Sebenarnya semua keluarga Anwar tidak disukai oleh bekas MB Terengganu sepenggal ini. Ada yang kata kerana kes liwat yang difitnah terhadap Anwar menyebabkan beliau tidak suka Anwar. Sebenarnya, bukan itu sebabnya. Jika itu sebabnya, mengapa sewaktu isteri Anwar, Kak Wan mahu dicalonkan oleh PR untuk menjadi MB Selangor, Hadi tetap tidak setuju atas alasan Kak Wan tidak layak jadi MB. Anwar dia tidak suka, Kak Wan pun dia tidak berkenan.
Berkat kesabaran Kak Wan yang tidak sepatah pun beri komen di atas penghinaan yang diterima dari Hadi itu, Alhamdulillah, bukan sahaja MB, bahkan Kak Wan kini telah menjadi TPM. Di mana kedudukan Hadi? Kedudukannya terhina bukan semakin tinggi darjatnya, bahkan semakin rendah di tapak kaki pemimpin Umno sekarang. Dihinakan lagi apabila tokoh yang dia hina sebelum PRU14 iaitu Tun M dikatakan hanya layak jadi doktor klinik 1Malaysia, kini telah menjadi PM. Terhina bukan kepalang apabila Hadi terhegeh2 ketuk pintu pejabat Tun M untuk mohon bantuan.
Semua yang pernah Hadi hina, semuanya lebih tinggi kedudukan dari Hadi. Hadi pula bertambah rendah kedudukannya apabila terpaksa melutut kepada Umno yang pernah dikatakan kapir melalui amanatnya dulu.
Itulah punca Hadi amat jaki Anwar menjadi PM. Padanya, kalau dia tidak boleh jadi PM, Anwar pun tidak boleh jadi PM. Tapi Hadi tiada kuasa. Allah berkuasa yang merancang kesemuanya. Hadi hanya boleh jadi pegawai veterinar kerana dia hafal banyak nama2 binatang. - Wfauzdin Ns
Kenapa pembangkang beriya2
tak mahu Anwar jadi PM?...
Kita boleh lihat berulangkali pemimpin pembangkang terutama dari Umno dan Pas, mengeluarkan kenyataan tidak mahu Presiden KEADILAN, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menjadi Perdana Menteri kelapan. Persoalannya kenapa mereka beriya-iya mahu menghalang Anwar?
Jawapannya sangat mudah, jika Anwar Ibrahim jadi Perdana Menteri, pembangkang merasakan itu tidak baik untuk mereka, dan mereka sukar menang pilihanraya.
Itu akan menjadi situasi yang tidak menguntungkan gabungan pembangkang. Apa sahaja yang tidak menguntungkan mereka akan dihalang sedaya-upaya, dan mereka akan bertindak sebaliknya.
Kita semua tahu bahawa "core bussiness" parti-parti politik di Malaysia mahupun di mana-mana negara ialah mahu menang pilihanraya dan mahu meraih sebanyak mungkin undi rakyat untuk memerintah negara.
Umno dan Pas tahu, apabila Anwar Ibrahim jadi Perdana Menteri, beliau akan jadi Perdana Menteri yang paling popular, beliau akan sedaya upaya melaksanakan semua manifesto Pakatan Harapan, dan beliau akan melakukan pelbagai perkara yang baik untuk rakyat dan negara.
Sebagai contoh, dalam satu "mesyuarat tertutup" sebuah parti pembangkang, iaitu Parti Sosialis Malaysia, PSM, tahun lalu, Timbalan Pengerusi parti itu, Arulchelvan meramalkan Anwar apabila jadi PM akan menjadi PM yang popular, Anwar akan membasmi kemiskinan tanpa mengira kaum.
Anwar juga diramal akan melakukan reformasi institusi dan menunaikan semua manifesto pilihanraya Pakatan Harapan. Gambar slide pembentangan itu tersebar di media sosial.
PSM sebagai sebuah parti pembangkang yang tidak menyokong KEADILAN dan Pakatan Harapan pun dapat melihat perkara itu, dan tentu sekali pihak parti-parti pembangkang lain turut berkongsi pandangan yang sama.

Segala perkara yang baik, untuk rakyat meskipun baik untuk rakyat Malaysia dan baik untuk kemajuan negara, itu bermakna tidak baik untuk gabungan pembangkang, itu akan menjadikan gabungan pembangkang tidak relevan di mata rakyat.
Dalam erti kata lain, apabila kerajaan pimpinan Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Perdana Menteri nanti "perform" di dalam pentadbiran, maka gabungan pembangkang yang ditunjangi oleh Umno dan Pas menjadi tidak berguna, mereka tidak lagi dapat meraih sokongan rakyat sekaligus tidak akan menang pilihanraya.
Ini sifir yang sangat mudah untuk difahami dan dihadam, budak sekolah tadika pun boleh faham.
