Update Convid 19 mengikut Tuan Berahim dan Lebai Hadi... >> Berita Malay 18

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'Menteri Alam Sekitar Tuan Ibrahim kata Covid-19 ada hikmatnya. Gara2 merebaknya virus ini diseluruh dunia menyebabkan semua kereta di negara2 dilanda C19 terhenti. Dan ini meyebabkan udara dan alam sekitar jadi bersih. Beliau menafsirkan hikmah itu dalam kuliyyah secara live live Fb nya malam ini. Trims. LIVE o 6.5k'

Menteri Alam Sekitar kata Covid-19 ada hikmahnya. Bila wabak ini merebak ke seluruh dunia, semua kereta terhenti (sebab semua orang duduk di rumah). Ini menyebabkan udara dan alam sekitar menjadi bersih.

Cisss... mentang-mentang dia menteri alam sekitar, dunia diserang wabak macam ni pun dia duk pikir untuk kepentingan politik dia je, konon prihatin sangatlah dengan kebersihan alam sekitar, phuiii, baru jadi menteri 3 minggu, pejabat pun tak ada lagi. 

Orang tengah cemas dan berduka, dia boleh sembang bab hikmah dari serangan wabak itu kepada kementerian dia... 

Bagi Haji Hadi pula mudah je... Apa benda masalah pun, dia mesti kata kena ikut Islam... Nak selesaikan masalah virus covid-19...? Hadi kata ada kaedah penyelesaian cara Islam.

Jangan tanya macam mana caranya... Nanti dia jawab apabila penjajah menjajah kita, mereka bukan menjajah tanah air saja, tapi pemikiran umat Islam turut dijajah. Lori ada banyak jenis, ada lori kecik ada lori besar... Ini kita kena sedor kita kena fahang... isyu hudud, itu kena tanya DAP... er, bukan DAP hak ni, ni DAP negeri, kena tanya hok pusat.

Ayat 'segala masalah ada cara penyelesaiannya dalam Qur'an', kerana Qur'an itu lengkap samporna, semua perkara ada dalam Qur'an; itu ayat lama sejak tahun 1980an lagi.... Ada sorang ustaz PAS bersyarah atas wakaf dia kabo gitu lah, kebetulan ada situ budak otak tak berapa centre... Bila ustaz kata semua benda ada dalam Qur'an, budak tu tanya : "Ustaz, cara-cara nok wat kheppok lekor ada dok dalam Qur'an..!" Tergagap-gagap ustaz nak jawab.... - Umo Bin Othman

Bukan masalah free tapi ada atau disorok...

Facemask dan Sanitizer ni sebenarnya tak perlu pun Kerajaan bagi percuma..Kita faham..Mungkin Kerajaan hari ini takda kemampuan kewangan.. atau mungkin takda kemampuann berfikir..

Yang penting bekalan itu ada dan harganya tidak melambung.. bukan rakyat tak nak beli, Rakyat pun tak tahu nak beli kat mana..Sebab takda dipasaran.. kalau ada pun org jual online.. harga lebih teruk dari Kapitalis walaupun yang jual tu pak haji..

Aku cadangkan, supaya Kerajaan mengedarkan,atau memasarkan Topeng Muka(facemask) dan Sanitizer melalui premis premis Station Minyak seluruh Negara..Sebab depa sentiasa buka.. Jadikan rangkaian Petronas, Petron, Shell sebagai Hub untuk rakyat dapatkan Facemask dan Sanitizer.. Bila depa isi minyak.. Depa boleh dapatkan facemask dan sanitizer..

Tak perlu bagi percuma..Jual jer di Mart atau Serbaneka di Station2 Minyak..yang penting harga terkawal...cara ini Mudah.. Banyak Premis,farmasi hatta DIY sendiri tutup..dan disuruh tutup..

Selepas itu baru bentuk rakyat untuk jaga kebersihan..jaga jarak sosial(Social distancing)... buat garis panduan dari PBT untuk urus niaga di pasaraya..Mart dan kedai2 Runcit..termasuk pasar pagi..

Yang susah fikir sampai nak kurung rakyat sampai nak guna tentera tu apehal.. Sampai disuruh tutup semua premis dan Kedai pukul 7 malam.. - Ipohmali

Jangan salahkan jemaah tabligh hanya 
kerana beberapa golongan yang jahil dan jumud...

Amat mendukacitakan nama jemaah Tabligh disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu punca merebak wabak COVID-19. Benar, salah satu punca merebaknya wabak ini adalah kerana "kluster" mereka yang berdegil dan tidak mematuhi arahan keselamatan yang diberikan.

Difahamkan telah ramai di antara mereka telah pun hadir melapor diri untuk membuat pemeriksaan. Malangnya, masih ramai juga di kalangan pendakwah ini berdegil atau jumud di dalam pemikiran mereka tentang wabak yang tidak pernah mereka dengar sebelum ini.

