Update When ADUN Act Like A Kindergaden, Unfriend At Facebook And Announce Publicly >> Berita Malay 18

The disagreement over whether negotiations should continue with PAS spills over to social media Facebook, with a DAP state assemblyperson (ADUN) “unfriending” two PKR lawmakers.

No one else but DAP leaders are capable of such idiotic childish behaviour to publicly post that he has unfriended two PKR leaders namely Tian Chua and Shamsul Iskandar on Facebook.

Seriously an ADUN with a kindergarten student mentality? Some are even smarter than him. It is not a problem to unfriend someone in sosial media. It is however a problem for a leader to act immaturely. This is simply pettiness.

In a posting, Tebing Tinggi assemblyperson Ong Boon Piow said he wanted to “unfriend the double-faced leaders.” "I no want to friend you anymore coz you like to talk to PAS" said the Rocket Man.

"Pakatan is moving forward,” he added in reference to the opposition coalition comprising DAP, PKR, Parti Cap Bunga Raya and PAN.

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