Update Menteri Kesihatan kerajaan pintu belakang... >> Berita Malay 18

Malam tadi dalam satu rancangan temubual bersama menteri PENYAMUN NASIONAL (PNipu), menteri  dari negeri lanun penyamun cuba memberi naratif dalam bentuk sejarah menyalahkan Pakatan Harapan kononnya wabak Covid-19 tidak dibendung dari awal.

Namun akhirnya soalan yang dikemukakan moderator berkenaan situasi semasa di hospital dijawab dengan penuh merapu seolah-olah langsung tidak pernah memantau keadaan terkini pesakit yang sedang menerima rawatan.Pendek kata moderator tanya keadaan petugas kesihatan di hospital, Menteri kudeta bagi history lesson Covid19...

Inilah bahana akibat melantik penyamun jadi kerajaan semburit menggunakan pintu belakang, akhirnya rakyat yang menanggung derita sedang mereka sibuk main golf dan berpesta suka ria!

Menteri Kesihatan bercakap tak ada standard langsong... Tergagap-gagap baca teks, entah apa benda dia nak khabar tak tahu.
Menteri Kesihatan kata Virus Covid19 boleh hilang dengan minum air masak sebab virus suka paru-paru bawah tapi masuk ke dalam perut kuman tu mampos pasai air dan kesan asid dalam perut tu.

Baru tadi gua ada baca rencana BBC yang berjodul "No!! drinking water doesn't kill coronavirus" Gua pun naik konfius kat sapa guan nak percaya? Rencana tu atau Menteri Kesihatan Kudeta kita?
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Nii Menteri kesihatan ke, atau Menteri direct selling? Macam nak jual filter air RO saja .Virus tak mati kalu minum air suam dan tak mati kena asid perut. Baik menteri ini suruh orang minum sebaldi air sabun perlahan2 sebab air sabun boleh memecahkan dinding virus dan bertindak balas dengan protein dalam virus.

Pasai apa tak beritahu awal2 yg RTM sekarang ada segmen baru..Segmen "Tanya Lain,Jawab Lain" ini bakal mengundang ramai penonton..Terbaik RTM dlm usaha meningkat rating penonton dgn kerjasama Menteri Kesihatan M'sia... - f/bk

Raja Bomoh Malaysia is back...
Raja Bomoh pun sedang berusaha keras bebaskan dunia dari wabak Covid19. 
Hanya dengan pusing globe, Raja Bomoh sudah jampi satu bumi dari serangan Coronavirus@Covid19. Duduk rumah jangan stress2. Enjoy the video... 

Perlukan kerahan tentera Ahad ini ?...

Tidak perlu. Kerahan tentera membuktikan 70 org menteri2 PN gagal dan polis juga gagal kawal orangramai sedangkan sebenarnya polis berjaya kawal cuma ada beberapa kes terpencil itu yg diperbesarkan UmnoPas.

Tak perlu kerahan tentera. Terlalu awal tentera dikerah sedangkan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan baru hari ke 2... masih ada 12 hari lagi.

Tak perlu kerahan tentera kecuali kalau 80-90% kawalan polis GAGAL. Rakyat semakin LIAR. Mana ada? Tak ada kan!??
Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, possible text that says 'A Ruzaini Rosle Yesterday at 10:10 PM Polis: Balik le pakcik. Pakcik: Last round. Sikit lagi naik haji.'

Normal lah hari pertama rakyat belum boleh sesuaikan diri duduk di rumah/ jgn keluar rumah. Hari ke 2 semakin berkurang. Hari ke 3 sikap rakyat semakin baik. Patuh arahan kan... Ini normal.

Tentera dikerahkan... bukan nak gi perang, tapi nak suruh rakyat balik duk rumah.. Rakyat degil tahap kangkung goreng belacan.

Kerahan tentera perlu jika dan hanya jika keadaan DARURAT (LOCKDOWN) samada penyakit semakin teruk menular kadar kematian meningkat mendadak (nauzubillah) ATAU berlaku rusuhan (tak mungkin@ rakyat Malaysia baik, patuh arahan cuma kurang kesedaran tentang penyakit Coronavirus kerana lambat peka dan lambat pendedahan oleh kerajaan sambil lewa) - Mur Ni
Image may contain: text that says 'Ambik Kuasa Dengan Cara Tak Maka Dapatlah Hasil Yang Tak Sepatutnya. .ALLAH SWT SEGALANYA.'

Ikut hukum akal, segala bala masalah mak nenek yg tengah melanda sekarang ini,sepatutnya kerajaaan PH yg hadap. Ikut logik, sekarang ni, Lim Guan Eng, Dr Zul dan semua barisan kabinet kerajaan Pakatan Harapan sedang disumpah seranah oleh walauan dan penyokong Umno kerana sekarang ini pesakit yang positif Covid 19 bertambah dengan banyak setiap hari.