Ada di antara mereka berdegil hingga ke tahap dipaksa oleh pihak berkuasa untuk menjalani pemeriksaan. Ada yang menggunakan hujah agama untuk mengelakkan diri masing-masing dari mematuhi arahan yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak berkuasa. "Allah berkuasa, hidup mati kita di tangan Allah, mengapa perlu takut kepada wabak ini lebih dari takut kepada Allah? Mengapa kita mesti jauhi Rumah Allah untuk solat berjemaah hanya kerana takut wabak ini?". Itu di antara hujah2 yang biasa kita dengar dari golongan jumud dan jahil ini.
Image result for Tabligh groups in malaysia

Tidakkah mereka tahu Allah juga mewajibkan kita menjaga keselamatan diri dan keluarga kita dari wabak? Bukan soal kita takut wabak itu lebih dari takut kepada Allah, tetapi kita wajib jauhi wabak itu kerana itu juga perintah Allah. Setiap penyakit itu juga datang dari Allah dan penawarnya juga datang dari Allah serta keizinannya. Maksudnya, wabak itu tidak akan terjadi tanpa izin Allah. Allah menurunkan wabak atau penyakit itu bersebab agar manusia berfikir. Allah juga sediakan penawar setiap penyakit kecuali mati. Cuma, kita saja yang perlu berusaha dan bertawakkal untuk mencari penawarnya.

Haram bagi kita mendedahkan diri kita, apatah lagi keluarga kita dari penyakit. Tidak cukup hanya kita berdoa kepada Allah untuk lindungi diri dan keluarga kita dari penyakit atau bala bencana sedangkan kita tidak mahu lari darinya. Itu bukan ajaran Islam. Setelah kita berusaha menghindari wabak ini dengan mematuhi arahan dari pihak berkuasa, barulah boleh kita serahkan diri kita kepada Allah dan memohon perlindungan dariNya.

Saya menasihatkan saudara2 jemaah Tabligh agar melihat kepentingan masyarakat Islam dan insan sekeliling lebih utama dari kepentingan jemaah mereka. Buat masyarakat di luar sana, elakkan diri dari mengutuk atau mengecam jemaah Tabligh ini hanya kerana beberapa golongan dari mereka yang mungkin jahil terhadap isu yang melanda sekarang.- Wfauzdin Ns 

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An Islamic reminder to my Tabligh 
brothers in Indonesia and the world...

It is with a heavy heart that I write this message to the Tabligh group. I am pleading that they cancel or postpone all gatherings in order for us to deal effectively with the number one enemy of man presently in the world; the COVID-19 virus.

I was once part of the Tabligh group in my student days in the USA and had even attended the Detroit Ijtimak or Gathering of 20,000 brothers from around the world in 1985. I remember we slept on corrugated cardboards in a huge warehouse huddled with each other to warm ourselves from the harsh minus 5 degree weather then. We ate from one 'talam' or tray with our fingers and drank from a single cup of tea. We were Islamic Brothers. Our saliva and blood must flow in unison to seal the faith at all time and in all places. We wept together in the night, prayed in congregation and relished in listening to the heart rending Bayan or speeches by the senior Brothers. 

Some of us were grocers, labourers and some were architects, doctors, lawyers and also former ambassadors seeking peace and enlightenment through a sacrifice of time, money and effort to rejuvenate Islam among the Muslims who had strayed by a non-political partisan approach of 'Gash' or visits to houses and sleeping at mosques. I learned to perform 'khidmat' by cooking, making drinks, serving food and eating at one time nothing but white rice with margarine. It was delicious. Plain white rice with plain water. Eating with your brothers of faith. Praying, joking making friends for life and weeping for our souls.

The Tabligh approach does not recognize Mercedes loving politicians or title loving muftis. It is a simple act of faith where a labourer can be a pious leader over mere lawyers, architects or doctors. My lecturer friends who were committed would frequently 'go out' for 40 days on the road travelling, cooking, praying, lecturing, visiting and inviting others to join. Tabligh was a beautiful way of life to be an innocent Muslim unhindered by the constructs of wealth, false dignity and fake piety of notaries and 'educated' clerics. At any one time more than a thousand strong would be at the Sri Petaling Mosque that has become famous as the new epicenter for the COVID-19 outbreak.
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When asked to cancel, the organisers quote words of the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad in trusting Allah and accepting His will over life and death. This is the license quoted not only by the organisers but by the visitors themselves. Both are wrong and I will personally bear witness against these organisers and visitors and hold them accountable to Allah in the Hereafter.

