Update Sapa tipu sapa? Sapa sailang sapa..part 2... >> Berita Malay 18

Rakaman suara kedua dikatakan dirakam dalam mesyuarat Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi (MPT) Bersatu sebelum keluar PH pula di muat naik ke Internet di laman web pro-Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Suara mirip bekas perdana menteri itu meminta mesyuarat tidak memaksanya untuk mungkir janji meletakkan jawatan.

“Tolonglah jangan paksa saya. 

"Jangan paksa saya buat sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan prinsip saya,” menurut individu itu dengan suara sebak.

“Saya janji saya tunai. Saya kata nak letak jawatan, saya letak jawatan.”

"Tapi saya kalau janji nak letak jawatan, saya tak dibenar meletak jawatan, itu salah saya sebab keputusan itu ada pada diri saya," kata rakaman suara itu lagi.

Rakaman suara itu dipercayai membincangkan isu peralihan kuasa antara bekas perdana menteri itu dengan Presiden PKR Anwar Ibrahim.

Sumber yang dekat dengan Mahathir pula mengesahkan bahawa rakaman itu asli.

Dalam rakaman pertama yang bocor, individu dengan suara mirip Presiden Bersatu Muhyiddin Yassin memberitahu mesyuarat supaya memberikan kepercayaan kepada Mahathir untuk menentukan kedudukan Bersatu dalam PH. Portal ini difahamkan ia dirakam di penghujung mesyuarat pada 23 Februari.

Menurut rakaman suara itu, tiada siapa yang boleh memintanya supaya tidak melepaskan jawatan jika sudah buat keputusan sedemikian rupa. Berdasarkan rakaman suara itu, ia dirakam dalam satu pertemuan dengan pihak yang menyokong Mahathir untuk terus menerajui negara.

"Sebab itu, hari ini akan diadakan satu mesyuarat dengan pihak-pihak mereka yang sokong saya dari parti lawan ini akan jumpa dengan saya dan inilah juga cerita yang saya akan sampaikan.

"Dengan itu perancangan untuk mengadap duli yang maha mulia untuk menyatakan bahawa saya dapat sokongan daripada majoriti tak perlu dibuatlah kerana saya dah dapat sokongan.

"Saya belum letak jawatan. Itulah cerita yang sebenarnya saya," menurut rakaman audio itu lagi.

Pada 26 Feb lalu, Mahathir melepaskan jawatan sebagai perdana menteri ketujuh selepas tidak sampai dua tahun menerajui kepimpinan negara. Keputusan itu dibuat di tengah-tengah kemelut yang menyaksikan Bersatu bertindak meninggalkan PH. - mk

Gua yakin 1000% PN has "No Numbers..  Muhyidin nak ambil Kedah kena usul di Dewan Undangan Negeri.. Tun M nak ambil Negara kena usul di Dewan Rakyat.. Cuma PAS ja guna Dewan Merbok untuk dapatkan asal-usul kebodohan para walaun's negara.. - f/bk

Imej mungkin mengandungi: satu atau lebih orang, teks mungkin yang mengatakan 'malaysiakini HADIAH RAYA BERITA GEMBIRA RAKYAT MALAYSIA Takbirrr Lepas ni, bebaskan mak & bapa tiri pula.. malayslakinil.com BERITA Anak tiri Najib dilepas tanpa dibebaskan'
Mahkamah melepas tanpa 
membebaskan anak tiri Najib...

Keputusan mahkamah hari ini melepas tanpa membebaskan (DNAA) penerbit filem Hollywood Riza Aziz bergantung kepada pematuhannya terhadap persetujuan yang dicapai bersama pendakwaan untuk memulangkan jutaan ringgit wang kerajaan yang didakwa berkaitan degan lima pertuduhan pengubahan wang haram.

Bagaimanapun, sekiranya Riza gagal untuk mematuhi perjanjian tersebut, maka pendakwaan berhak untuk mengenakan semula pertuduhan tersebut dan mendakwanya di mahkamah.

Hal ini dimaklumkan pada salinan kenyataan yang dibacakan oleh Ketua DPP Gopal Sri Ram ketika beliau memberitahu Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur pagi ini mengenai persetujuan dicapai antara tertuduh dan pihak pendakwaan. - mk

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Sekarang ni rakyat malaysia dah boleh mencuri dan mwnyamun. Kalau kena tangkap, cuma perlu pulangkan balik hasil damun dan curi tu. Hoi....tak payah mimpi lah, kau rakyat babi tetap masuk penjara. Golongan bangsawan suci saja layak dibebaskan. - Syed Azahar

Curi duit dulu kalau kena tangkap bagi balik tiada tuduhan curi kosong lah penjara sungai buluh , untuk rakyat penjara penuh. - Alicina Ali

