Update TNB - Terberak Nak Bayaq... >> Berita Malay 18

Pasai nak bayaq gaji pengerusi TNB,depa kena korek dari rakyat, caranya 
naikkan bil letrik.Bila bil letrik bulanan naik habih Terberak Nak Bayaq...

Kami satu family balik berPKP kat kampung dari 18/3 sampai 25/5. So rumah memang kosong. Balik KL lepas raya, tengok bill lebih 2000.00. Camna kitorg pakai sampai 2000 lebih? Mungkin jin atau syaiton kot yang masuk melalui pintu belakang...


Bil TNB naik zaman PH:
Menteri terus siasat, Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST) ambil tindakan dan TNB kena denda RM3.6 juta.

Bil TNB naik zaman PN:
Menteri kata bukan salah TNB, tapi salah pengguna yang keliru.Eh, kebetulan geng dia pengerusi TNB lah.Tahniah kerajaan Melayu-Islang tebuk atap...

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Percubaan Jadikan PNB "Gravy Train"...

Cerita Tan Sri Wan Zulkiflee Wan Ariffin dinyahkan daripada jawatan Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Petronas dan Abdul Jalil Rasheed daripada kerusi yang sama di Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) adalah petanda kehilangan budi dan iman orang Melayu.

Orang Melayu yang diuar-uarkan sebagai sabar dan bertolak ansur sedang dihasut supaya mengamuk atas nama maruah Melayu dan pemerintahan Melayu-Islam.

Dendam Neo-Kleptokrasi

Maka ahli profesional dan eksekutif Melayu taraf dunia yang dilantik oleh kerajaan Pakatan Harapan (PH) – yang ada DAP di dalamnya – untuk membersihkan syarikat pelaburan berkaitan kerajaan (GLIC) dan syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) daripada korupsi elit politik era kleptokrasi Umno-Barisan Nasional telah dan sedang dibuang secara sistematik.

Kalau kerajaan Umno-BN zaman kleptokrasi Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Abdul Razak korup dan hegemonik, kerajaan Perikatan Nasional (PN) pimpinan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin adalah semberono (reckless) dan pendendam (vengeful).

Lebih malang bagi ahli profesional Melayu, kaki pukul (hatchetman) yang dihantar untuk membelasah mereka adalah teknokrat Melayu sendiri. Maaf cakaplah kalau saya kata bahawa dalam konteks ini, Menteri Kewangan, Senator Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz, perlu menilai dirinya sendiri kerana besar kemungkinan beliau kini menjalankan peranan itu.

Ini adalah kerana sebagai Menteri Kewangan beliau mempunyai kuasa yang amat luas ke atas GLIC dan GLC. Siapa lagi kalau bukan beliau yang memecat ahli profesional Melayu dan membawa masuk ahli politik sebagai pengerusi dan ahli lembaga pengarah?
Pinda Akta Pembangunan Petroleum, punca CEO letak jawatan?

Wan Zulkiflee ditunjukkan pintu keluar kerana mempertahankan hak Petronas daripada dijadikan pertaruhan dalam perjudian politik Muhyiddin untuk mendapat sokongan elit politik Sarawak dan mungkin juga selepas ini, Sabah.  Dua buah negeri Borneo ini adalah pengeluar utama minyak dan gas di mana peranan Petronas adalah besar.

Abdul Jalil, anak pegawai imigresen dari Raub, Pahang telah berjaya dihambat keluar daripada PNB atas alasan keraguan mengenai persekolahannya – beza di antara London School of Economics and Politics (LSE) dan University of London. Beliau meletakkan jawatan hari ini.

Isu persekolahan beliau hanyalah alasan. Kalau pihak berkuasa pasaran modal di Singapura, Hong Kong dan United Kingdom yang lebih tinggi piawaiannya boleh memberi lesen kepada Abdul Jalil mengapakah tiba-tiba persekolahan beliau menjadi isu kepada Muhyiddin dan Zafrul serta budak-budak mereka?

Mengapa ia menjadi isu kepada Suruhanjaya Sekuriti (SC) sekarang apabila ia telah meluluskan permohonan beliau pada bulan September lalu?
PNB umum 16 pengurusan kanan baharu, wujudkan bahagian ...

Jumpa Najis

Jawapannya adalah Abdul Jalil dan Pengerusi baru PNB, Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, telah mula menemui dan mengambil tindakan ke atas pelaburan-pelaburan PNB yang meragukan dan bermasalah.

Di sini, saya mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya usahawan Melayu yang berjaya kerana bantuan kerajaan, termasuk melalui Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) tetapi masih bergantung kepada kerajaan dan menjadikan PNB “gravy train” mereka. Saya kenal ramai daripada mereka. Malah saya kenal ibu bapa mereka. Saya menulis seawal tahun 1980-an tentang bagaimana ibu bapa mereka mendapat kontrak dan konsesi di bawah DEB.

