Update Tabung Haji - Jawablah lebai2 weh bila mati sekso... >> Berita Malay 18

Jawablah kau di akhirat nanti dan di alam kubur yang selalu kau ceritakan itu. 
Jangan di akhirat nanti tertunduk2 malu kau pada Dr Mujahid...

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Syukur PN yang perintah, dapat tahu sapa yg menipu sebenaqnya...

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Hampir 2 Tahun , Para agamawan, Asatizah dok sebarkan fitnah kepada Dr Mujahid dalam group2 Whatsapp, termasuk Group Whatsapp taman hatta Group Masjid.. Jangan kata Group Whatsapp, hatta dalam Kuliah dan Khutbah Jumaat pun yang mana depa fitnah Dr Mujahid jual aset Tabung Haji..Jual Aset Ummat Islam, apalagi kata jual kat Cina..Tujuan mereka menyemai kebencian kepada Dr Mujahid dan Kerajaan PH..

Pengstrukturan Tabung Haji yang dilaksanakanoleh kerajaan PH tempoh hari bukan saja berjaya, tetapi menakjubkan.. Jual beli aset berupa saham, perladangan mahupun hartanah adalah perkara biasa bagi sebuah syarikat pelaburan seperti tabung Haji, begitu juga yang dilakukan KWSP dan Khazanah.. apa yang penting Aset dan keuntungannya bertambah.. 

Dengaq kata Ostad Dusuki syukur sebab dapat tahu TH untung.. Patutnya bukan kena syukur.. kena mohon maaf, bertaubat sebab mengfitnah Dr Mujahid tak henti2 dalam Kuliah2nya.Takda rasa bersalah langsung.Apa dia ingat dia pegang kunci Syurga dan Neraka sampai takdak Dosa langsung... - f/bk

Apa sebenar berlaku pada Tabung Haji???

Tabung Haji melanggar syarat pembayaran dividen...


Isu Tabung Haji: Apa yang anda perlu tahu? | Astro Awani

Under the previous Najib administration, bootlicker Azeez became a director of Tabung Haji in 2011. After his election to Parliament in 2013, he became Tabung Haji’s chairman. The crook, together with former CEOs Ismee Ismail and Johan Abdullah, happily plundered the Hajj pilgrims’ money. Azeez was working hand in glove with Najib when Tabung Haji’s money was used to bail out 1MDB.

In 2019, according to Singapore “The Sunday Times”, the hard-earned savings fund for Muslims to perform the mandatory hajj pilgrimage should have RM64 billion in assets, but had been found to be short of RM4 billion in deposits in 2016. Known as the “King of Mamak Gang”, Azeez was so powerful and corrupt that even the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) was in his pocket. - FT

Dewan Rakyat Speaker 
set a world precedent...

By his razor thin victory in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday, Muhyiddin has brought Malaysia back to the Dark Ages (476 AD - 1453). For an unexplained reason, other than wanting his own candidate as the Dewan Rakyat Speaker, the son of the ulama took a gamble and plunged the country further into discord.

I might add to Mohamad Ariff's statement that never in the history of the country that the appointment of a House Speaker had been so divisive. Muhyiddin might have succeeded in getting rid of a highly respected Speaker, who was a former Appeal Court judge, and installing a lawyer as his anointed Speaker but he now has to defend him as well.

With such a narrow victory margin - two votes in a 222-strong House - the new Speaker, Azhar Harun aka Art Harun, could find it tough to gain respect of members and establish his credibility. A fellow lawyer even suggested in his Facebook post yesterday that Azhar should acknowledge that it was Umno and Pas MPs who fought hard to create the vacancy so that he could slide in.

The days and months ahead could prove to be challenging as the 109-members who did not support the removal of his predecessor might give him a hard time. Interestingly, by sacking Mohamad Ariff, Muhyiddin now knows the kind of support he enjoys in the Dewan Rakyat. With 111 vs 109 Muhyiddin's future continues to hang by a thread...- A.Kadir Jasin

Too close for comfort...

The 111 “ayes” the prime minister obtained in Parliament might be enough to replace Tan Sri Mohamad Ariff Mohd Yusof and Nga Kor Ming as Speaker and Deputy Speaker respectively. And Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has proven that he has the support of the Dewan Rakyat.

However 111 is not a simple majority in Parliament, the magic number being 112. But had Datuk Seri Maximus Ongkili been present, his vote would surely have gone to the “ayes”, giving Muhyiddin the simple majority. He is after all the Perikatan Nasional MP for Kota Marudu.

Ongkili was absent on medical grounds from the Dewan Rakyat when it reconvened on Monday July 13. Even without his vote, the government motion to replace Ariff and Nga tabled by the prime minister won by two votes. Deputy Speaker Datuk Rashid Hasnon did not vote as he was presiding. For the record, 109 MPs were against the motion. Taking into account that Ongkili and Rashid are from Perikatan Nasional, the government has 113 MPs in the House while the opposition has 109.

Some observers opine that the no confidence motion against Muhyiddin put up by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has now been rendered irrelevant assuming that the same voting behaviour takes place, which will see the motion defeated albeit with the slimmest of margins.

Still nothing can be taken for granted. The big question is whether the new Speaker will allow the no confidence motion to be tabled. The motion was accepted and put into the Dewan Rakyat agenda by former Speaker Ariff. Anyway, Muhyiddin will have to ensure full attendance of Perikatan Nasional MPs during subsequent voting, whatever motions might be tabled.

For now, discussions among the opposition on whether they can oust Muhyiddin and form a new government can be put to a rest. Nevertheless, a Pakatan Harapan leader says the Muhyiddin administration “can collapse anytime” given its wafer thin majority. 
Says DAP leader Dr Aziz Bari: “Muhyiddin is not out of the woods yet, especially the survival of his administration.” Umno’s voice, he anticipates, will now become louder as Muhyiddin owes his survival to its support. 

As if on cue, Umno Youth chief Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki questioned whether the Perikatan Nasional government can survive after the narrow win in Parliament. In an immediate response, Asyraf tweeted: “Can the PN government last?” The question refers to whether the government bloc can retain enough support until the next general election which is due in 2023, as the 14th general election was held only two years ago.
Image may contain: text that says 'Dr Asyraf Wajdi @drasyrafwajdi USUL TUKAR SPEAKER LULUS DENGAN MAJORITI TIPIS SOKONG= 111 TOLAK 109 BERKECUALI TIDAK HADIR =1 Mampukah Kerajaan PN ini bertahan? Translate Tweet 1:40 PM 13/07/2020 Twitter for iPhone'
A day before the motion was tabled by Muhyiddin, the Umno Youth leader had suggested that Parliament be dissolved should the motion fail. Umno leaders have been clamouring for a snap election even before the motion was tabled. The party is seen to want to contest the election as Muafakat Nasional together with PAS and not under the Perikatan Nasional banner.

Perikatan Nasional is not an officially registered entity and Umno is not keen to see it registered. It is no secret that Umno wants to be a dominant force at election time. The party is no big fan of Bersatu and many of its leaders have called for the party led by Muhyiddin to be disbanded.

Muhyiddin has the option of waiting it out, trying to fix the division in Bersatu and perhaps strengthen it with new recruits. Umno does not want that as it sees itself as the only party for the Malays.

While Muhyiddin ponders his next move, the words of the Umno youth chief - “will PN last?” - must be ringing in his ears.  Meanwhile, talk of a snap election is picking up momentum once again. - Mohsin Abdullah,mysinchew


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