Jika Anwar jadi Perdana Menteri boleh menyebabkan pembangkang menang pilihanraya seterusnya menjadi kerajaan, sudah tentu mereka akan bersungguh-sungguh menyokong supaya Anwar jadi PM. Dalam kata lain "Sokong supaya rebah,"
Segala kenyataan yang diberikan, segala hujah yang dibentangkan, kononnya Anwar Ibrahim jika jadi Perdana Menteri akan membawa pelbagai perkara buruk kepada negara, rakyat akan menderita dan sebagainya sekadar alasan tak masuk akal.
Hey! Tak payah bohonglah, jika benar Anwar akan membawa perkara buruk kepada negara apabila jadi Perdana Menteri, maka tentu sekali pembangkang akan menyokong Anwar habis-habisan supaya jadi PM.
Ini kerana jika Anwar gagal tadbir negara, rakyat akan marah, rakyat tak suka kerajaan, maka lebih senang tugas pembangkang untuk meraih undi rakyat seterusnya menjadi kerajaan jika Anwar gagal memerintah.
"Dalam politik, apa yang musuh mahu, itulah perkara yang patut kita elakkan, dan kita patut bertindak sebaliknya," - MiLo SuaM
UMNO/PAS Should Stop Hallucinating About A New Government – Dr.M Is Toying With Them...
Opposition parties, especially UMNO Malay nationalist party and PAS Islamist party, appear to be still in hallucination. First, they said the new Pakatan Harapan coalition government will be a one-term government. Then, they said Pakatan will not last 1 year. Then, they said the coalition will collapse by the end of 2018. Heck, the people have lost count how many times they said a snap election will happen.
Perhaps Pakatan Harapan (PH), which stunningly toppled the once invincible, but corrupt Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition government in May 2018, would be a one-term government. If it happens, it happens. But if that were to happen, it means the PH would be defeated by the opposition in the next 15th General Election. That also means the existing UMNO-PAS alliance is a formidable force.
But if UMNO-PAS alliance, created through a national charter on Sept 2019, is incredibly strong and invincible, why are they so desperate sucking up to Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, the same man who had destroyed their gravy train? After all, didn’t the opposition win five consecutive by-elections (Semenyih, Rantau, Cameron Highlands, Tanjung Piai and Kimanis) recently?
Does that mean the new mathematics created by the UMNO-PAS coalition is flawed and nothing but fantasy? Of all the 222 parliamentary seats in the country, 119 are Malay-majority. Yes, it’s absolutely strange that UMNO and PAS, two biggest Malay political parties that command two-thirds of the ethnic Malay vote bank, are now scrambling to support their biggest enemy – Mahathir.
Why UMNO and PAS stoop so low – bootlicking Mahathir profusely – when they could win 119 Malay-majority seats – more than the 112 minimum seats required to form a simple majority government? It’s absolutely humiliating that not only PAS (with 18 MPs) sings like a canary for Mahathir, the once mighty UMNO is doing the same despite its superior 39 MPs over the premier’s party (25 MPs).
At the centre of the political landscape is rumours of the forming of a new coalition called “Pakatan Nasional”. The rumours spread like wildfire after the emergence of a photo showing what appeared to be a private meeting between PM Mahathir and PAS President Hadi Awang. The rumours say that Mahathir will kick out DAP and PM-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim in exchange for PAS.
Dr.M Private Meeting With Hadi Awang
The bizarre proposal to form the new Pakatan Nasional coalition would see Mahathir’s PPBM party teaming up with PAS and UMNO. Seriously? So, after punching some numbers into the calculator, the genius Mahathir somehow figured that it’s worth to betray DAP, an ally with 42 MPs along with Anwar, whose PKR party commands 50 MPs – in exchange for PAS’ 18 MPs and UMNO’s 39 MPs?
How many alliances that UMNO and PAS plan to form in their desperate attempt to grab power through backdoors? It was barely a month ago that the national cooperation between UMNO and PAS, glorified as “Muafakat Nasional” under the pretext of Malay-unity, was proudly announced by UMNO deputy president Mohamad Hasan as having entered its second phase.
Can the opposition make up their mind whether they prefer Barisan Nasional (BN), Muafakat Nasional (MN) or Pakatan Nasional (PN)? Even prostitutes did not change their name as quickly as UMNO and PAS. This proves that despite all the chest-thumping and gloating, the opposition isn’t convinced the MN could win the 15th General Election, so much so they’ve started plotting PN.
The best part was it’s only the PAS Islamist party that was super-duper obsessed with Pakatan Nasional, supposedly a government ruled entirely by Malay-Muslims only. Ethnic Chinese and Indians, including other non-Malay minorities in Sabah and Sarawak – the natives Kadazans, Dusuns, Muruts, Bajaus, Bidayuhs, Orang Ulus, Melanaus, Ibans, Dayaks and others – can go fly kite.