Allah clearly says in the Qur'an that God will not change the fate of a people unless they change themselves. The Prophet has always advised people to tie their camels and then leave things to faith. In Islam faith is the LAST weapon after human ingenuity, resourcefulness and spirit handle any and all situations. To place faith blindly before actions and planning that can be humanly taken is sheer nonsense and in complete violation of the spirit of Islam. A Malay Ustaz disagreed with the closing of the mosque for congregational prayers and activities citing that Allah and prayers will protect the worshippers. 

For my money, if the Tabligh visitors and mosque congregation wants to die from Corvid-19 and 'fly to heaven', they are most welcomed! What I do not want happen is that these 'ignorant warriors of Islam' are willing to expose themselves to the infections and in turn infect their wives, children, fathers and mothers and worse other people's children, parents, daughters and sons. You nak mati you punya pasal-lah! Jangan akibatkan orang lain mati!

On the 16th of March last Sunday, my world came crashing down. I received a text message from my friend Jerald who had chaired my panel on Crisis on Education on the 3rd of March that he had tested positive for the COVID-19. It was the longest four days before I paid RM600 to be tested and the result came back negative. For that long four days, the thought of dying was not the worse part because at 58 years old, I had lived a full life. The worse part was the thought that I might have infected my five children and my three precious grandchildren that I had interacted with after the 3rd of March. The thought of infecting my wife of 37 years of marriage who has a sinus and asthma problem almost made me cry at night. 
Image result for Islamic Tabligh brothers

Before 16th of March the COVID-19 issue was not a priority in my life. They were just numbers and seem far away from me. I had planned to cancel all my 7 talks and public appearance and that was going to be my last event. As fate would have it, that event was almost not only my death sentence but the fate of my children, grandchildren, wife, sister, brother and my students and co-workers. I had only shook the moderator's hand and held the microphone. That was all. And it could have been a tragic thing. I did not know nor expected as the warning of a national crisis was not forthcoming. What was coming was the backdoor government initiated by traitor MPs to the rakyat. That traitorous deed was more fearful than the virus. But all of that petty politicking now pales in the light of a new lockdown order.

As Allah is my witness, the Tabligh event in Malaysia has now become the epicenter of the  outbrake. The Tabligh organizer gave the excuse that there was no government decree. They trusted religious faith than scientific facts. Now, the Indonesian Ijtimak is going to make the same mistake. I accuse the organisers of pure vanity, stubbornness and stupidity in resisting the request to cancel or postpone. Mecca has suspended the Umrah and possibly the Hajj in the future. What else can the organisers base their ludicrous decision on to continue? 

Finally, in the hereafter when Allah calls these organisers of Tabligh why they continued with the Ijtimak against the plea to cancel, they will answer that it was their faith and love of Allah that made them continue knowing that Allah loves those who glorify Him. I would love to be there when Allah might say that their deed was for vanity of being leaders of a religious movement and for economic benefits and their sins of causing harm to others Muslims or non-Muslims will earn them the fires of Hell. - Professor Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi 

Someone In Muhyiddin Government Is 
Making RM18 Million “Every Month”...

As early as January, before Muhyiddin Yassin launched his “Sheraton coup” to topple his own government in order to form Perikatan Nasional backdoor government with corrupt regime UMNO and extreme Islamist party PAS, the then-Pakatan Harapan government had categorized face masks as price control items following the outbreak of the Coronavirus (which was still known as 2019-nCoV).

Essentially, 2-layer medical or surgical mask was fixed at RM0.20 each while the retail price for 3-layer of the same mask was selling at RM0.80 each. Traders or retailers found to have breached the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011 would face fines up to RM100,000 or maximum 3-years’ jail, or both, or pay a compound of RM50,000.

But not many lucky souls managed to get their hands on the precious commodity. Thanks to panic buying of face masks, and even hand sanitisers, people continued with their normal life without the first defence. Get real, washing hands with soap is only sufficient if you stay at home. Once you go out, you’re taking a risk without a mask simply because you constantly breathe.

Now, after the total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases breached the 1,000 mark to 1,030 with an additional 130 cases, not to mention a third death, the backdoor government of Muhyiddin Yassin has finally banned the exports of face masks effective March 18. It was quite amazing that the government took weeks before decided to take care of fellow Malaysians.

On March 6, the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry said the Muhyiddin government “may impose” a temporary ban on the export of face masks to meet local demand. Nothing happened. A week later on March 14, the same ministry said in the event of a serious shortage of face masks, the government “will consider” a face mask export ban. Still, nothing happened.

So, the genius in the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry had taken 2 weeks just to think and consider whether an export ban was a good idea, despite the number of Coronavirus cases kept hitting the roof – from 2-digit to 3-digit. Today, Malaysia has the fourth-highest number of Covid-19 infections in Asia – just behind South Korea (8,652), Iran (18,407) and China (80,967).

