rakus dan gelojoh macam mana yang di fitnah oleh tok peti utara. Saya tak setuju dengan ada yang kata Majlis Presiden PH bacul etc, sebenarnya bagi saya mereka hanya menunggu masa dan menjaga air muka Tun. 

Sebab itu kita lihat Anwar kurang komen apa2 pun yang berlaku dengan pentadbiran sekarang and let it fly on auto pilot. And if nothing happen on May2020? Worst case scenario PH will collapse and going down the hill on GE15. - Nauzubillahiminzalik,Mohd Mukhlis Mohd Sharif
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Gue pikir, Tun perlukan masa nak delay supaya perancangan2 sulitnya sempat dilaksana. Macam kes Sembured Assmin yg tak ada titik noktah. Macam kes budak Rauter yang fitnah Anwar cuba ajak meliwat. Macam perancangan kerajaan pintu belakang.

Dan banyak lagi susunan plan2 dia untuk pastikan kabinet penganti beliau nanti akur dan sambung legasi crony2 dia nanti. Yang mana kementerian yang tak mesra kroni tunggu lah masa dinasihatkan letak jawatan.

So, halangan pertama ialah memastikan Anwar tidak menjawat pm8. Halangan kedua, memastikan menteri2 akur dengan kehendak taikun2 kroni dia. Nampak? - Man Toba

Apa menteri kasut hitam dah buat...

Cerita yang saya akan kongsikan ini semua orang tidak tahu. Tetapi wataknya semua orang kenal. Dia tidaklah sepopular Jho Low, dan dia tidak fikir pun bekas perdana menteri mana yang masuk kandang hari ini, yang dia tahu ketika di sebuah forum anjuran Sinar, dia ditanya tentang permintaan paling tinggi oleh golongan ibu dan bapa, dia jawab jujur tanpa rasa bersalah, “Mereka minta ubah kepada kasut hitam.”

Keesokannya, Malaysia bising. Video lapan saat tentang kasut hitam mula bertebaran. Grup Whatsapp saya pun tiba-tiba hang. Mohamad Hassan pun keluarkan video, otak bukan di kasut tetapi di kepala katanya. Saya pun terkejut sambil beristighfar mungkin Datuk tidak boleh bertahan menonton forum tentang idea-idea pendidikan yang tingg-tinggi selama dua jam lebih. Datuk letih, Datuk cuma boleh menonton yang lapan saat itu sahaja. Datuk cuma boleh faham perkataan “kasut” dan “hitam” sahaja.

Sampai ke hari ini, bukan saja Datuk, kawan baik Datuk yang dalam kandang mahkamah itupun hanya ingat kasut hitam sahaja. Menteri kasut hitam yang telah menambah baik 90 peratus sekolah daif di seluruh Malaysia pun mereka lupa. Yang hafal Quran macam kawan baik Datuk yang baru yang berserban di kepala, pun lupa.

Menteri kasut hitam ini watak paling penting dalam cerita ini. Selain daripada anak saya sudah tidak perlu basuh kasut setiap minggu, dia beritahu saya di sekolah semua orang seronok. Dia beritahu saya cikgu beritahu dia datang sekolah tak perlu ambil periksa. Datang sekolah cikgu suruh dia cari tahu apa yang selama ini dia tak tahu.

Anak kawan saya yang OKU, termasuklah anak-anak dari ahli-ahli kerajaan Islam di Pantai Timur sana yang juga OKU, jumlahnya 24,998, semuanya sudah boleh masuk sekolah dengan dirai-raikan sepenuhnya. Mereka tak rasa dipulaukan kerana menteri kasut hitam sudah berjaya membuka 10,200 kelas untuk mereka. Menteri kasut hitam punya kerja, sehari dua kelas OKU dibukanya. Gila!
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Ada puak cauvinis yang benci dia gila-gila. Katanya dia rasis selepas perkenalkan Jawi. Saya semak. Rupanya Jawi ini sudah dirancang oleh kerajaan sebelum ini. Menteri kasut hitam bawa perkara ini ke kabinet dan bincang. Menteri kasut hitam tahu di kabinet menterinya pelbagai dan menyeluruh. Kabinet putuskan tiga muka surat belajar Jawi. Menteri kasut hitam kena lagi. Mereka kata belajar Jawi ini proses islamisasi, walaupun mereka cuma belajar tulisan Jawi di Jata Negara dan bendera Malaysia.

Rupanya, ini bukan tentang menteri kasut hitam. Saya tengok mereka memang tak suka untuk faham Jata Negara. Mana mahunya, bucu di bendera Malaysia pun mereka tak reti kira.

Tetapi macam biasalah, bekas perdana menteri yang masuk kandang mahkamah itu pun tak akan faham perkara ini. Beliau naik motor ke sana-sini, kemudian main Facebook setiap hari. Tetapi jumlah status di Facebook beliau tak boleh menandingi jumlah pelajar miskin B40 sebanyak 38,282 yang berjaya masuk ke universiti selepas Menteri Kasut Hitam perkenalkan laluan khas ke Universiti Awam untuk pelajar B40.

