Update Now Tun @chedetofficial Want To Stay More Than 2 Years As Prime Minister, 22 Yeara Were Not Enough? >> Berita Malay 18

Tun Dr Mahathir told The Guardian as reported by Malaysiakini,
It won't take too much time to pardon Anwar, but I need to have time in office – two years, three years – because there are things that I need to do, which my experience will help,” Tun M told The Guardian.
Firatly, 2 to 3 years to do what? He had his time 22 years already. Secondly  pardon for Anwar? Meaning that he will interfere in Court matters again?

Stay as long as he like. 3 years would mean he would be only 96 years old then. He normally u-turn on anything and everything. 

So nothing to stop him from u-turning on his promise to PKR and DAP. PKR, DAP and especially Anwar Ibrahim, please prepare to be gamed (again).

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