Perhaps the incompetent backdoor government wanted to wait to ensure enough people have died before seriously taking a simple action like securing face masks for the people. But even when the clueless ministry finally announced the export ban, the price of the 3-layer or three-ply face mask will now cost RM2 instead of RM0.80 a pop – a whopping 150% increase.

Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Alexander Nanta Linggi claimed that the price of face masks needed to be increased due to higher cost of production materials. He said – “By allowing face masks to be sold at RM2, we hope to encourage local manufacturers to produce more.” He must have forgotten that the Pakatan Harapan had been the government prior.
Coronavirus - Malaysia Runs Out of Stock - Mask Sanitizer

The Pakatan Harapan coalition, which had since collapsed, exposed that apparently prior to the coup, the previous government had had discussions with local manufacturers to boost the stocks to ensure sufficient supply of masks within the country. In fact, it was revealed that the then-Pakatan Harapan government was prepared to purchase the face mask at RM0.60 a pop.

Now in the opposition, the Pakatan Harapan presidential council has claimed that the mask manufacturers “did not” demand for any price increase during discussions with the previous Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry. The manufacturers only asked for help with problems of insufficient workers, additional operation shifts, tax breaks and obtaining raw materials.

And those discussions took place before China managed to solve the Coronavirus plaguing the country. Now that the Chinese has won the war against the pathogen, getting the raw materials should not be an issue anymore. In fact, China has excessive products that it has donated 100,000 face masks to Malaysia, scheduled to arrive through an AirAsia flight on Friday (March 20).

Heck, China is flush with tons of masks that Alibaba billionaire Jack Ma has donated 1-million masks and 500,000 Coronavirus test kits to the United States, which is scheduled to arrive in the U.S. on Monday morning. In addition, the wealthiest man in China will also send 2-million masks, 150,000 test kits, 20,000 protective suits and 20,000 face shields to Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines.

With Muhyiddin now works hand-in-glove with the corrupt UMNO, will the past hanky-panky practice emerge once again where the hundreds of thousands of donated masks somehow disappear only to appear on the shelves of some retailers, making someone within the government very rich and laugh all the way to the bank? But that was not the main juice.

The juiciest part is this – if it was true that the local mask manufacturers could not produce 3-layer masks at RM0.60 a piece, which is not true based on Pakatan Harapan’s revelation, why can’t the government allow imports of the masks without raising the market price to RM2? Yes, some government cronies will be making 150% profit out of every face mask at the expense of the ordinary folks.
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Alexander Nanta Linggi - Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister

It was pretty simple to fix the shortage of face masks, if indeed Muhyiddin regime was sincere in helping the people. First, ban all exports of face masks under the pretext of national security. Second, the government will purchase all the masks manufactured locally at RM0.60 a piece as per discussed with the previous government. Third, allow imports of face masks to ensure sufficient supply and low price.

After all, it was only in February (before Muhyiddin’s coup to create the present backdoor government) that the previous Pakatan Harapan government officially announced that the shortage of 3-layer masks would be resolved once local manufacturers start to increase production with an extra 400,000 pieces daily – suggesting that it was still profitable even selling at RM0.60.

Hence, how could it be possible that the cost of production materials suddenly increases by a jaw-dropping 150% between February and March, at a time when China (the country has zero new cases domestically for a second consecutive day, mind you) has recovered from the plague and has so many extra masks to give away? The answer is quite obvious.

Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry admitted back in March 6 that thanks to the outbreak, the demand for 3-layer masks has skyrocketed to 15-million pieces every month. If the government were to buy at RM0.60 (as per earlier discussion between Pakatan Harapan and manufacturers) and resell at RM0.80 a pop, the profit will be only RM1.5 million based on 50:50 profit sharing with retailers.

Of course, if the previous government decided not to make any profit, the retailers will enjoy the entire RM3 million profits based on RM0.20 profit margin. However, now that Muhyiddin government decided to raise the market price to RM2 per piece, suddenly the profit will be RM18 million – every month. Even if retailers are allowed to make RM0.20 a pop, the government cronies will walk away with RM15 million.

Now, do you understand why the ministry announced that besides an increase of price from RM0.80 to RM2 for a piece of face mask, the government has also decided to allow imports of the masks? By doing so, the actual price could be even lower than RM0.60 due to competition. An additional RM0.10 of lower cost will translate to a cool extra RM1.5 million easy money without lifting a finger – every month.

Indeed, it’s not an exaggeration to suggest that Muhyiddin’s backdoor government is a bloodsucking regime who would not blink twice at profiting from the people even in times of Coronavirus pandemic. To prove its innocence, the government must therefore debunk the revelation that the manufacturers had agreed to sell face mask at RM0.60 a piece to the Pakatan Harapan government. - FT


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