Gagal kawal virus, gagal perbaiki ekonomi, gagal naikkan harga sawit, gagal naikkan RM... Pendek kata, semua yg ada,diCELAKAKAN semahu mungkin.Memang kalau MELAH dengar mahu lari tak pakai kain dia,tak sempat bubuh kunci lori terus start pakai bunyi dimulut!

Tapi....Allah Maha Besar, Dia terbalikkan semua tu, untuk mereka yg lapar sangat nakkan kuasa, tak sempat tunggu tempoh mandat yg rakyat bagi berakhir, dia bagi kuasa sekelip mata kepada mereka.

Ikut logik, mana mungkin PAKATAN HARAPAN yg ada majoriti 130 kerusi lebih boleh tiba-tiba jatuh...? Tetapi kuasa Allah nak tunjuk, dia bagi jatuh, dia bagi kepada kepada puak-puak pengkhianat dan lebai belukang...

Maka, kalau tengok puak sekarang dan penyokong mereka, tiada sekelumit kegembiraan walaupun mendapat kuasa seperti yg mereka nak. 90% kerusi adalah kerusi yg mereka nak, iaitu bangsa melayu.

Sekarang,kalau kau tengok kat mana-mana portal, bersilat lidah menteri2 mereka menepis cacian rakyat.Para penyokong yg ada pun tidak membantu seperti ALLAH kelu kan lidah mereka dan KERAS tangan mereka nak menaip.

Apakah kerajaan yang ada sekarang ni, walaupun 90% melayu, islam, tidak dibantu oleh Allah untuk hadapi semua ni walaupun ada LEBAI belukang? Yang ambo tahu, islam dan perkauman, bagaikan air dan minyak. Tak boleh bercampur.

Ironinya, China dah berjaya kawal virus, kini yg nampak tak terkawal, negara lain, termasuk Malaysia. Masih terkial-kail termasuk Pak Menteri seperti ramai yang tiga suku!

Lagi ironi, punca penularan berkaitan himpunan keagamaan. Sedangkan punca segala masalah dlm malaysia sebelum ini juga isu agama dan bangsa dijadikan modal besar oleh golongan LEBAI BELUKANG! Wallahualam. - Nyamuk Mengiggit

Muhyiddin Yassin - Coronavirus
Movement Control Gets Out Of Control – After His Own Screw-Up, PM Muhyiddin Warns Of Extended Lockdown...

The backdoor government of Muhyiddin Yassin has screwed up so spectacularly in handling the Coronavirus crisis that the previous legitimately elected Pakatan Harapan (PH) government looks like a gem. The present regime has made so many fatal U-turns that it makes former Prime Minister Mahathir, known for his “U-turn government”, appears like a darling.

Sure, the now-collapsed PH government had made dozens of U-turn. But at least, those U-turn did not carry the risk of exposing people to the possibility of death. From the moment Prime Minister Muhyiddin announced on Monday (March 16) that a 2-week nationwide lockdown was necessary to curb the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus, it was doomed to make the situation worse.

The decision was bold and decisive, not that he had any other option. But that’s about it. There was no comprehensive study, let alone a detail and realistic execution plan. The incompetent government was merely fire-fighting. There was almost zero coordination among all the government agencies, police and military simply because nobody seems to know what to do.

Only the prime minister can declare a lockdown or emergency based on the advice of the National Security Council Act 2016 under the provision Act 776. While everyone agreed that the Covid-19 has become a threat to national security, all the 8 geniuses who attended the National Security Council (NSC) meeting appeared to be as clueless as the guy sitting next to them on what to do next.

The 8 members of the NSC comprise Chairperson Muhyiddin, Home Minister Hamzah Zainudin, Defense Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Communications and Multimedia Minister Saifuddin Abdullah, International Trade & Industry Minister Azmin Ali, Chief Secretary Mohd Zuki Ali, Chief of Defense Affendi Buang and Inspector General of Police Abdul Hamid Bador.

After Muhyiddin announced the decision to lock down the country in a special televised broadcast to 33-million Malaysians, it was mission accomplished. The rest of the NSC members continued with their Candy Crush game. Exactly how much could International Trade & Industry Minister Azmin Ali contribute in the NSC meeting is quite a mystery.

Common sense says any health or medical specialist would be able to offer more useful advices to the council than a disgraceful politician like Azmin. Subsequent chaos proved that not only the entire NSC top guns were clueless on how the Coronavirus spread, they were also ill-prepared to engage the pathogen in a warfare that has since gotten worse than before the lockdown.
Image may contain: 2 people, possible text that says 'COVID 19 Malaysia kini negara ke-4 tertinggi di Asia! (Sumber Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia setakat 20 Mac 2020) CHINA 80,967 KOREA SELATAN 8,652 MALAYSIA 1.030 JEPUN 958 (COVID-19 tidak terkawal selepas komplot Azmin- min-Muhyiddin membuat rampasan mpasan kuasa pada 24 Feb 2020 melalui "Langkah Sheraton")'

Did Communications Minister Saifuddin Abdullah communicate any important information in the form of FAQs on a timely basis to the public to prevent panic and confusion? Nope. Hours before the lockdown announcement, panic buying had already begun after people read the rumours on social media. To add fuel to the rumour mill, the PM proudly said “wait for the big news tonight”.

