Hari ini adalah hari pertama "perintah kawalan pergerakan" di negara kita. Dengan kata-kata mudah, "sila duduk di rumah" dan jarakkan diri anda daripada orang lain.
Dua minggu ni lenggang..ramai pakat berkurung dirumah.. Gara2 kerajaan pintu belakang cetus panik. Yg meniaga ka..keja kilang ka.. yg ambik upah panjat pokok petai pun tumpang panik sama.. walhal panjat pokok jer pun..
Lepas 2 minggu..lepas sebulan dua.. Klinik kerajaan pulak penuh dgn golongan ibu2 pi check perut dh tak boleh kerja kat luar, depa pulun 'buat kerja' kat rumah selama 2 minggu...
Tiba2 keluar larangan yang cetus panik.. yg boleh meniaga pun jadi was-was.. bukan sehari dua..tapi dua minggu..
Kerajaan Dap Pulau Pinang yg 'kapir' pun kurang2 ada jugak sediakan 20juta utk bantu peniaga yg terjejas.. tempat lain??? Negeri lebai PAS bagi apa? air jampi dgn kismis?
Yg dok lagak pakai Merc, Alphard tu.. tersadai lah kereta tepi rumah sebab tak dpt spare part kalau kereta buat perangai.. baru ada akai...
Mana pi dah puak2 yg gedik kempen Buy Malay First tu?? Last2 depa yg awai2 serbu kat Tesco, supermarket milik tokey2 Cina...

Kita mempunyai peluang yang tipis untuk memutuskan rangkaian jangkitan COVID-19. Bantulah KKM dengan memainkan peranan hangpa, kerana setiap individu bertanggungjawab untuk mengambil segala langkah, berjaga-jaga demi keselamatan diri dan keluarga.
Kegagalan bukan pilihan di sini. Jika tidak, kita mungkin menghadapi gelombang ketiga virus ini, yang seterusnya akan menjadi lebih besar seperti tsunami, lebih-lebih lagi, jika kita mempunyai sikap "tidak kisah"... - Aman Shah 11

Pelajar Sekolah,MRSM,University yang dicutikan 2 Minggu, wajar dibenarkan mereka pulang ke rumah... dan waktu ini mereka sesuai berada dipersekitaran rumah masing2 berbanding University..
Makan dan masa depa terurus lebih baik bila bersama keluarga berbanding di Unveristy.. melainkan mereka itu ada simptom demam ,batuk dan selsema.. dalam waktu ini proses disinfection atau pembersihan sesuai dilakukan di University..
Berbeza pandangan aku dengan Pekerja,Ketua Keluarga yang bercuti lalu pulang ke kampung bersama anak2 bercuti bersama Keluarga.. Itu memang tak patut.. sebabnya pergerakan Pelajar di kampus mereka tidak terdedah dengan perskitaran luar berbanding sebagian pekerja..

Aku tak dapat bayangkan, bila University arah kosongkan Univeristy..mereka ini semua terperangkap..dalam keadaan persekitaran kedai dan perniagaan tutup..bagaimana depa nak makan ? hat aku kat kawasan aku jenuh nak cari makan.. apalagi Pelajar Univesity..
Lainlah kalau Kementerian Pendidikan, Pihak Univeristy NADMA menyediakan Pakej bantuan Makanan, dalam tempoh mereka dikuaratin...aku simpati dengan nasib pelajar pelajar Univeristy ini.. bayangkan kalau itu adik dan keluarga korang..
Nampaknya segala sudut dan Kementerian Kerajaan Pintu Belakang dan rampasan kuasa ini gagal...Memang layak dikata Kerajaan tebuk Atap.. - Ipohmali
Tp itu semua bkn silap phk polis,krana mereka hnya menerima arahan sbgaimana yg diarahkan oleh phk kjaan.. Kalau solat jumaat ditegah,knapa suasana begini tidak?
Sebenarnya terlalu simple utk org tdk beratur..Just buat aje website utk isytihar keluar daerah/kawasan dan hanya isi secara online..Tak perlu beratur..
