Kali ni buat total lockdown..keluar rumah je,PDRM atau ATM rembat dgn rotan atau peluru getah mcm Polis India buat tu..

Setakat susahkan diri mereka shj takpalah tapi perangai sombong dan bongkak mereka dah menyusahkan ramai lagi rakyat lain..
Kita tengok dlm minggu ini..kalau masih ada rakyat yg degil dan terus sombong melanggar arahan..kita harap kerajaan sambung PKP utk satu tempoh lagi demi memutuskan rantaian Covid19 ini. - Rafi Awg Kechik

Lepas 14 April nanti lanjut lagi tak? Kalau lanjut lagi memang siput babi lah gomen PN ni. Sepatutnya total lockdown aje. Nak tunggu apa lagi? China dah berjaya guna kaedah total lockdown, tiru saja lah. Apa ingat yg dok kerja skrg ni ada immunity gauntlet mcm Thanos kah? Semua kebal virus kah?
Kesian mereka yg kerja gaji hari dan syarikat kecil jika buat partial lockdown sikit2 mcm ni. Kalau total lockdown, rasanya 3 minggu dah selesai. Insya Allah.
Lebai2 PAS memang suka mcm ni sebab gaji menteri tetap masyuk. Bini2 pun ramai. Walaun, nak berbini pun tak mampu. Rakyat pulak sengsara ternanti2 jenaka daripada Menteri2 PN - PAS. Cari kat fb, tak update. Cari kat twitter dah tutup. - Ariff Kadir Al-Katami

Bayangkan sebelum ini kerajaan singapura berikan gantian pedapatan sebanyak 50 Singapura Dollar setiap hari kepada 300 ribu pekerja Malaysia yang bekerja di singapura atas sebab Malaysia menutup pintu sempadan.. depa lebih dulu bantu rakyat kita yg terjejas..Sekarang Kerajaan Singapura tidak mahu lagi bertanggung jawab..
Agaknya apa nasib 300 ribu pekerja Malaysia di Singapura yang melintasi sempadan Malaysia.. bukan saja akan berhadapan dengan kehilangan pendapatan.. tetapi mungkin kehilangan pekerjaan..
Namun susulan lanjutan PKP, Kementerian Sumber Manusia Singapura berkata akan bekerjasama dengan majikan untuk memudahkan pemindahan pekerja ke pilihan penempatan yang lebih sesuai.

Bank Negara Malaysia baru umumkan Moratorium...

Moratorium bermula pada 1/4/2020...
Nak faham requirement baru BNM ni mudah saja...
1. Tak payah bayar loan rumah dan loan kereta untuk 6 bulan bermula 1 April. Maksudnya daripada April sampai September, bayaran ditangguhkan.
Tapi bukan bermaksud loan tu dimaafkan 6 bulan. Kalau sebelum ni loan tamat bulan 12 tahun 2025, lepas ni tamat bulan 6 2026.
2. Hutang kad kredit masih kena bayar. Tapi kalau memerlukan boleh tukar jadi loan bertempoh 3 tahun dan kadar faedah tak lebih 13%. Maksudnya masih berhutang tapi murah sikit dan masa nak bayar panjang sikit.
3. Sebelum ni ada had untuk bank bagi pinjaman beli property, saham dan unit trust. Lepas ni had2 tu dimansuhkan. Had untuk bagi pinjam dekat syarikat2 berkait TNB, Petronas dan Telekom dinaikkan. Apa2 hal eletrik, gas, minyak dan unifi kena jalan. Kalau unifi down macam mana page2 troll nak main peranan waktu genting ni?
4. Macam mana bank boleh tahan semua ni, tak rugi ke? Itu sebab BNM cakap yang rizab2 bank boleh dikurangkan, tak perlu simpan sangat duit, boleh guna sebab waktu krisis. Haritu pun BNM dah cairkan sebahagian rizab yang bank komersial simpan di BNM.
5. Semuanya untuk lancarkan kesempitan yang dihadapi orang ramai waktu ni. Dan kalau baca betul2 requirement ni sampai bulan 9. Siapa yang 'read between the lines' akan faham yang BNM sebenarnya jangka kesan ekonomi Covid untuk berlarutan lebih daripada 2 minggu ni saja. Mungkin akan sampai hujung tahun. Semoga kita berjaya hadapi tempoh sukar ini bersama-sama.- Ikmal Nordin.

Kerajaan Tebok Atap in nutshell...
Is Malaysia a goner?...
One must always reflect on the failure of a venture. It is to help one find the causes of that failure and rectify everything by seeking possible solutions that may or may not work.
The recent developments taking place in Malaysia’s political leadership scene point to a disastrous future. The political leadership in Malaysia has failed to deliver and it will fail to deliver what the majority of Malaysians truly desire: political and economic stability.
The instability in the political leadership scene affects the economic stability of Malaysia as well. They are two sides of the same coin. In fact, economics was known as Political Economy in the earlier days.
Ever since its independence, Malaysia has been practising the “one man” or “one party” rule. In this “one man” or “one party” rule, only one leader or one political party calls the shots concerning the governing of the country. The rest of the political parties which represent the other races in Malaysia and which make up the ruling coalition bloc are subservient to the “one party” rule. Hence, the “one man” or “one party” rule is akin to TOTALITARIANISM.

The Totalitarian Mentality has permeated the thinking of the members in the various Malaysian political parties till today. As the recent events in Malaysia’s political leadership show, the Totalitarian Mentality still exists and will continue to exist among the politicians in the future. Such a development in Malaysia’s political leadership foretells a very different and difficult journey for Malaysia and its people. The journey concerning the political and economic instability is becoming more dreadful each passing day.
Politicians from all the political parties are to be blamed for the current political and economic turmoil unfolding in Malaysia today. In thought and practice, most of them exhibit the “one man” or “one party” rule.
Just observe closely the members of these political parties. Some of the political parties are run like DYNASTIES. One can find teams composed of a father, a son and a grandson or a mother, a daughter and a granddaughter. One can even find brothers and sisters as members of these political parties.
These dynasties which practise the “one family” rule in the political parties grow at an alarming rate, and therefore the “one family”-run political parties resemble THE MAFIA. The diktats issued by the members of the “one family” must be fiercely obeyed by all the others in the political parties.
When democracy and meritocracy are absent in the Malaysian political parties, can Malaysia ever see true democracy and meritocracy in the future? As such, the majority of Malaysians end up with third-rate politicians who possess low intelligence and questionable calibre.
In short, Malaysians are led by politicians who are not fit to be political leaders in the first place. These quack leaders are just useless talkers and not doers. When the time comes for them to perform and deliver in the political leadership scene, they will falter terribly. And that time for Malaysian politicians to perform and deliver is NOW.
The global economy is sinking. While the leaders of many countries around the world are preparing their nations to steer cautiously IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC MASSACRE, Malaysians are being entertained by charlatans, lackeys and nincompoops in the political leadership scene. Is Malaysia a goner, politically and economically? - Ranjit Singh Thind