Tidak cukup dengan itu, menteri kasut hitam ini memperuntukkan RM68.1 juta biasiswa untuk pelajar B40 ini. Menteri kasut hitam mahu semua pelajar miskin ini dapat pendidikan sama macam orang lain. Beliau bagi kuota 60 peratus untuk mereka masuk ke sekolah berasrama penuh dan matrikulasi.

Saya tidak mahulah nak sentuh tentang kuota matrikulasi ini sebab mereka kata kuota ini tidak adil walaupun menteri kasut hitam tidak pernah perkenalkan kuota ini. Menteri mereka yang mereka duduk sepentas berceramah itu juga yang perkenalkan dulu tetapi waktu itu mereka bisu, mereka mati dan mereka tidak akan sedar walaupun mereka direinkarnasi.
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Anak-anak mereka, anak-anak kawan-kawan Siti Kasim, cucu-cucu Zahid Hamidi yang darjah 1, 2 dan 3 semuanya pergi sekolah tidak perlu lagi ambil periksa. Anak-anak yang tercicir di kawasan Bagan Datoh, Pekan, dan di semua kawasan di seluruh Malaysia hari ini sudah kembali ke sekolah setelah menteri kasut hitam laksanakan Program Sifar Murid Cicir. Saya dapat tahu dalam Facebook menteri kasut hitam, seramai 4,369 orang anak-anak yang cicir yang dulunya tak pergi sekolah sudah kembali ke sekolah.

Cerita ini cerita rumit. Susah juga nak cerita tentang 50 peratus beban guru yang menteri kasut hitam kurangkan berbanding cerita tentang kolam renang dan hotel. Siapa peduli tentang guru? Tetapi menteri kasut hitam peduli. Tidak tahu apa anginnya tahun ini, beliau telah paksa 15,565 guru duka lara yang selama ini derita berjauhan dengan pasangan berjaya ditukarkan.

Stephen Ng tidak suka beliau, tetapi beliau tidak peduli. Beliau arahkan kementerian buat SOP khas untuk keselamatan guru sebab beliau takut bila cikgu keluar semasa waktu bekerja, kalau jadi apa-apa tiada siapa akan tanggung.

Saya tak boleh cerita semua sebab cerita ini panjang. Saya tengok komen orang yang berbahasa Inggeris dekat Facebook Malaysiakini pun mereka sangat meminati cerita menteri kasut hitam ini.
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Saya perhati, mereka semuanya macam orang yang dah bekerja walaupun mereka tak pernah pula letak gambar mereka di profile picture. Entah gambar kucing mana mereka curi.

Kalau mereka tak ada kerja, saya nak beritahu mereka menteri kasut hitam sudah buat perjumpaan sebanyak 16,625 kali dengan pihak industri untuk pastikan graduan TVET confirm dapat kerja. 

Sebab itu peratus kebolehpasaran TVET mencecah 81.89 peratus. Mereka boleh masuk TVET hari ini dan keluar dengan confirm kerja dah ada. Itu pun kalau mereka sangguplah nak berubah.

Nanti saya cerita lebih lagi tentang menteri kasut hitam. Ini sahaja dahulu buat hari ini. - Cikgu Muhd Idris Sani Isa

2020 is a good year for a handover, 
the sooner the better...

As 2020 rolls into view and we step on for the ride, we can say without any doubt whatsoever that one of the cherished aims of a bygone era, that of becoming a developed nation this year, has been dashed to pieces.

Yes, we have known that Vision 2020 would not be achieved for some time now as the previous Barisan Nasional governed, dithered and slithered down a slippery slope, with the only hope that we would stop slipping and sliding away lying in the most major upset at the polls that we would ever see.

And by God, that happened. History was made when Umno/BN was finally overthrown in May 2018 by an unlikely coalition which included Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s fledgeling Bersatu, which did abysmally poorly, winning just 13 seats out of 52 contested for a 25 percent win rate. Bersatu fared the worst among the Pakatan Harapan coalition partners and in the entire election by any party which contested so many seats.

Still, the Harapan coalition kept to its promise to make Mahathir interim prime minister until Anwar Ibrahim was able and willing to take over and become the prime minister. Mahathir was sworn in as the prime minister in May 2018 and broke his promise to make way for Anwar when he became both willing and able in October 2018 by winning the Port Dickson parliamentary constituency with the highest ever majority.
Things would not have been so bad if Mahathir had been a great prime minister - he was not. He overturned manifesto promises, he made racist statements while unfairly criticising Malays and calling them lazy, he did hardly any of the reforms that Harapan had promised in the manifesto, and he is actively playing the Ketuanan Melayu (Malay supremacy) line he advocated during his previous incarnation.

Mahathir has talked about the necessity to keep some legislations, backed off from promises to sign international human rights accords, attended congresses such as the one about Malay dignity which threatened to widen the racial divide like it has not been for a long time, and given rather flippant and inconsistent answers when asked about the succession.