5 negeri pembangkang kamu tak jemputpun utk sama2 hadir mesyuarat..Mngkin drp 5 wakil yg tak dijemput,salah seorg blh bg idea yg bernas..Lantak kamulah,kalau dah rakyat minat dgn kjaan pintu belakang..
Semoga anggota2 polis sentiasa sabar,tabah dan tenang dlm menempuh suasana yg sulit dan sukar ini..Jasa anggota2 polis terlalu besar dlm menjaga keselamatan negara.. - f/bk
For companies affected by Malaysia’s restricted movement order, the Singapore Government will provide S$50 for accommodation of every worker per night for 14 nights if it is not feasible for them to stay with relatives, friends or colleagues, say Josephine Teo, Minister of Manpower and Second Minister of Home Affairs
Menteri Singapore.. Ni baru betul peranan sebagai sebuah Kerajaan..Bagi Pekerja yang terjejas,Diberikan bantuan Singapore Dollar S$ 50 setiap hari, bagi setiap pekerja yang terjejas akibat sekatan..
Nampaknya kawalan dan cara depa mengurus masalah dan mengambil berat soal ekonomi Negara dan Rakyat... - f/bk

Din's half-baked national
directive for social distancing...
First,dont get us wrong.We are always prepared to give a fledgling new government a chance.But if in its first public directive,it fumbles big-time,indicative of its lack of thought and planning over a policy matter,it does take quite a bit of convincing that it is actually a functional unit.
Social distancing was to combat the spread of Convid 19 through close over-crowding,it seems. But tonight over-crowding were at major police stations,ironically created by the need for social distancing.
Within hours of the controlled movement directive by Muyiddin,after his golf game that delayed the telecast,came the IGP's interpretation of the approvals needed from the police in order to cross state boundaries.
You have to fill a form. What? In these times of on-line everything! We bet the form is not even a legally registered document either. And wait for the police approval. How it is approved is a mystery,like if you need medical necessities etc,maybe?
Somebody forgot about the university students who sre not from the localities. The universities them to get out of their hostels,and yet the police have just told them to get their written permission first.
Orang ramai serbu balai polis
Tempers flared. And a policeman was recorded giving the weary and tired undergraduates a lecture that the purpose of the whole exercise was to reduce close socialising,that they should not go back to their kampungs and spread stuff. Stay where they were,he urged.
He was spot-on,but he was ignorant of the fact that the kids have no place to stay soon,having been asked to go. These are,in fact,the fortunate ones compared to the ones without travelling expenses for such emergency trips. Aha!! A Malay government not familiar with Malay poverty!
What poor coordination between government agencies that caused the student to suffer. Even the Minister of Higher Learning had to publicly appeal not to be cruel to the students. Finally,at late night the order to fill in the forms were rescinded to the student's relief.
New orders will be made after a meeting later. What? You had not known or discuss the consequences of your orders? Wasn't there a plan? What a bunch of nincompoops! Anyway,we can bet that a thousand votes were lost from "saliran satu" tonight!
Crowds after crossing Causeway to Singapore...
Then,until at the time of writing,there must be a crowd of tens of thousands of Malaysian stranded on the causeway,trying to get there before the midnight dateline,and to be there at work tomorrow in order not to lose their cherished jobs. Patying with Convid 19 alright!
The government is still silent as to any inter-govermental understanding as to their being away for two weeks from their jobs. Will it still be there when they come back?
Wisely,they dump their government and decided to be in Singapore tonight,squat at their friends' place or as one father of six said,"I will sleep in the five-footway for the two weeks if I have to!!
And in all that fiasco there was silence from the government, No cabinet minister even bother to say anything. Like this was happening in another country.
We'll let it go this time. But the next fumble will invite hell because it's support-the- semburit team again! - Umar Mukhtar.
Our Politicians Have Failed Us...
I could recall vividly the time I stood in line at the designated polling station in Bercham waiting anxiously for my turn to cast my vote. It was the morning of Sunday, May 8, 2018. And the occasion was General Election 14, better known by its acronym GE 14.
My wife and I arrived early to be among the first to do our part for the country. We had been diligently voting in successive elections and our polling station was either at the Bercham Chinese school or the national school in Tasek. This was contingent to our listed address in our identity cards. And as responsible citizens, we had never failed in our duty. However, can we say the same of our politicians?
