Update Universiti China Malaysia... >> Berita Malay 18

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Xiamen University Malaysia Campus (XMU) adalah kampus luar negara pertama yang ditetapkan oleh universiti terkemuka China dan kampus cawangan universiti China yang pertama di Malaysia. Ia dibuka pada 2016 dengan kampusnya di Sepang.

Kampus di Sepang dibina di atas tapak seluas 60 hektar dengan lima bangunan akademik, enam kediaman pelajar, pusat kegiatan, kemudahan sukan dan kafeteria.

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Ia bercita-cita untuk menjadi sebuah universiti dengan tinjauan global yang berbeza, menampilkan pengajaran dan penyelidikan kelas pertama, dan menerapkan kepelbagaian budaya. 

Universiti ini bertujuan untuk memupuk bakat-bakat muda dengan kebijaksanaan, menjadikan mereka warganegara rantau ini yang akan menyumbang kepada kesejahteraan rakyat dan kemajuan sosial Malaysia, China dan Asia Tenggara.

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Kampus asal di China ditubuhkan pada tahun 1921 oleh Encik Tan Kah Kee, seorang usahawan dan dermawan terkenal di luar negara China. Xiamen University ialah institusi pengajian tinggi China yang pertama ditubuhkan oleh seorang Cina di luar negara. 

Sebagai seorang yang berintensifkan penyelidikan China, XMU berada di kedudukan ke-11 di tanah besar China oleh Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2015-2016.

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Universiti Cina di Malaysia,sesuatu yang belum pernah ada di dalam sejarah pendidikan Malaysia. 

Dulu puak tertentu dalam MCA bersama2 dengan Persatuan2 UCSC,UCSTA dan beberapa NGO2 beria-ia nak tubuhkan Universiti Merdeka,yang menggunakan Bahasa Cina sebagai bahasa penghantar utama. Tapi usaha itu gagal apabila penaja Universiti Merdeka yang menyaman gomen kerana menolak permohonan mereka kalah kes tersebut di  Mahkamah Persekutuan. Mahkamah Pesekutuan menolak permohonan mereka.

Kini,akhirnya usaha MCA dan kelompok2 ini telah dapat merealisasikan impian mereka dengan kewujudan sebuah Universiti Cina di negara ini,atas nama kampus cawangan Universiti Xianmen. Semua kursus di Universiti Xianmen Malaysia ini akan dikendalikan dalam bahasa Inggeris. 

Sekarang penubuhan Universiti China diluluskan oleh gomen Najib kerana kononnya China mahu memperkukuhkan hubungannya dengan negara-negara Asean termasuk pertalian orang ke orang dan penglibatan mereka secara terus menerus dalam projek2 pembangunan kerajaan.

Apa yang mebimbangkan adalah buat masa ini negara sudah mempunyai beberapa buah universiti awam dan swasta yang masing2 mengeluarankan ribuan graduan tiap2 tahun,yang mana hampir 2/3 dari graduan ini masih menganggur. 

Di samping itu negara ini juga dibanjiri dengan pendatang2 haram dari Indonesia,Bangladesh,
Myanmar,Nepal,Kemboja dsbnya.dengan begitu ramaihinggakan ianya telah menjejaskan keadaan sosio-ekonomi dan keselamatan negara.

Fikirkanlah apa kesannya kepada masyarakat kita nanti bila ribuan lagi graduan Universiti Cina ini bakal mempopulasi pasaran pekerjaan Malaysia?

Nampaknya geng songkok tinggi,Pemuda UMNO,Perkasa,Jamal Jamban,Ali Tonggek membisu seribu bahasa dah kenyang dengan dedak kot...  - t/s

2 people will be charged over 1MDB...

Recall a few days ago about what was said that 'Toilet Paper Is Not Recyclable" ? 

Well a Little bird says that to make himself look good before the coming General Elections the Chief Thief will be sacrificing a few more people, including his close friends.  

The Hippo does not care how close their friends were. Their own survival comes first. They are going to sacrifice a few more of their cronies. 

That Chief Minister in the negeri Hang Tuah is on the hit list.  Baik anugerah Pingat Gagah Berani dulu brader.  Di korban untuk negeri. 

Here is more news about Doraemon. They say that the hotel in Kucing was bought from a group that included Abang Joe. Meaning he was a shareholder in the hotel. 

And get this folks, the sale and purchase of the hotel was approved or okayed by some Economic Council which was chaired by Chief Thief.  In other words they all knew. In other words, they were out to get Doraemon.  

Now Doraemon is upset.  Doraemon has very strong grassroots support in 5 Parliamentary seats in  the State of Negeri 9.  The Chief Thief will face serious rebellion  in those 5 Parliamentary seats. Or, the people there will become very rich soon.

Talk is TWO PEOPLE will be charged in Kuala Lumpur over the 1MDB.  That  dumbshit CEO may be one of the TWO.  Again this is to make Chief Thief look good. 

Has anyone noticed that they have also suddenly stopped criticizing the Third Bridge project?   

The Third Bridge will now continue unmolested.  Talk is the animal was contacted and the problem was solved. One hundred million Malaysian pies were delivered.  End of all problems.

This is just talk ok. - ostb

PAS money tap runs dry...

In the know folks say that PAS is seriously short of funds. The 90 milliom Malaysian pies that was baked specially for the ostard wal retards has gone elsewhere.  Talk is it was more than 90 million pies that were paid to the retards.

By the way here is some news for that UMNO lawyer in Perak who publicly questioned and then threatened himself to sue the Wall Street Journal "by Tuesday".  

It is possible that "the white woman" who runs  The Thingy will be subpoena-ing him to appear in the UK Court proceedings initiated by Jadi Bawang against The Thingy.  The lawyer will be openly grilled in front of the world media.  Better get industrial strength 'ubat cirit birit' now.

Back to PAS, the main reason they are super short of funds is that people are NOT DONATING money into the tin Milo anymore. PAS is now at the bottom of the pits.  

i.  The Harakah newspaper was forced to vacate their premises because the cost of maintaining the rented premises was too high. The Harakah newspaper does not sell anymore.  People use it to line the cat litter box  (tempat kucing berak).

ii.  PAS has converted their main premises in Gombak (Taman Greenwood??) somewhere into a sekolah agama or something.  Also in financial difficulty. The PAS does not have money to pay the teachers  at the school.  Allahu Azeem ! Allahu Azeem ! The children are saved !

iii.  There is a lot of talk that the late Tin Sadin's son was also a beneficiary of those 90 million Malaysian pies.  He used some of the money to enter business - big scale corporate style. Hear this folks - now bisnes dia pun sudah dekat nak bankrap. So damned fast, in double quick time. 

The retards know as much about bisnes as the GLC idiots.  

PAS is in deep shit.  They are not worried about votes. They will not be getting many votes. 

They are worried about money. He who gives PAS money will be their friend. - ostb

Photo published for Go ahead, erase my entire existence, says Dr Mahathir

Tiket final bola sepak habis.Orang ramai membantu membawa
keluar seorang penyokong Harimau Malaya yang pengsan...

30,000 tiket untuk kroni/VVIP...
Bawah ni buktinya...

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KBS - Kementerian Belia dan Sukan...

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