The panic and confusion continued even “after” the lockdown announcement. Right, it was just a partial lockdown and Muhyiddin prefers the term MCO (movement control order). Whatever you like to call it, would it not be more effective to restrict movement by states or even by districts based on the geographical locations of the patients tested positive for the Coronavirus?

Hilariously, the prime minister announced a lockdown, but allowed everyone to travel interstate. People happily packed their luggages, pumped their tank to the fullest, and travelled back to their “kampung (hometown)” as if it was “Cuti-Cuti Malaysia” (vacations or holidays). Sure, there were some irresponsible and ignorant people who travelled instead of locked up at home.

However, a massive of those travellers who had chosen to return to their respective hometown all over the country were university students. They were chased out of their hostels because the genius Higher Education Ministry decided to shut down all public and private universities until March 31. The ministry essentially sent a mass of people to congested train stations and bus stations.

Instead of discouraging movement, the Higher Education Ministry encouraged them to move to a point of convergence, much to the pleasure of the Coronavirus. By the time the clueless Muhyiddin government realised the mistake and made a U-turn, it was already too late. The virus may have already spread among the packed travellers either at the transportation hubs or inside the buses or trains.

As one of four Senior Ministers, did Defense Minister Ismail Sabri communicate with his colleague, UMNO warlord and Higher Education Minister Noraini Ahmad, about the scope of coverage and all the relevant plans and procedures related to the so-called movement control order? Or was the Defense Minister fantasizing about turtle eggs during the NSC meeting?

Had the Pakatan Harapan coalition government still in charge, the racist UMNO and extremist PAS will accuse DAP of being anti-Malay and anti-Islam for closing down all the mosques nationwide and shutting down all the universities. Has anyone noticed how extraordinary quiet Islamist party PAS and UMNO Malay nationalist party are today?
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, text

To make matters worse, the top police chief was as clueless as the turtle egg Ismail Sabri. Obviously panicked and unprepared, IGP Hamid Bador made an impromptu decision on Tuesday (March 17), just hours before the lockdown goes into effect, that a special written “permit” to travel between states in the country must be obtained to check the spread of Covid-19.

Exactly how could a piece of paper prevent the spread of the virus is beyond comprehension. But the joke didn’t end there. Just 5 hours after the order was issued, the police was forced to revoke it at about 11pm on Tuesday after police stations nationwide were swarmed with people planning to travel. Again, Coronavirus might have spread at the packed police stations.

Yesterday, Muhyiddin was forced to be on live TV – begging the people to stay at home. The incompetent prime minister probably hadn’t realized that he was trying to close the stable door after the horse has bolted. He appeared to be blaming the people for his own government’s screw-up when he mentioned about bus stations packed with thousands of people.

The PM even warned that if his half-baked plan to contain the spread of Coronavirus fails, the lockdown could be extended beyond March 31. In his speech, Muhyiddin claimed his government was concerned over the 790 infected cases. Yet, he played petty politics and refused to invite Chief Ministers from the states controlled by opposition Pakatan Harapan for a special National Action Council meeting.

Now, after the damage has been done, the Higher Education Ministry made a U-turn and prohibited public and private university students from leaving their campus. Even if a conservative 20% of an estimated 700,000 public university students had escaped, the country is looking at 140,000 students who could potentially spread the virus in the rural areas.

Already, one passenger on Plusliner express bus from Johor Baru to Kuantan has been tested positive for Covid-19. And the turtle egg Defense Minister Ismail Sabri has threatened to unleash the military to enforce the movement control order – suggesting that the police under the leadership of IGP Hamid Bador is not capable of doing his job to enforce the lockdown order.

PM Muhyiddin should think twice before allowing his UMNO brother to bring in the military. It could create serious panic and more confusion – even perception – that the backdoor government is taking advantage of the Coronavirus pandemic to try to stay in power through military rule for as long as they want. The stock market may plunge further and investors may get out in droves. - FT
Image may contain: possible text that says 'PERBANDINGAN HARGA 3 PLY FACE MASK ZAMAN PH RM0.80 SEUNIT ZAMAN PN RM2.00 SEUNIT NASIBLAH LABU...'

Kerajaan suruh duduk rumah sendiri, 
bukan rumah orang lain...
Image may contain: 1 person, standing, possible text that says 'STAY AT HOME OR THIS BECOMES YOUR HOME #DudukRumah #StayHome'

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