He appears not to know the dire consequences of his actions, both to the nation and the political survival of Harapan. One wonders if that is because of his ripe old age of 94, when faculties would have declined considerably.

His Bersatu candidate in the Tanjung Piai by-election suffered a massive, unprecedented defeat by a ruling party, indicating beyond a shadow of a doubt that he enjoyed neither Malay nor non-Malay support, leaving him between a rock and a hard place. And Harapan, hopelessly, sits there too.

Mahathir said manifesto promises could not be fulfilled because the coalition did not expect to win but instead has embarked on a massive effort at wealth distribution from government holdings to others and a revival of several projects in the tens of billions of ringgit which he promised to abolish in the wake of the election victory.
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His cabinet ministers have little or no authority to carry out reforms and their authorities have been largely subsumed to the controversial Daim Zainuddin - his partner and friend of many decades - whose role in government and business is rather controversial, to say the least.

An example of some projects revived includes the RM44 billion East Coast Rail Link project. This link will have no economic impact unless China uses it to tranship goods in either direction by moving them between Port Klang and Kuantan to save shipping costs. Even Daim, who renegotiated the contract (Why? Ask Mahathir) admitted there will be losses for years.

The announcement of this had no major details - nothing even about that RM20 billion that was paid to an overseas company directly from borrowings obtained from China. No transparency, no governance, no accountability, no explanation. This, in New Malaysia.

The other was the RM140 billion Bandar Malaysia project. Just taking into account the undervaluation of the land, this could cause losses to the government of over RM50 billion!

Soon, the outcome for the various bids for Plus Expressways will be announced. Yes, there may be toll reduction of up to 18 percent, but most bids want an extension of the toll concession period by 20 years, more than the remaining period of 18 years.

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The value of that extension is therefore worth at least the current value of Plus, which is RM30-40 billion. That’s effectively giving away that much of money to entrepreneurs and no prizes for guessing from whose camp they will come from.

It would not be wrong to say there is much despair in the air in the New Year, that confidence has been and continues to be extremely low in the country, among both citizens and foreigners. This is amply reflected in the value of the currency and the stock market.

The only way this will change is if the PM is changed according to the promise made to all Malaysians. Malaysians must demand that Mahathir keeps his promise.

Around the time that a deal was going to be made to admit Mahathir and his party into Harapan, and for him to become interim prime minister in 2017, I wrote an article for Malaysiakini entitled “Can Mahathir be trusted?”

Here are some extracts from that piece: “If anyone takes the trouble to remember what this man did and stood for, he would be mad to think that Mahathir is the solution - he was, and is the problem. Without him and his 22 years of misrule, Malaysia would not have descended into what it is today.

“Mahathir was accountable to no one. Not the people, not the party, not the judges. He could do almost anything he pleased and get away with it using the apparatus and machinery of control he had put in place.

“He made opaque many decisions of government, putting anything marked secret by the government as secret under the law by removing the power of judges to judge even if the secret posed no danger to the country but only embarrassed the government and exposed its corrupt ways.

“That was the legacy he left behind - and a leader who followed him used it to do nasty things, some worse than that by Mahathir. Now we expect Mahathir - the source of all this - to save us Malaysians from Najib!

“Is that why Mahathir is sticking his neck out? For the good of the country? But remember he had his chance, 22 years of it. He bungled - all he did was to stay in power and do the greatest damage to the country ever by anyone, prime minister or not.

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“His goal now is not (just) to get into power but to ensure that whoever comes into power does not destroy him. As far as Mahathir is concerned, it is always about him - not Malaysia, not Malaysians, not even the Malays.

“If only the opposition (then) thought like Mahathir and stayed focused on their goal - which is not to just remove Najib but to change the government for the better - they will stay well away from a man like Mahathir - his record is there for all to see. Instead, they have been seduced by the mantra, let’s get rid of Najib first.

“If the opposition, in its strange state of amnesia, continues to forget to remember, they are going to lose their chance to heal this nation, their agenda hijacked by the one who was ultimately responsible for all this.”

I would have been very happy to have been wrong in my assessment of Mahathir then. Not one word of my view of him has changed now.

To put it bluntly, Mahathir has proven himself to be a great liability to this country, returning us to those old nasty days of Umno/BN style politics. His moves are already costing the country more than 1MDB and by the time he has finished, the damage will be very serious, much more than 1MDB.

Mahathir has to go in 2020, no need to wait for Apec 2020, which is in November, as that is obviously an extension tactic. The sooner he goes, the better for the country. Speed is of the essence because wealth is already being transferred - to the wrong people. - P.Gunasegaram

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Selepas kerajaan pusat bagi RM400 juta 'one off' terus lebai menipu kata kewangan Kelantan "surplus" 3 tahun berturut2. Sapalah penasihat mak cik ni..? Bodoh amat..- f/bk

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Kisah dongeng negeri pak lebai..nak nipu walaun bolehlah kenapa masih dok pinjam dari kerajaan pusat kalau kewangan negeri dok surplus sejak 3 tahun dulu...TIPU SYARIE? - f/bk

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Image result for prk kimanis


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