Sehingga ini, saya telah berjaya mendapat maklumat mengenai dua atau tiga kes yang mungkin menjadi punca tercetusnya usaha untuk menyingkirkan Abdul Jalil. Satu mengenai pembelian tanah dan satu lagi mengenai pelaburan dalam kegiatan minyak dan gas.

Saya akan menyebut hanya satu kes dulu kerana ia sudah pun dibincangkan secara meluas sejak 2017 lagi. Yang lain itu, tunggu dulu. Kita tengok apa pengganti Abdul Jalil akan buat.

Kes ini adalah berkaitan penjualan sebidang tanah kerajaan seluas 19.14 ekar berhampiran Istana Negara kepada Jakel Land Sdn Bhd dengan harga RM646 juta atau 22 peratus di bawah harga yang diiklankan.

Kita semua tahu bahawa Jakel adalah syarikat anak emas zaman Mohd Najib. Baru-baru ini ia menjadi berita besar apabila salah seorang adik beradiknya menuduh “orang Melayu tak pandai baca”Apa kena mengena Jakel dengan PNB? Jakel Land Sdn Bhd adalah perkongsian sama rata di antara Jbiz Development Sdn Bhd (mewakili Jakel) dengan Symphony Life Bhd dan PNB.

Yang menjadi masalah dan persoalan adalah mengapa hanya PNB yang mengeluarkan lebih banyak duit untuk bayar harga tanah tersebut sedangkan nisbah pegangan saham sama iaitu masing-masing 33.3 peratus. Nampak seolah-oleh peranan Jakel cuma mendapatkan kebenaran membeli tanah dan Symphony menjadi pemaju.

Saya dimaklumkan yang PNB telah memberi “pinjaman” RM225 juta kepada syarikat usaha sama itu. Keseluruhan jumlah yang ditanggung oleh PNB adalah RM250 juta manakala Symphony dan Jakel hanya mengeluarkan RM25 juta setiap satu. Jakel mendakwa dirinya 100 peratus Bumiputera. Kepala empayar adik-beradik ini ialah Datuk Mohamed Faroz Mohamed Jakel.
Mohamed Feroz saudagar nombor satu Jakel

Symphony pula adalah syarikat senaraian Bursa Malaysia yang dimiliki oleh Tan Sri Azman Yahya yang terkenal sebagai Pengarah Urusan Danaharta zaman krisis ekonomi Asia 1997-98.

Diura-urakan yang Ahmad Zulqarnain dari Khazanah Nasional Berhad akan mengambil tempat Abdul Jalil. Beliau pernah bekerja di bawah Azman di Symphony (dulunya Bolton Bhd) dan Danaharta. Azman adalah salah seorang ahli lembaga Pengarah Khazanah yang dilantik oleh Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Abdul Razak ketika menjadi Perdana Menteri merangkap Pengerusi Khazanah.

Peralat PNB

Bagi usahawan Bumiputera yang cuba memperalatkan PNB dengan melobi Muhyiddin dan Zafrul supaya memecat Abdul Jalil atau bertindak dengan cara yang menguntungkan mereka, saya kata "sialan kamu". Tidak cukup lagikah apa yang kamu dan ibu bapa kamu dapat daripada kerajaan sehingga mahu memperkudakan PNB?

PNB adalah instrumen DEB yang bertujuan memberi peluang kepada Bumiputera miskin memiliki sebahagian kecil kekayaan negara. Itu pun mereka hendak “pelekoh” juga?

Kesimpulannya, kalau inilah cara kerajaan Melayu-Islam PN mempolitikkan GLIC dan GLC, kesudahannya hanya profesional dan eksekutif yang tidak berjiwa rakyat dan “mediocre” saja akan bersedia bekerja dengannya. Dewan Bahasa mentakrifkan “mediocre” sebagai “tidak berapa baik”.

Cuma satu saja. Kita bernasib kerana keadaan tidak seperti dahulu lagi. Kerajaan dan pesekongkolnya tidak selamat lagi bersembunyi di belakang tembok kuasa, undang-undang dan kerahsiaan. Media sosial telah memberikan rakyat jelata kuasa untuk memperkasakan mahkamah pendapat umum – the court of public opinion – untuk melawan kerajaan kleptokrasi baru ini.

Namun saya masih ada sedikit keyakinan bahawa masih ada sebilangan kecil melayu profesional yang tidak sanggup menjadi tali barut kepada pencuri dan penyangak kerana di sanubadi mereka tersemat nilai murni untuk melakukan kebaikan kepada negara dan rakyat jelata. - A.Kadir Jasin

Goodbye letter from Abdul Jalil to his colleagues and staff at PNB.