Hadi Awang’s fetish obsession with Mahathir was so pathetic that his PAS party will table a vote of confidence in Mahathir’s leadership in the Dewan Rakyat (Lower House of Parliament) next month. This is like Democrats Nancy Pelosi wanted so much for Republican Donald Trump to remain as the U.S. president that she plans to move a motion of confidence in his leadership.
There’s nothing wrong with Hadi’s unhealthy interest in Mahathir. But what is interesting was the fact that the Islamist party’s move was without consultation with its partner UMNO. Until today, UMNO has yet to decide its stand on the “vote of confidence” motion planned by PAS. In fact, UMNO is more divided than before with the party split between Najib’s faction and Zahid Hamidi’s team.
Pakatan Harapan Leaders - Cheering
Lokman Adam, Najib’s loudest cheerleader and an UMNO Supreme Council member, was sacked for leaking an audio recording in which UMNO President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is heard discussing and agreeing to the PAS “vote of confidence” plan to support PM Mahathir. Zahid (who faces 87 criminal charges) obviously is trying to impress upon Mahathir into dropping the charges.
The clueless Java-immigrant Zahid cowardly said in the leaked audio that the party must work with Mahathir because PAS is doing so. The corrupt UMNO president also claimed that the party could resolve the problems faced by Najib Razak if it follows the PAS footstep in supporting Mahathir, whatever that means. Lokman slammed Zahid as only interested in saving himself.
However, a Muafakat Nasional meeting between UMNO and PAS held on Feb 10 failed to discuss the issue after the audio leak, leaving uncertainties and doubts concerning the “vote of confidence” motion. Amusingly, Mahathir, in an interview with portal The Malaya Post, denied ever inviting UMNO to form Pakatan Nasional. The premier even laughed at Zahid’s attempt to support him.
If Zahid does not have the majority support of UMNO to back Mahathir in Parliament, it means Najib has it (or even Hishammuddin Hussein for that matter). Either way, the premier will not be able to get the entire chunk of 39 UMNO MPs behind him. That means the formation of a new “Malay only” Pakatan Nasional coalition government is highly impossible.
While welcoming PAS’ plan to support him through a vote of confidence, Mahathir politely thanked the Islamist party, but reminded the opposition that he is “already the prime minister” of the country. Like it or not, the 94-year-old leader appeared to be insulting Hadi Awang’s intelligence for proposing something which will not change the status quo.
Had Mahathir really wanted to pull out of Pakatan Harapan and form Pakatan Nasional with PAS and UMNO, he would need every single vote he could get. The last thing he would do is to laugh at Zahid Hamidi and rubbished Hadi Awang’s undivided support. It would make more sense for Mahathir to rejoin and take over UMNO after Najib and Zahid are both sent to prison.
Mahathir Mohamad - Thinking
It would also make more sense for Mahathir to offer PAS the option to become PH-friendly party and quit the Muafakat Nasional in return for more cash allocation, and even with one of two ministership sweetener thrown in. Abandoning the existing PH coalition to form a new coalition carries the risk of losing everything, including his premiership, if Mahathir fails to get the necessary majority support.
Even with sufficient SD (statutory declaration), there’s nothing to stop the same MPs who signed the SD in support of Mahathir to also sign another SD in support of Anwar. Didn’t private investigator P Balasubramaniam make a second statutory declaration, which reversed an earlier one linking Najib Razak to murdered Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu?
Let’s assume for some weird reason, Mahathir quits Pakatan Harapan and successfully form a new government with PAS and UMNO. What then? As the smallest party in the “Malay only” Pakatan Nasional coalition, does Mahathir really expect the 39-seat UMNO and the 18-seat PAS continue playing second fiddle – kowtow to him until he kicks the bucket?
More importantly, without any representative of minority ethnics – especially the Chinese – the newly formed government would be incredibly hostile to non-Muslims, leading to a more extreme, racist and radical country. Mahathir knew precisely what will happen when investors are spooked by political instability. They will dispose everything and leave the country.
The Bank Negara Malaysia (Central Bank) has just released the country’s annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth for the year 2019. It plunged to 4.3% – the lowest level since the Global Financial Crisis in 2009. To make matters worse, the GDP growth for the fourth quarter of 2019 (4Q19) slowed to a jaw-dropping 3.6% – the lowest in 41 quarters since the third quarter of 2009.
You don’t need a rocket scientist to tell what will happen to the country’s economy if suddenly there’s a change of government (again) through a backdoor method rather than a democratic process of a general election. Get real, if Mahathir seriously wanted to form a new government with UMNO and PAS, would he allow the photo of the private meeting to be taken in the first place?
Mahathir enjoys very much how PAS and UMNO leaders scramble to show their support for him. The idea of Pakatan Nasional also serves as a tool to warn Anwar’s minions to back off from pushing too hard for the prime minister to resign in May this year. The naughty premier is just toying with the opposition parties. He specialises in dividing the Malays and Muslims. - FT

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