As long as I can remember our politicians have been involved in one political manoeuvering after another. Some were embroiled in political scandals and shameful misdeeds. And they have no qualms in doing so openly and under the glare of publicity. Examples are plenty so there is no necessity to name one or an occasion.
Events following the ouster of Tun Mahathir, the sitting Prime Minister and the appointment of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as the 8th Prime Minister on Monday, March 1, has taken a toll on the people to the point that trust in politicians is fast disappearing. This trust deficit is not evident in me alone but in many whom I had spoken to. And that includes Raj, my barber in Bercham. In fact, he has been the most vocal among my many acquaintances.
Malaysians are growing tired of politics and politicians because of the protracted crisis which has dogged us. The manner in which the new PM got appointed had left many questions unanswered.
“Did he really have the numbers?” asked Raj. “Or was it trickery by another name?”
Malaysians are beginning to doubt the functions of representative democracy. Others vowed not to vote in the coming elections.
“I think trust in politicians is at an all-time low. Politics is probably the most hated profession at the moment,” said another friend.
Critics have described the new ruling coalition as a back door government as it comprises BN, which was ousted in the last general election, and others such as the dodgy Islamist party, PAS. It is considered morally inappropriate as it is not mandated by the rakyat.
Let us look into the past to make sense of things. Even during the 1997-9 political upheaval, a government was there for better or for worse. The people’s mandate was sought soon after Anwar Ibrahim, the deputy prime minister was sacked. The rakyat decided to keep the status quo despite lots of misgivings about how Anwar was ousted.
This time around, political shenanigans have been elevated to a new level. This is unprecedented in our political history.
Many Malaysians, especially those who voted for Pakatan Harapan (PH) in the last elections, are dismayed. The political drama had confused the rakyat. Some netizens became keyboard warriors to voice out their dissatisfactions.
There are plenty of reasons why people are upset. Among them is PH’s failure to maintain solidarity within the coalition. Their opponents, BN and PAS, saw this as an opportunity when PH collapsed.
What frustrated people, especially those who had a hand in PH’s GE14 victory, was that the crisis occurred at the highest level among the political elites. They could not do anything about it but to watch helplessly on the sidelines.
And this resulted in Muhyiddin Yassin getting appointed as prime minister. It was something unexpected. How he got into the King’s good books is a million-dollar question many have been asking. But since the monarch has decided it is a done deal.
In politics, there are no permanent friends and enemies. We are aware of that. But there must be some dignity and decorum left in the hearts of the most ambitious and malicious of politicians. At least respect the mandate of the rakyat in the May 2018 general election.
They booted out a six-decade-old government short on ideas but high on corruption and welcomed a new untested coalition. It was people’s power at its best. Malaysians gambled their future in Pakatan Harapan. Thousands living abroad returned home to vote. The ink on their fingers had barely dried when the true colours of the new government manifested itself. Promises were largely ignored. Race relations got worse. Cost of living soared and is still soaring. The failures are not that of the voters but the very people they voted in.
What is amazing is that the very people who liked to demonise ‘the other side’ suddenly find it acceptable to work with ‘the devils’.
We should learn from the Belgians. Their country was without a government for 541 days from 2010 to 2011 when the ruling coalition collapsed. It happened again last year when they only had a caretaker prime minister. In an era when trust and faith in politicians are growing thin, the Belgium experience is a good example.
Perhaps the time has come for us to experiment with one. Our civil service is reasonably competent to begin with. They have not really shown what they are truly capable of because of interference from politicians.
Tommy Thomas and Latheefa Koya are two fine examples of exemplary civil servants. Too bad their careers were short-lived due to the current political imbroglio.
What we need is an interim prime minister and a lame-duck parliament which is incapable of passing any laws. In such an instance civil servants have no other choice but to come to the fore. Let the Chief Secretary or the KSN (Ketua Setiausaha Negara) call the shots. - Fathol Zaman Bukhari,Ipoh Echo
VIP saja kah yg kena scan?
Yg lain ada guarantee letter ke bebas dari CoVid 19?