(Saya dibagi tahu gaji Abdul Jalil masa di Singapura RM320,000 sebulan. Dengan PNB RM100,000 sebulan.)

Dear Colleagues,

I’m writing to you personally this time, on a sombre note to inform you that I have resigned as your PGCE, effective today. There were many rumours going around about my impending departure over the weekend, please allow me to clarify.

When I took this role on, I told myself I will never waver in my principles in performing my duties. Oftentimes, making the right decisions is riddled with difficulties and some will be unpopular. The easy route would be to continue enjoying the perks of the office, whilst battling with your own good conscience. I have always believed that no individual is larger than an institution. I have no intention to drag PNB into this. PNB must be safeguarded at all costs. Hence I have chosen the difficult path, one that is lonely and devastating for my family and I.

The last straw for me was the harassment I had to endure from hate calls from unknown numbers, hacking of my other corporate email account and my LinkedIn profile. This made me increasingly worry for the wellbeing of my family. In the end, I decided that it would be unfair to my family should matters escalate. We made a big financial and family sacrifice to relocate back to KL from Singapore because I truly wanted to contribute to nation building. I’m disappointed this has to come to an abrupt end.

I do not regret at all my decision to join PNB. The past 9 months have been rewarding for me. I’ve learnt so much and had the privilege to know you all better. You all have been welcoming, showing me great hospitality and displaying genuine dedication and desire to make PNB a better place. I’m so very proud of all of you for embracing the many changes that came your way; workplace transformation, flexible work arrangement, reorganisation of the firm, Focus-4, stewardship framework and embracing technology. Thank you for your commitment and never ending support.

Thank you to the PNB Board for the wonderful and unwavering support. It’s the best board any CEO can hope for. Special mention to Tan Sri chairman for giving me the opportunity to serve PNB and taking the plunge with an ‘unknown’. I have learnt greatly under her guidance and will have fond memories of our weekly discussions and advice Tan Sri has always given me. I hope one day Tan Sri will write her memoirs so everybody would benefit from her wisdom as I have.

To my leadership team, thank you for believing in me and being supportive of my initiatives. I have tried very hard to be inclusive and widening the decision making process. I apologise I am not able to see this journey through with you till the end. Please continue your initiatives and give the incoming PGCE the same support you have extended me.

To the PGCE office. Dena, who’s always looking out for me and family. Yusri who never allows me to walk anywhere and whom my children adore. Hasni, for always being the glue that keeps Balai Level 3 a cohesive unit. Thank you all for taking care of me. The Strategy team for all the hours you’ve spent with me carving out my vision for PNB. Abbas, my rock who from day one has been on call anytime of the day to co-ordinate the organisation and offer me the sounding board I need. I will miss you all dearly.

Last but not least, my family who throughout last few days have rallied together to give me the confidence and support. My wife especially, who sacrificed her own aspiration in order to allow me to forge ahead in my career. When we moved back to KL, I told her it will be worth it. I’m sorry it did not work out as planned. We celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary on Thursday, a milestone that will have a lot of meaning this time around, as we ponder our next step in life. We take solace that Allah knows best and always with the righteous.

I‘m sorry that I am not able to say goodbye to everybody given the circumstances. I hope I have made a positive contribution to PNB and you as employees feel the change. I wanted to make PNB cool again, and feel we have achieved that somewhat. You can stay in touch with me through Twitter @jalilpnb (I will change my handle) but I will be deactivating my @jalilpnb Instagram account. I plan on taking some time off with my family, to gather my thoughts and decide on my next step.

I would like to apologise if I have offended anyone during my time as PGCE. Please always stay the course, never waver in integrity and always be guided by principles. Always remember we have 14m unitholders that depend on you to give them returns on their hard earned money. It is an Amanah that has been entrusted upon you, and ultimately we are only answerable to One.

Take care of yourselves, take care of PNB. It has been my privilege to be your PGCE. I am signing off for the last time.

Terima kasih dan good-bye.

Will Mahathir and Anwar unite again?...

The intense negotiations within the Pakatan Harapan (PH) leadership to decide on who will lead the coalition have reached a make-or-break point. Amanah and DAP (together with Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s loyalists in Bersatu) are now firmly in favour of uniting behind Mahathir once more with Anwar Ibrahim as his deputy. What’s more, they also seem to have agreed that Mahathir would be the best person to lead them into GE15 should early elections, now a distinct possibility, be called.