Mana rakyat nak tahu dia bayar atau tak, ini semua hanya lakonan saja. Ini lah yg saya katakan bila kita serah kuasa pada penyamun semua penyamun akan di bebas kan.Tengok lah tak lama lagi si najib, rosmah, si zahid dan semua yg lain2 akan di bebaskan juga. - Ismail Ali Ali

Nanti sekiranya najib di dapati bersalah, lawyer najib boleh merayu guna alasan "akan" kembalikan wang tersebut kepada kerajaan, selesai... semoga bertemu lagi selepas pilihan raya - Acho Labacho

Dah agak dah.. bila saja Din pengkhianat naik jadi PM..Skrip² karangan puak² Umno Najibun akan te-realisasi satu persatu. -  Radn MJ 

It’s a prelude by the backdoor PN government to acquit the big crooks like Najib, Zahid, Ku Nan, Azeez and Bung Mochtar without having them to plead guilty so that these crooks can re-start their political life with a clean slate. - Rupert16

TThomas has denied that he ever agreed to this backdoor deal.Can the current backdoor AG and the MACC now hide their faces in shame? Now we know what the backdoor AG has been doing all this while. Just looking for ways to free the thieves. From excellence in Tommy Thomas, we now have garbage masquerading as an AG. - On the other hand

Muhyiddin's days are numbered?...

The 2018 general elections brought together four different political parties with divergent ideologies and political philosophies but one common goal, to topple the 60-year-old BN regime. The kingpin of that epoch-making miracle was Tun Mahathir.

The same Mahathir was instrumental in the collapse of the PH administration on February 24, 2020. And with PH now moving to table a private member's motion of no confidence against the prime minister, still this same Mahathir is the proposer. In other words, this guy plays a pivotal role in each and every key stage in the coalition's success as well as its downfall.

On the second anniversary of the nation's first ever change of federal administration on May 9, Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim were back in good terms, again. Many were awed when the news broke. The duo insisted in a joint statement that they were prepared to put aside their differences "for the sake of the people"!

I recently wrote on this very column about the political drama unfolding in the country. No, this whole thing has not come to a close yet. Expect more sequels to follow. Indeed "power" makes one out of his mind and control. Politics itself is not a dirty name, but politicians are.

19th century British prime minister Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston famously said, "We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual..." 

For the sake of political power, one would work with a demon that keeps betraying others, thinking that a little caution should keep the dangers at bay.

It doesn't matter now who was betraying whom or who was the culprit that brought down the PH administration. What is important is the reality that power is already in hand or about to be so. The noble rhetoric "for the sake of the people, nation and religion" is not to be taken seriously.

Apparently the coronavirus has failed to teach our politicians a lesson. Politicians on both sides of the divide have forgotten that a week before the regime change in February, the country went without a functioning government and cabinet. The whole burden was forced onto the shoulders of our health DG Noor Hisham. 

If the tabligh gathering at Masjid Seri Petaling could be stopped in time, the number of our positive COVID-19 cases could have been halved! With the outbreak gradually tamed down now, these politicians are waiting to act again in a renewed round of power struggle.

Muhyiddin is rightly called the country's weakest prime minister in history. Response to his call to get 12 political parties to join forces to consolidate his Perikatan Nasional alliance has been underwhelming. Umno president Ahmad Zahid says his party's support for PN is established upon the basis of individual Umno MPs being part of the government.

Zahid is not someone one should take very lightly, and Muhyiddin will learn about this in time. Muhyiddin's excessively bloated 70-plus-member cabinet is not big enough to satiate the lust of the Umno chief, and the DPM post he has been coveting is still pending to this day.

PPBM has a total of 36 parliamentary seats, of which Muhyiddin comfortably commands 32, with the remaining four being Mahathir and his closest aides. The prime minister needs the support of BN (42 seats), PAS (18) and GPS (19) to make up 115 in order to hold on to his office.

It is a matter of time the PN regime will fall, if Muhyiddin is unable to meet the demands of Umno and PAS. PPBM will only lose working with Umno-PAS. Due to overlapping of seats, its candidates will inevitably have to fight tooth and nail with candidates from Umno and PAS come the next general elections.

There's no bounds to Umno's and PAS's greed. To quench their thirst, Muhyiddin has agreed to put all PN backbenchers on GLC boards in a blatant political appointment in gross disregard of an appointee's capability and background. But even that will not appease Umno-PAS, the starving vulture ready to gobble up the whole of PPBM.

Even within his own party Muhyiddin is no better than a lame duck, facing the hostile actions of Mahathir. And his plan to convene a supreme council meeting to ax Mahathir and his son has been cautiously shelved. With enemies all around him—Umno and PAS on one side and Mahathir on the other—Muhyiddin's days are numbered barring any miracle. - Pook Ah Lek, Sin Chew Daily

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