Anwar and a number of PKR parliamentarians, however, remain adamant that Mahathir cannot be trusted, and who can blame them. Nevertheless, with his own party still in disarray and bleeding members – thanks to the relentless efforts of Mohamed Azmin Ali to entice PKR members to abandon Anwar – and his ability to win Malay support increasingly in doubt, it is going to be hard for Anwar to resist the pressure.

If it comes to pass, Mahathir would have pulled off another miracle of sorts – with no political party of his own and with only a handful of MPs in his stable, he has managed to leverage his persona and gravitas to claim the leadership of PH once more.

Supporters of the Mahathir-Anwar proposition, including DAP, are now going into overdrive to convince Anwar that it is the best option available. They argue that with Mahathir as head, there’s a better chance of tempting a few more MPs to cross over and perhaps even persuading Gabungan Parti Sarawak to switch sides. Warisan’s support is also contingent on Mahathir heading the ticket. In the end, it’s a numbers game, they point out, and the odds favour Mahathir rather than Anwar.

The same logic they suggest would hold true in the event Muhyiddin triggers an early general election: a Mahathir-Anwar ticket would have a better chance of taking on the combined might of Muhyiddin, Najib Razak and Hadi Awang than a ticket without Mahathir. Both Mahathir and Anwar have their relative strengths and weaknesses as well as their core supporters; if they work together, so the thinking goes, they can maximise their strengths and minimise their weaknesses.

Referencing a Merdeka Centre poll taken last November, they point out that Mahathir is still more popular with Malay voters than Anwar, with 58% of Malay voters picking Mahathir to lead the country compared to only 13% for Anwar. When it came to non-Malay voters, however, Anwar fared much better.

Whatever it is, there is now a palpable sense of urgency within the PH leadership to close ranks given the alarming situation in the country. They feel that if Muhyiddin is not stopped, and stopped soon, he could do irreparable damage to the nation. It is by no means an overstatement. Many feel that Muhyiddin’s reckless and intemperate policies – all predicated upon a desire to stay in office no matter the cost – are driving the country to the brink of catastrophe.

The successful prosecution of high-profile corruption cases involving former Umno politicians is now in doubt. Crony appointments have compromised the integrity of GLCs and statutory bodies. Massive new borrowings (RM35 bil according to the finance minister) to fund pandemic-related recovery programmes will push the nation even further into debt. And the absence of a competent economic team is creating uncertainty.

The Najib factor is also weighing heavily on PH leaders. After rather brilliantly manipulating events, he is now set to rise phoenix-like from the ashes of his GE14 defeat. He is today arguably the most influential Malay leader; he enjoys strong support within Umno and his grassroots appeal remains intact despite the 1Malaysia Development Bhd scandal. If he can leverage his influence and power to shake free from the corruption charges against him, there’ll be no stopping him.

In the light of these developments, a compelling case can certainly be made for PH leaders to put aside their differences, stop the blame game and act quickly. It would be nice if there was someone other than Mahathir to lead them, but there is none, and they don’t have the luxury of time on their side to wait for a less controversial leader to emerge.

The decision to unite behind Mahathir, according to them, is premised not upon any particular devotion to the man but upon political necessity, given the urgency of the situation. Stopping Muhyiddin, they insist, must take precedence over everything else. Such is the gravity of the situation that they have even agreed to put aside discussion on the kind of policies a PH 2.0 administration would pursue; all that, they say, must be left to another time.

It’s hard to disagree, of course, with the argument that the situation in the country is dire. The prospect of corrupt former leaders not only shaking off the charges against them but returning to power once more is deeply distressing. No doubt, a not inconsiderable number of Malaysians might well conclude that if Mahathir is the only one who can bring down the PN government, then so be it. They may not like him but the alternatives are worse. It is a long shot to be sure, but it might be the only shot left for PH. If they can unseat Muhyiddin without triggering early elections, they might get a second chance to set things right; if it ends in fresh elections, all bets are off.

Despite Mahathir’s much-touted ability to bring in the Malay vote, it must be remembered that he fared poorly the last time around with his party winning only 13 of the 52 seats it contested. He also failed to bring in the Malay vote in almost every by-election since. With the Umno-PAS alliance holding steady, it is unlikely that Mahathir will be able to do better. Even the non-Malay vote is by no means certain. Many non-Malays are jaded and jilted, disappointed and despondent; they might not even make the effort to vote in another general election, given the choices before them.

However this plays out, one thing is certain: many voters have lost faith in their leaders and perhaps even in the future of the country. The system is now so corrupt, the malaise so deep, that many are convinced it is beyond repair. How terrible that after some six decades of nation-building, we have come to this, that the future of the nation now rests in the hands of a clutch of unprincipled and untrustworthy leaders. - Dennis Ignatius


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